Luksgloria |
05-09-2010 02:24 AM |
Hey guys... i'm new here! I was just wondering how to grow Draculas and found this... I've suddenly fell in love with Dracula vampira (I like dark colored orchids and got Maxillaria Schunkeana too, that's amazing by the way and typical from Espirito Santo state, close to my state). The problem is Draculas come from a very high place in the Andes and my region is totally oposite (like almost at sea level). Humidity is what encourages me, cause I have 90% of humidity all year long and lot of rain too, and summer is hot. Well, I don't know how to handle them, temperature here is around 75-80ºF most of time, except for some rainy nights in July (60º) and during the day in Jan/Feb (it's summer in Brazil...expect 100ºF!!!!).
So, will I kill the plant??? I've heard that some guy once got a Dracula outside and it was Florida summer.What should I do to keep it fine in my tropical weather???!