Kevin_PR |
11-02-2013 01:22 PM |
Update on dividing Doritis pulcherrima
2 Attachment(s)
A while back I posted that I divided a Doritis pulcherrima. It was originally a 2 growths plant, that had grown very tall and was starting to tip over. I divided the plant into 3 sections, 2 crowns and 1 base stem. I gave 1 crown away, I kept the base stem and the other crown. I am astounded at how much new growth this plant has put out since I did this. The base stem which is in the first picture has 7 new growths.(3 on the bottom left, 2 on the bottom right and 2 towards the top of the stem). The crown that I kept now has 3 growths total(the original crown is still in tact and sending up 2 side growths through the medium) It may be a year or 2 before It blooms again but It should be quite a show.