Rothrock42 |
03-04-2023 11:19 AM |
Den. Finisterrae and Coel. Incrassata repot
Recently got two new orchids and both need repotting. The Dendrobium finisterrae was in pretty decayed and wet bark and doesn’t have a lot of roots. But it does have a vigorous new growth which is about an inch tall. So I’m thinking now is a good time. I’m thinking a slightly larger pot with fresh bark and some perlite. Anyone have experiences I should know about?
The Coelogyne incrassata was in a net pot with long sphagnum packed quite densely. It probably would have been fine for one more year, but it did have quite a bit of moss growing on it and I wanted to check on things. My understanding is that they really like be quite damp. I could redo in the pot with moss or coconut husk. For really wet loving plants I prefer the husks to moss.
A member of our society brought one in for show and tell last month and I think his was mounted. That would be neat, but I have no idea how I would keep it watered. I do have some tree fern poles that might hold enough water for it. Any thoughts?