10-13-2013 04:32 PM |
My Bulbo's
I decided today that I want a piece of my Bulbo rosary beads outside mounted on round tree fern slab, just because it will look cool, so I did it. When taking the pic, I took also few of my other Bulbo's, I know few people asked me before hod do I grow them or mount them. So here are newly mounted rosary beads, also, rufinum in big plastic basket, than ambrosia mounted on nice cork slab, shirley and sheryl kurizaky in small plastic baskets, my gorgeous medusae also in plastic, and small pardalotum I purchased just few months ago from Seattle Orchids and mounted on the tree fern slab. All happy with our Florida humid weather. I keep all Bulbo's pretty much moist at all times, when mounted I do use cork slabs or tree fern, when in baskets I use mix of small bark chips and sphagnum, medusae is in straight sphagnum for some 2 years and seems it is loving it! I recently got another 5 new Bulbos in my Thailand package, but the condition they arrived is not great, and so I do not post pics till they will recover, I hope:-)