TaylorEhrhart |
09-27-2024 11:48 AM |
Should I transplant my coleus seedlings into individual pots now?
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Hey y'all, I have been growing coleus from seed and they now have their first set of true leaves working on their second set. I would like to make these semi hydro if I can as they will be indoors (most will be adopted or donated I'm not keeping all of them lol).
Right now they are in a controlled greenhouse I created out of an IKEA cabinet and I have grow lights, a fan, and the humidity is between 60-70.
They are long because I didn't have the grow light the whole time, I have fed them liquid fertilizer a couple times so far. Do I need to transfer them into their own little pot now? I have little solo cups and little net pots that will work perfect for each one. I have to use these green clips to help keep them up right so l'm thinking I need to transplant them. Any advice is helpful as I am new to this. Thank you!