jamesgang |
07-03-2008 11:08 AM |
care for new bare root orchids
I have been collecting oncidium hybrids lately and some came home bare root --- they were quite dry as I am supposing to be sure they would not root rot in the parcel while being shipped-- I soaked them in a lite fertilzer and rooting hormone and also soaked the chunky bark mix and then potted them up and while doing so I realized I could get them done up and not pack the mix to tightly which greatly aided the drainage --a couple needed spike stakes but I really like the liteness of the pot as I am thinking the extra air will aid the roots a lot in getting settled in for some great growing ---2 came with spikes just started so any critic of my methodology would be appreciated...got the mix at HD--suggestions for a better product? PS---also learning that those tiny little pots dry out way faster than the 4" pots do (duh!) James