goodgollymissmolly |
12-17-2012 05:06 AM |
Here is an opportunity to learn something important and not well enough understood.
Cattleya (formerly Laeliocattleya) Crystelle Smith 'Gold Throat' is a mericlone. Krull-Smith did it correctly by giving the hundreds (or maybe thousands) of mericlone seedlings a cultivar (clonal) name so that everyone who owns one realizes they own genetically identical plants. Unfortunately this seldom is done and it confuses the cultivar naming system badly when a bunch of identical plants are considered individual seedlings which they are not. They are "divisions" of a single plant and identical to it.
Why does it matter? You can see right here in this thread. The plant that Brooke owns is C. Crystelle Smith 'Gold Throat' AM/CCM-AOS. The plant has an Award of Merit and a Certificate of Cultural Merit. The AM is a flower quality award that applies to every C. Crystelle Smith 'Gold Throat' and if you own one you need to add AM/AOS to its name. The CCM goes to the grower (not the plant) so it does not apply to your plant.
There is at least one other mericlone batch of Crystelle Smith out there,Cattleya Crystelle Smith 'Krull's Hallelujah' HCC/AOS. That is a genetically different plant from Gold Throat.
So if you have either of these plants, you need to keep the cultivar name associated with its hybrid grex name so that others will know exactly what mericlone batch is represented.
Brooke can post her own picture if she wishes or you can find the picture in both AQPlus and Orchids Plus where the award is documented.