WhiteRabbit |
03-25-2010 04:22 PM |
Originally Posted by fisher60
(Post 300143)
The plant originally had 2 spikes. 1 in flower, the second never did open any of the buds. And it only has 2 bulbs. I have no clue if the spikes were on the original bulb or not. Others have since told me not to try to divide the plant until it gets much bigger. 4-5 bulbs. I did repot it because the roots had grown up out of the pot. I had to cut the pot open to get it out. I know most orchids like to be crowded but this one appeard to be strangling. Now I believe I'll leave it alone and hope it makes it through the summer and re-blooms again this fall.
good call!
Ideally any divisions should consist of 3 pbulbs and a new growth. That said - bigger is better! I don't divide plants unless they would become too big to manage, or someone specifically would like a division, and the plant is large enough for me to feel comfortable doing so.
As to your 'back bulb' question - with cyms - to me at least - this generally refers to old leafless pbulbs, that are generally covered by dead bract foliage giving the appearance the the pbulb is dead. When a cym has sufficient newer growth, these old back bulbs can be removed and propagated. The back bulbs themselves won't grow roots or bloom, but new growth will start. It can be a few years before these become bloom size.