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Cattleya17 06-24-2010 08:50 AM

Laelia Pacavia-Devastated!
Hey all how ya doin? Today is a sad day I have this giant laelia pacavia it’s got about 5 leads but only two produced sheaths this summer. I was taking pics to show the process of blooming... Seeing the buds in the sheath to when they first erupt then all through bud orientation. I was so happy to get this plant I searched for a year and couldn’t find it and then Santa Barbra Orchid Estate had one. Set me back 84 dollars. Huge plant just stunning and I couldn’t wait for these blooms!

So the flowers were opening yesterday I was takin pics sooo excited! My favorite orchid I own I blooming. They weren’t gonna be done till this morning (that I’m writing about) so I come downstairs and my dad looks at me and says don be too upset when you look outside. Meanwhile I had been dreaming about seeing these flowers. Then I see the flowers destroyed!!!!!!! Ripped to pieces the stems broken! The Squirrels left one flower but it doesn’t even look like a flower! They didn’t even eat the flowers!!!!!!!! They just destroyed them. I’m talking tiny pieces! As if he took his little paws and just ripped it piece by piece!

And they also took out my sensitive plant (Mimosa Pudica)(also didnt eat it just ripped it out of its seedling pot ate the roots) and not only did the squirrel destroy he Urinated on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could smell it! I am sooo angry. There are two buds left that just emerged so I still will get to see them but not how I was soo hoping to see them any body have this happen to them??? :(

mojomick 06-24-2010 09:35 AM

I haven't had this happen to me but I send my sympathy.

stefpix 06-24-2010 11:05 AM

well at least they did not kill/ destroy the plant! Mimosa pudica probably does not live long anyway and you can find seeds easily on ebay. I have issues with squirrels as well. Usually they leave the orchids alone but they ate some mango seedlings and traps of a Dioanea.

I think a home remedy that works for a while until it rains is if you take a bunch of fresh habanero / scotch bonnett peppers [the hotter the better, way hotter than Jalapeños] and some fresh garlic and put it in the blender with some water and spray it / dump it on the plants. around the soil and a bit on the leaves ... Maybe chop some peppers/ garlic and leave some chunks as well.

Izzie 06-24-2010 11:08 AM

I'm so sorry, I really feel for you- I've had squirrels dig up and destroy most of my Pelargonium collection as well.

And steal from my bird feeders.
I keep telling my mom that I'm getting an air-soft gun. :evil:

Such a shame, after all that. I hope that orchid bounces back!
I knocked a developing leaf off of the only lead on my L. anceps division a few weeks ago- within a few days, two of the dormant eyes had taken off and started growing to take it's place. Hopefully yours reacts the same way!

I've heard cayenne pepper paste/spray can deter squirrels, and if not- they make pellets you can spread around that are supposed to repel them.

OrchidSue 06-24-2010 11:09 AM

Bummer :((. I grow inside, so have not personally experienced this. However, I have friends that have had similar experiences. Squirrels are very destructive to plants, especially to whatever your favorite is :tapfoot:.


stefpix 06-24-2010 11:53 AM

and for bird feeders same thing. get some habanereos and mix them. actually birds are insensitive to capsacin usually eat hot peppers and disperse the seeds at a distance. Mammals are sensitive to capsacins. I find habaneros have way more punch than cayenne. it worked for me. Actually I started growing some hot peppers, they are perennials and you can cut them back and overwinter them in many orchid conditions. Bright light, water when dry, ferilize once in a while. Habaneros imported from Jamaica and DR bought at the market actually sprouted from the seeds. squirrels wil jump if they will taste one of those and will not like the smell.

Tropicgirl 06-24-2010 01:20 PM

Sorry to hear about your flowers. I haven't had a problem with squirrels, there's nowhere for them to live near me.

But I have had an infestation of GIANT grasshoppers over the past couple of weeks. They are chewing up a bunch of my outdoor plants but so far haven't touched my orchids. Everytime I see one I warn it to leave my 'chids alone or I'll get my fishing pole! I'd catch a monster fish with one of those whoppers!

My mom lives in Georgia and has tons of squirrels around her house. They get into everything! I think they sit in the trees, watching and planning:

"She seems to really be infatuated with that plant" *snicker, snicker* "As soon as she's not looking, we strike!"

Call_Me_Bob 06-24-2010 02:20 PM

aww!! so so sorry! i would hate it if that happened to my laelia anceps, which is outside.

Cattleya17 06-24-2010 11:57 PM

Thank you guys for the sympathy! i plan to buy repellent tomorrow! i am actually growing some ht peppers they have some baby peppers on them i will mak one of the mixes you reccomended.

i will post pics of the surviving flowers! they are close to opening so they are at the peak of flavor i guess. so i bought it in for the night. i also have a night blooming cereus (epiphyllum oxypettalum) with four buds its also its first blooming so i am on rodent watch! i didnt look but is laelia pacavia fragrant? i hope it is but if not from the looks of the flower shreds it was beautiful....
this is totally embarrasing but as i cleaned up the flower bits i started crying! i was so angry and thats how i react to anger. first time cried for my plant. lol.

Lady Tottington 06-25-2010 12:11 AM

This is so sad!!! I am wearing a big frown for you my friend :(

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