mjHuntingtonBeach |
09-23-2013 06:09 PM |
In response to the question on the second picture, that is Coelogyne Mem. Louis Forget, I picked up a two bulb division at Santa Barbara Orchid Estates last year and it took off for me. Two large new pseudobulbs and four flower spikes, that being the first one to bloom.
What was suggested as a C. aclandiae is a good guess but it is in actuality a C. Peckhavensis which is (C. aclandiae X C. schilleriana). It's a beautiful flower, blooms roughly twice a year for me but sadly the flowers are very ephemeral, lasting maybe 1-2 weeks.
Luckily I live in a temperate enough area that these are all growing out on the patio year round. Most of these are thriving, but I find the vandas less tolerant of my cool nights and cold wet winters, even though all my vandas are crosses with V. coerulea which is supposed to be more temperature tolerant. The vanda in these pictures is V. manuvadee and I have a Vanda Motes Indigo throwing off its first spike in three years which should be blooming in time for Thanksgiving if not sooner.