RJSquirrel |
05-12-2011 05:44 AM |
peloric phals
got one? lemme see your pelorics. They seem to not get much respect. I was reading that some judges wont judge them bec they arent normal. A peloric class needed now for judging?
Peloria in orchids occurs when the petals take on the color and/or the shape of the lip, and may be found anywhere between two extremes
the American Orchid Society refers to peloric flowers as deformed, but if it was hybridized with the intent to be peloric then to me its not deformed, but a genuine Hybrid.
Peloric flowers can be considered a new shape or line of breeding, but whether they are a superior form, or possess good quality is a controversy.
I have some pelorics about to break out and am curious about these so please reply with your ideas on orchid peloria
:D I used to think peloria was a city in Illinoid :)