djf051 |
06-17-2015 02:03 PM |
Spider Mite ID Request
Hi. I've had an infestation of two-spotted false spider mites on my orchids - very easy to see and identify with a ten-power hand lens. Almost three weeks ago I treated them all with insecticidal soap and a miticide (Tau-Fluvalinate).
Inspecting them now I see what I'm pretty sure is another species of mite. First it's transparent/translucent white - not a hint of color, but with a rounder shape, and a single, dark gray spot in the middle of it's body. It's definitely not as narrow as the two-spotted I've seen before.
These new mites may have come from one or more of the three new orchids I have added to my collection after the treatment. I did inspect each very carefully and thoroughly and found no mites or eggs or any leaf damage. I know you're supposed to quarantine new orchids, but I really don't have anywhere to do that.
Can anyone tell me these "new" mites are in fact not two-spotted, and if not, are they still a pest?