katrina |
04-03-2016 07:44 AM |
Thanks guys! I was part of the breakfast crew in charge of making sure everyone was fed by 7:30-8am and then I was part of the ribbon judging process and I then left around 11:30am. My team took longer to get through our classes and before we were done, there was also a nice crowd milling in. If that level of traffic kept up (or increased!) then I imagine the vendors did a pretty fair bit of selling yesterday. Fingers crossed for them!
Side note - one of the many benefits of being part of the early crews means you get to look around at what the vendors have before the general public even enters. That's a huge bonus when it comes to being able to grab up those odd balls that vendors usually only have a couple/few to offer. Leaf - when Edgar got there, he had 3 plants laying behind his booth w/a note from me asking that he hold them for me.:biggrin: