ElenaMarie |
12-21-2012 06:36 PM |
Visit to Carter & Holmes nets new plants!
Hi everyone!
My mom and I went to Newberry again so I could select some orchids as my birthday and Christmas gifts. All but the main greenhouse were closed but that greenhouse was loaded with goodies! Catts were everywhere but alas, I currently don't have proper conditions for them.
So I picked up the following:
- Paph delenatii
- Paph Mystic Jewel x Paph Maudiae alba
- (Phal Hawaiian Clouds x Shirane) x Phal Florida Snow 'Breckinridge'—I got this in a 6" pot for $15 :) It's HUGE! Leaves more than a foot long.
- Dtps Newberry Parfait 'Picotee' w/ a spike
- Dtps Sogo Manager 'Newberry Sunshine'—Two nice spikes developing!
As always, Mac Holmes was very helpful. We talked about my current growing conditions and what would do well. Alas I wanted a few that won't do well for me but at least I didn't give myself the frustration of trying to grow what won't. It was a great trip and I wanted to share!
:HOXmasX036: :decoratetree::sleigh: