Pamela Dale |
03-13-2010 11:30 AM |
Help with blooming Dendrobium moniliforme
A couple years ago I purchased a small Dendrobium moniliforme 'Ginnryuu' (Silver Dragon) plant. It has put out new growth for me but I have not been able to get it to bloom. Last year it set many buds but they died. This year I thought it was too warm (it lives in my south-facing bathroom) so I put it in my sunroom (also south facing but colder at night) and I stopped watering it. It started to drop leaves and it set new buds. I don't know if I should or shouldn't water it (it is very dry). The buds are not looking great now... as if they want to wither and die as they did last year. The sunroom is south facing and heated in the winter only by a small space heater that keeps the temperature from going below 48 at night. In the day, the temp may go to 75 if the sun is out.