LinhT |
04-03-2010 05:05 PM |
Thanks for all the comments, guys and gals!
Rosie, are you still one of the mods? Any chance you can change the title of my thread to "Remoun ding instead of "Remounting".
Originally Posted by mollycart1
(Post 301898)
Tracy, this is awesome. I did not know you used that much moss. No wonder why my Neos dry out so quickely.
Naoki, it does look like a lot of moss. So if your neos are doing great, with less moss, you should definitely keep doing it that way.
Originally Posted by Becca
(Post 302057)
I just had to laugh at you dropping the neo into the bag of moss....hehe.
I've accidentally dropped many of them in AND out of their mounds. They just take a lickin' and keep on tickin', hehehe.
Originally Posted by Don Perusse
(Post 302147)
Nice job Tracey. It's one thing to tell someone how to do something and then there is showing. Terrific show 'n' tell. I did notice that when you took off the old moss it was rather dry. The only thing I have done different was to soak the roots after stripping away the old moss and adding the new. Very nice demo. Thanks a bunch. Maybe this will add to our growing group of Neos.
Great point, Don! Yes, most definitely soak the roots before you start wrapping! I did not soak this one because I needed to make the video as short as possible for easier uploading. I've broken quite a few roots in the past by not soaking first, before remounding.
This year, I did something different. Once they all started showing new root growth in the early Spring, I removed the old moss and soaked the neos (entire plant) in a solution of Biogold fertilizer, before I mounded each one. I used about 8 pellets of Biogold per gallon of water. For the rest of this growing season, I'll probably just use HB-101 about once a month and see how that goes this year.