Lady Meera |
08-15-2015 08:56 PM |
Phal, too many new roots?
5 Attachment(s)
**update to ask about leaves. You can't tell from the original pictures I posted, but this Phals leaves are really droopy and leathery, and they are starting to curl in on the sides. I've read this could be because of dehydration from lack of roots. Should I water more or add wet moss to the top of the bark? Or should I let it go since its producing so many roots. It even has another new leaf forming.
Also, could these leave be dying because there are so many new roots busting through them? The new root growth is pretty high up on the base.
I have attached a picture that shows this drooping and such. It should be the last attachment in the bunch.
Thanks in advance and thanks for all the help so far! :D *****
I recently repotted a Phal for the first time since bringing it home and I had to remove a lot of dead/rotten roots. When I left for vacation last week there were 5 new roots growing, which is fantastic. When I came home today (1 week a later) there were a lot more and I'm afraid that this growth is excessive and perhaps I am over-fertilizing. I fertilize my Phals once a week after I water using Jack's Classic Orchid Special (30-10-10) at 1/4 tsp per gallon when they are not in bloom.
I'm concerned because many of these roots are coming out above and between the leaves and in one spot there are so many new roots growing that it looks crammed. This is my first Phal to have noticeable new root growth so I'm not sure what to expect. Is this normal?
I've attached pictures for reference.