professor plant |
04-16-2013 11:23 PM |
Unfortunately the roots have rotted and the plant has dehydarated from not having adequate roots. Since you have treated it with peroxide you will need to pot it quickly into fresh medium. I would go mostly sphagnum moss mixed with perlite and small bark. I would also use rooting hormone on the base of the plant to help stimulate new roots. Pot it into moist media. Make sure it has good drainage, more is better than less. Water it just as it starts to get dry. Watch it for the first few days/ weeks and see how the new growth does. It may not make it to be honest. Sometimes it is better to find a new plant rather than invest the time to revive a struggling one. Especially waiting for it to be healthy enough to bloom.
The good news is, it has a new growth. It's out of the old media, which I suspect was most of the problem. And the intergeneric onc's seem to revive quickly on new growths and they can be rather durable plants.