Orchid Ash |
08-04-2014 04:54 PM |
Hello from So Cal!
I've been lurking for a while and using all the wonderful resources on this board. Yesterday I took a big step in my orchid care and purchased a small greenhouse for my ever growing but small collection. I'm hoping to get more information and share my successes with everyone here.
I currently have:
3 oncidium
2 Paphiopedalum
1 Zygopetalum (my favorite!)
5 Phalaenopsis
So far I've gotten the oncidium and phalaenopsis to rebloom. The greenhouse is my attempt to increase humidity and possibly get one of the paphs to flower. They are both mottled leaf paphs. I put the greenhouse in morning sun with the door open in the day and a fan running since it gets sooo hot here. I have humidity trays throughout and a temp/humidity sensor so I can adjust as I go. I'm thinking of getting a cool mist humidifier to help with the day time humidity and high temps.
I look forward to learning from everyone's experience!