11-03-2013 06:23 PM |
Norma, I saw your post in Kindra's thread, I am in Miami also, and have one of these, mine is after spikes (I killed both with Orange Guard spray unfortunately), but it has still all the leaves and it is not ready for the winter rest yet. Each plant is different and also each zone is different, since we have still very hot weather, our winter rest may be much later than others. Watch your plant, once you spikes are done, and all leaves or most of them fall off, that's when you start the winter rest. It should be usually by December. I read somewhere, if there are still some leaves in December, than start the rest at the end of December even with these few leaves left! This is the culture I will follow. Read more here:
Sunset Valley Orchids - Superior Hybrids for Orchid Enthusiasts
---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------
Also, it is very important not to water your catasetum when in rest, I have another one that I did receive from Thailand in September, and that one was already in dormancy, all the leaves gone, so as I did pot it, I did not water nor fertilize since that time. It has already 2 new growths now, so this one may be actually out of dormancy sometimes early spring! It all depends on the plant. Most important is no water/fertilizer when in winter rest till new growth is at least 5 inches or has roots at least 3 inches long.