euplusia |
06-19-2015 03:45 PM |
Orchis militaris in wildflower meadow
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The military orchid (also soldier orchid) is the type species for the whole family of orchids. It was descibed in 1753 by Carl von Linne. Two bulbs in the ground reminded people of a boys testicles, and the top petals form a helmet as used by ancient soldiers.
It can be found in nutrient-poor grassland over shell limestone ground, where it flowers in the end of May and beginning of June. Pollinators are bumblebees.
The landscape is also beautiful, inviting people to go out for a walk. Mighty deposits of Jurassic limestone were formed millions of years ago in this area, when the shallow Jurassic sea covered the country and fisch saurians hunted in the warm waters. The flowering plants developed much later.