sweta |
08-02-2021 07:05 PM |
Phal with weird bumpy leaf surface
8 Attachment(s)
Hello friends,
I just noticed a leaf on one of my phals that developed bumps on the bottom part of a new leaf. What could this be? Is there anythiing to worry about? Should I separate this plant from others? I had this phal for a year now and it was repotted into bark shortly after I bought it. I water every 1 week during the winter and once every 3-4 days during the summer. My home is pretty dry and now that its summer temperatures go uptp 85 deg. It has a very strong root system. It hasnt rebloomed after I cut out the flower spiles last year fall. It grew 2 leaves since last fall and another new leaf is coming out.I fertilize it every 2 week during summer .