Fairorchids |
01-02-2016 08:59 PM |
Dendrobium speciosum, var pendunculatum, 'Walnut Valley'
1 Attachment(s)
I bought this plant in October 2013. It promptly set 7 spikes around New Years. In 2014 NJOS & DCOS shows were 3 weeks apart. When the NJOS show started, the plant had 10 flowers open on the first spike, and 3 weeks later when DCOS show started, it had 10 flowers left on the last spike. I did manage to get a photo of it between the shows.
Last winter it did not spike at all (it was outside in the summer and fall, so it got too much water in October).
This year I left it inside, and tapered off the watering in September. I moved it to a spot, where I could control the watering better.
Today I looked it over, and counted at least 18 spikes, ranging from just starting to starting to separate the individual buds. This year the two shows are 4 weeks apart:
NJOS Jan 15-17.
DCOS Feb 10-14.
So, what are the odds that it can get 18 spikes in, without my being able to show it at either event?