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10-04-2022 02:56 PM |
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A good beginner thread for Phalaenopsis can be found from the left yellow menu. Choose Forums then Beginners. Near the top is a sticky thread The Phal. abuse stops here.
You can find out about the Brassavola in the Cattleya Alliance forum. Genus Brassavola is a close relative of Cattleya, and can hybridize with it.
Zygopetalum is in the Maxillaria Alliance forum. For now realize they need to stay very moist, without drying out, and stay cooler than most other orchids.
The Aliceara is what is called a complex intergeneric Oncidium hybrid. There are mutliple genera of orchids related to Oncidiums that are hybridized to produce these. People refer to them as Oncidum hybrids, or complex Oncidium hybrids. Your plant might actually be Aliceara Hilo Ablaze 'Hilo Gold'. Aliceara is the name of the artificial genus. Hilo Ablaze is the name of the cross. 'Hilo Gold' enclosed in single quotes is the name of one particularly good seedling people decided was worth propagating en masse. Oncidiums also need to stay moist, but they are OK with intermediate to warm temperatures. This one tolerates hot temperatures.
To make things more difficult, botanists have renamed some of the genera in the background of Hilo Ablaze. That led to the hybrid getting a new name, too. It is correctly Gombrassiltonia Hilo Ablaze. Orchid growers get used to the name changes. It means if you go looking on the Internet you might find information under either or both names.
The place to look up correct names (and partial name tags!) is For example, here is your Gombrassiltonia/Aliceara.