smweaver |
12-30-2014 06:33 PM |
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Originally Posted by brsucculents
(Post 723581)
How are you growing it? If it's not too much trouble, a picture of the whole plant would be nice. I have a couple of these and they struggle. I'm planning on mounting them this Spring.
Here are a couple pictures of the plant. It's producing new roots so I repotted it to take advantage of the growth spurt (again, it's a weird plant, as it shouldn't be growing or blooming at this time of year--and I have a couple other plants that do, in fact, "behave" themselves and grow/flower in typical fashion).
It grows hot and humid in the summer (your conditions, I would think, should be ideal where you live), with a cool and dry winter rest. Although it's from a hot climate, all of my plants regularly take mid 50s at night with no problem, but I also keep them fairly dry during the winter months. In the summer they go outdoors, eventually becoming acclimated to direct sunlight for all but the midday period, when they're given a light degree of shade. Good luck with your plant. They're worth the extra effort, in my opinion.
Owen, I gave up on Rhyncholaelia glauca long ago. Too many plants of that species have gone to Orchid Heaven, thanks to my efforts.