littlefrog |
09-29-2010 01:53 PM |
Originally Posted by buckie
(Post 348509)
I just love these, was so taken by it I did some research and found that the correct and accepted name for this is Epidendrum peperomia, will keep my eye out for one over here.
Hmmm... That is new. If anything it should be Epidendrum porpax, since that was the name before it was Nanodes porpax, which I think was before Neolehmaniana porpax. Unless there is some valid nomenclatural reason that name doesn't work. Weird. I am not a taxonomist, nor do I play one on TV.
I haven't even changed most of my tags from the name I learned it as (Epidendrum porpax), so I doubt I'll be changing them to this new one. *grin* I don't know if 'accepted' is ever the right word for a name change, you'll get old farts like me who insist on the old names. I've had lots of my plants change names only to change back with a new publication.
As an extreme case, long ago I seem to recall that we had an exhibitor in our region who insisted on entering all of his ladyslippers as cypripediums, because darn it, that was what he learned them as... Not sure how old he must have been to have learned paphs and phrags as cyps, but you can't argue with some people.
Regardless of what you call it, it is a really neat little species.