Suzanne17 |
06-24-2014 12:04 PM |
Newbie screams of joy!
Ok, maybe not screams but I'm pretty excited. My first orchid- the one that started this whole thing!- was a gift given to me in bloom last September which finished its bloom in December 2013- it's a phal so out of cycle. A lovely noid, but I barely remember what it looked like. Pink. Anywho, it's been a lump since then and I wasn't really anticipating much growth or anything from it for a while- when I repotted it in May the roots were fine but no signs of new growth anywhere. Two days ago I noticed something in the crown...thought it was a piece of bark but today! Whee! I'm excited because this is the first "something" that I can truly take credit for- all of the blooms and buds and spikes in my collection came to me that way since I've only started ramping up collecting this month.
Maybe this is a species/hybrid that blooms later in the year...I guess I'll find out. For now I'm just excited as can be about my new leaf.
Edit- LEAVES! Two of my rescues from Lowe's have wee little leaves too!