tucker85 |
04-12-2012 02:42 PM |
My method for repotting cattleyas..
My favorite method for repotting a cattleya is to use a ring stake. You'll need a ring stake either 4" or 6" tall and a rhizome clip (this one is 6"). Both items are available from orchid supply stores like RePotMe.com, Tindara or Green Barn. Use the type made for plastic pots, they'll work on plastic or clay pots. Don't be afraid to bend it any which way you need to, to get it right.
Attach the ring stake to the pot first. Put a small amount of your mix in the pot. Drop the plant in through the top of the ring stake and move it to where you want it. As you can see I like to use a small pot with just enough room for a couple of new psuedobulbs to grow.
Fill in around the roots with your mix. Don't cover the rhizome. The rhizome should stay on the surface of the medium. Find a rhizome clip that's the right size for your pot. Some people make their own but I've never tried to.
Push the rhizome clip down on the side of the pot. It should fit very snug. Don't be afraid to bend the clip any way you need to, to get it to hold the rhizome. In about six months there should be enough roots that you can remove the ring stake or even the rhizome clip but I often just leave them in place. I don't mind the way they look. You can also pot a cattleya just using a rhizome clip but the ringstake makes it easier.