CR7cristiano |
07-12-2013 05:58 AM |
V. JVB x Ascda Butterfly Dbl spike & V. Usha
8 Attachment(s)
These two lovely semi-teretes are blooming now in one of my gardens so I thought I would show them together. The JVB ascda cross really has dbl spike tendencies in its genetics; not to mention it is a young plant and it has also sent out two keikis at the base and a flower count of 10 i'm very pleased at all this energy it has.
As for V. Usha, what can I say, this is a very robust vanda with a massive bouquet of flowers on a very erect spike. This one also looks to be leaning toward dbl spike tendencies as it progresses. It actually dbl spiked but one of the spikes just took off while the other seemed to abort, but the second spike has started to grow quickly now since the final flower opened on the current flowering spike. At the rate this second spike is moving I could have both spikes in flower as these blooms are extremely long lasting; 2-3 months. As you can see in the pictures it is a massive set of 12 or more flowers. :bowing