Autumn Child |
05-05-2024 05:53 AM |
C. Walkeriana semi alba "Tokyo 1"?
4 Attachment(s)
Recently, I got back into orchid growing after I settle down a bit from hectic work and family life. I started this hobby more than 15 years ago and had hundreds of orchids. Due to constant moving, busy schedule and family life, most of my orchid has died to disease and sub optimal growing space. However, out of the hundreds, this particular cattleya seems to beat the odd and have survived for more than 13 years. It has grown so huge that I divided it into two plants. It has bloomed semi reliably annually in spring time with one or two flowers. Unfortunately, it has lost its label a long long time ago. Now I can't remember what it was. I remembered having an award winning C. Walkeriana OG with and AM/AOS award and a massive price tag, but forgot the actual name. So I looked at the internet for the closest resembling plant which is the Tokyo No 1. This plant seems huge compared to the C. Walkeriana Coerulea that I had grown before. The bulb size is huge and the leaves are very thick and durable. It actually look like two different plant species than the coerulea variety. Can anyone confirm if this is the right plant?