Pilot |
04-01-2011 12:07 PM |
Originally Posted by Zoi2
(Post 391316)
It's really pretty, I hope it does well for you in vase culture as I am wanting to try my first vanda and the vase idea appeals to me.
Thanks, Joann. I have another vanda in vase culture and it took me a while to figure out how to rig the situation just so in order to get it to do well. It lost most of its roots when I first tried and then over time it finally grew new roots and leaves. Now it's doing really well and it pushing maybe 10 or so new roots that are enormous in size-- not long but very thick (they're just now starting). My environment is exceedingly dry and so the plants spend the morning steeped in water, they're then drained around noon and left to dry out until the next morning. It may seem like a long time to have them in water but I can't water them twice a day and they dry out well every afternoon and night that I'm not seeing rot.
Its a fine line between a dried out root and root rot, it seems!