BrassCat |
06-06-2024 01:13 PM |
Fungus Gnat Control for People with weak arms!
Hello all!
I've sought advice here before about fungus gnats and learned that the advised treatment is to use mosquito dunks. Given that they take time to dissolve/treat the water before you can use it to water the orchids, I leave them in gallon sized watering cans. But! My arms and hands are weak and it is extremely hard for me to lift the gallon jugs to fact, it hurts my wrists. It's really negatively impacting my enjoyment of my collection because I hate the flies, but my normal favorite part of watering is ruined by the pain of holding the heavy mosquito dunk what do those of you do with weak/small arms? I can't be the only one.
I guess this also relates to another issue I have with the dunks: since they have to wait in the water (I usually try at least 24 hrs), I also get frustrated that I can't water in a large block of time...I'm limited to however many I can water with one gallon of water. Is there anything else to do to increase available dunk water?
Just a few other comments to offset potential other responses: I have predominately phals, but also cattleya, oncidium, etc. I can't use a fan pointed at collection because they are spread throughout my apartment in different windows (grow all in windowsills). I use bark primarily, but I depending on the plant, I do have some moss, coco husk, etc mixed in--I use high quality materials from RepotMe. I am not overwatering, if anything I should probably water more, I'm in southern california. I had an issue with fungus gnats a couple years ago, resolved it using the dunks and disposal of most infected orchids, but unfortunately they have returned again...
Thank you all for your help and ideas! :bowing