besmu |
08-06-2015 07:19 PM |
Hello from Chicagoland!
Hi I live just outside of Chicago in northwestern Indiana. I bought my first orchid about 2 years ago and promptly killed it by watering it profusely everyday! Then about 18-ish months ago I bought another at Whole Foods and actually looked up how to care for it and it did really well. I still have it! I was hooked when my original Phal grew a brand new spike after the first set of flowers were done. This poor baby is a trouper it's been through a lot at my house, knocked over twice by my kids, surviving spider mite infestation, being set next to basil with a fungus gnat infestation, and keiki paste right after repotting but it's still spitting out new growths non-stop! Now I have 6 orchids in my collection and really strange stares from people around here when I talk about my orchids. :lol:
So Hi!