Brassavola Jimminey Cricket (now classified as Rhynchovola)(and its fragrant blooms)
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Presenting: Brassavola Jimminey Cricket (now classified as Rhynchovola) …A cross of Rhyncholaelia (Brassavola) digbyana and Brassavola nodosa(Lady of the Night), this has an odor that goes stronger later at night; coming home at 2am gave me a nice surprise: I was a couple of feet away and it had a fragrance like the narcissus. This plant is 4 yrs old with flowers of greenish sepals and petals and a creamy fringed lip…that blooms on and off during the year(5th time it bloomed for me), and last longer than a month on the plant. In spite of my battle with mites, spiders and fungi...I have so far twentysix bulbs with seven buds about to open and 7 opened flowers...yeey!
Epiphytic with sympodial growth, Brassavola Jimminey Cricket (now classified as Rhynchovola) have stemlike pseudobulbs, terete leaves, and do not grow much higher than 12 inches. They prefer intermediate to warm temperatures and bright light. These beauties are tough and can take direct sun. Drench and let dry.