WhiteRabbit |
02-04-2014 09:54 PM |
Lc Angel Love x C skinneri in bloom
5 Attachment(s)
I got this one at Trader Joe's, summer '09. It's been an easy going plant and a reliable bloomer.
5 spikes, 13 blooms this year :) Unfortunately, when I brought it inside in December (in bud), I had to cram it as best I could on a windowsill - which had the opposite side facing the sun from how it was outside - so flowers are facing every which way :p
When I got this, it looked like a nice compact type Catt, but it's gotten a lot bigger :p Compact rhizome, but this year's pbulbs are 7"; individual leaves are around 7" (and it's bifoliate). Plant is in a 6" plastic pot, but width of plant is around 2'!
Potted in medium fir bark mix. This has taken short periods of both high heat (slightly over 100, shaded), and cold (just above freezing; sheltered). In the past, I left it outside in winter; the plant did fine, but have lost buds due to damp cold.
4" blooms with a very light, pleasant fragrance.
Thanks for looking :)