PlumCrazy |
07-06-2022 03:46 PM |
Neo falcata, Epi kockii x Soph cocc, Diplocaulobium tentaculatum
6 Attachment(s)
Neofinetia falcata 'kishu ryofuku' - I had wanted to try one of these, so specifically had in mind to purchase one from New World Orchids last September at the Chicagoland Orchid Festival. I wasn't sure if it would be too humid in my orchidarium, but Kristen said she thought my conditions sounded fine so I took this home. I do like this one, but fortunately, I have not developed the fever that so many people have for these! I told my husband he's very lucky, because had I caught this horrid disease, I would easily be spending hundreds on just one more of these things... Anyway, I had read somewhere that given lower light, this type will be greener. It's hard to tell in my pics, but it worked. It's not a super dark green, but if you asked someone the color, they would say green.
Epidendrum kockii x Sophronitis coccinea 'Tokio' - I purchased this one last July from Ecuagenera. A lot of the leaves turned brown and sections of them shriveled, so I was worried my tank was too warm for it since it has the Sophronitis in it, but it eventually adapted to it's new environment and started getting new growths, and now 3 blooms:) There were no pictures, so I didn't know what to expect. The blooms are around the size of mini phals you see in the grocery store. It's color is a little washed out, kind of a mauve with the naked eye. It is an interesting one.
Diplocaulobium tentaculatum (species mini) - Less than one day bloomer - booooo! I got this in August of 2020 from Andy's, so is one of the survivors of the establishment of my tank. It just sat for a long time. About 6 weeks ago, I saw a pink flower on it, and was excited until I looked closer and saw that I had missed it's first bloom. A few weeks later, I saw a spike so was watching it like a hawk. It bloomed mid day. I snapped one pic and got a phone call I had to take. By the time I went back a few hours later to take proper pics, it was done. Not sure if will start producing longer lasting blooms or if that is all you get. I will say, it did look very nice for the several seconds I saw it!