iamppdoc |
10-11-2012 08:43 PM |
Fair question. 40 years ago we had a small green house and a nice collection of orchids, in an environment where day/night temperatures took care of themselves. Career and a move required that we give all that up until a new house, 5 years ago, allowed us, again, to have a green house. We have been slowly collecting orchids since. These orchids fended for themselves until my retirement 6 months ago. I would now like to give them the care they deserve. This means learning by reading and asking questions. When reading about the culture of orchids you constantly run across the comment about the difference between day and night temperature and the need for air circulation. Day/night will not provide this temperature swing in a green house if the outside temperature is 40* or below. The temperature is what the thermostat is set at day and night......unless you put in a programable thermostat. But I can't find that anyone uses these. Why? Same question about air circulation. A programable thermostat and a programable light switch, to turn a fan on and off, do not cost much money at all. Why don't people use them? Or, do they? These were my questions.