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shakkai 04-01-2008 04:34 AM

Monthly Status Reports - April 2008
1 Attachment(s)
Spring is here and lots of new growth is going on!

First, what's still in flower:








Paph. hainanense: http://www.orchidboard.com/community...ost-bloom.html


Two NOID Paphs: http://www.orchidboard.com/community...tead-moss.html


Miniature peloric Phal: http://www.orchidboard.com/community...html#post90862


Phal. Brother Lancer:
Attachment 10901

In bud:


A NOID NOID, some kind of Oncidium type probably, picked up for £1 at the garden centre where it was completely dehydrated (but better than completely wet and rotted!) It only had one p-bulb, but has since completed growth on a second p-bulb, and that is now in spike. I can't wait to see the flower so that I know what it is!! Here's the link to the thread http://www.orchidboard.com/community...dys-guess.html

Sedirea japonica (one of two, the other has a tiny 'nubbin' that hasn't really taken off yet).

I think I see one (1!!!) bud on Den. jacobsonii. I think I let this plant get too dry over winter, but I do see new canes starting to form now. I'll know better next year!

Leptotes bicolor - only one bud on this one as well, but I bought it as a young plant, so I'm happy. :)

Coelogyne ochracea (syn. nitida IOSPE PHOTOS) - has a spike, or new growth??? I've never seen this flower, so I can't tell. Here is the post with pics: http://www.orchidboard.com/community...-ochracea.html

In growth - tons of stuff!!

Many of the Paphs are growing new leaves now.

All of my Phrags are putting out new growths. My Phrag. Silver Rose (bought as a 2 growth young seedling last year) is putting out two new growths!

All of the Brassia and Encyclia (or whatever they are called now...) have new p-bulbs starting.

Many of the Den. kingianum hybrids are growing new canes - and lots of them! Boy, these plants will get big quick!! :biggrin:

Den. spectabile (which I shouldn't be able to grow as it is far from warm here...) has three new growths. Maybe I can grow it but not flower it? We'll see!

All of my Masdies seem to be putting on new growths left and right.

Sophronitis coccinea matured one new growth last year. This year Sophie has two new growths, and lots of nice new roots!! Alas, no flowers yet!!! :(

What else?

My Project 4 Aerangis seems to be resting... a bit of root growth, but nothing much since it matured its new leaf. Same with the other ones I have. I think I see what might be the beginning of a spike (a nubbin!!) on the modesta x mystacidii, though.

I'm also kinda worried about Phal. lowii... When I got it, it was going dormant and duly lost all of its leaves. The roots have stayed nice and healthy through the winter, but I don't yet see new leaf growth. When should I start worrying??? (Too late, I guess, as I've already started to worry.... Maybe I should say 'When do I start to panic????'!!!)

Oh, and there are the new babies I just http://www.orchidboard.com/community...deflasked.html to keep my busy!!

kiki-do 04-01-2008 09:38 AM

Wow, lots going on at your place. Can't help you with the Phal. lowii, sorry, but wanted to say it all sounds so wonderful! We should require group pics with this post. Wouldn't that be great????? :)

shakkai 04-01-2008 05:21 PM

Kiki, That's why I tried to link in as many posts as I could. I really think its great to see everyone's 'chids and how they are doing. I took some photos, but I've not had time to download them tonight. (Trying to fix my neighbors hard drive problem instead!)

So, more tomorrow....

shakkai 04-03-2008 03:53 AM

More photos now, Kiki!! (And I also put in links to the other threads....)

cb977 04-10-2008 08:19 PM

Okay, haven't added to one of these threads in a while so...

In Bloom

Phal equestris (Three Times a Lady x Blue Too) - one last bloom and a keiki on each of three spikes
Phal equestris 'Hillbrook'
Phal equestris 'Orange'
Tolumnia NOID - 3 spikes in bloom
Sarcoglottis sceptrodes
Epi pseudoepidendrum
Phaius tankervilleae
Phaius Dan Rosenberg 'Tropical Ice'
Phal Maraldee 'Brother'
Rod lanceolata
Phal stuartiana - 5 plants in bloom, 1 in spike, 2 with nothing happening yet
Phal lobbii
Phal NOID - yellow
Phal bellina - Freakazoid orchid! Two blooms, first one from August still attached!
V Pat Delight - 3 spikes
Ascda Yeo Geck Bee
V Chao Praya Sapphire x V Banghuntkian Gold
Den aphyllum
Den loddegessii
Phcal Kryptonite 'Chariot of Fire'
Masd vargasii x Masd triangularis
Ctna Why Not 'Roundabout'
Asctm ampullaceum 'Mr Del-Rei'
Bsp Robert Randall
Bark Marsh Melton
Rrm Apple Blossom x Tolu Elfin Star
Den Aussie Chip
Angcm sesquipedale
Onc Firebird Sundance
Onc Passionata 'Red Galaxy'
Epi piliferum
Max tenuifolia - one bloom (need to work on this one!)

In Bud and/or spike

Epi NOID - Reed-stem - in bud
Miltoniopsis Maui Sunset - in bud
Peristeria elata - in bud
Aer falcata - 2 spikes (first ever for me, waited two years!)
Ascda Busaraporn - 2 spikes in bud
V David Gardner 'Za Inat' - spike
Slc Ken Dream - 2 sheaths
Slc Hsin Buu Lady - 2 sheaths
B cordata - 6 spikes!
Phal Fajen's Fireworks - spike
Phal Little Mary - in bud
Phal NOID - in spike
Phal Nobby's Amy - in bud
Phal violacea x (violacea x BeTris) - 2 spikes
Iwan Apple Blossom - sheath
Sedirea japonica 'Daruma Minamru' in bud
Neo falcata 'Benisuzume' - in spike
E cochleata

New growths

Brassia Rex
Gramm scriptum 'citrinum'
Blc Daffodil
Bro sanguinea
8 Cyms...couldn't get to the tags right now
Two - Den Singapore
C. intermedia v. orlata
C. bowringiana
Den Nopporn Pink
Den Singapore White
Den Banana Royale
Den Yellow Song 'Canary'
Den Spring Dream 'Kumiko'
Den Chasrai Gold
Den farmeri x griffithianaum
Ctsm Rebecca Northen 'Pink Fragrance'
B Little Stars
Bc Yellow Bird
L reginae
Den unicum - about 8 nubbins!
Den senile
Den Christina Princess
Bulb lasiochilum
Bulb Frank Smith
Bulb Doris Dukes
Cirr Sheryl Kurazaki
Onc Tsiku Marguerite
C Chocolate Drop
C Penny Kuroda
Six - Pot Miya's Radiance 'Red Beauty'
Six - Bc Hawaiian Passion 'Carmela'
Lc Purple Cascade
Den Little Green Apples
Den oligophyylum - multiple plants / multiple growths
Slc Dream Catcher
Blc George King 'Serendipity'
Den anosum
Stan lietzii
Two Mystery Catts - these have names but I have to bloom them before the person who gave them to me will tell me what they are :) A challenge, of sorts ;)
Sc Cosmos
L tenebrosa
Lcr Winter Fantasy
Blc Beauty Girl
Lc Stephen Oliver Fouraker
C Celia
C Easter Glory x Easter Treasure
Blc Wainae Leopard
L purpurata
Phal cornu-cervi
Mac petola
Pot Susan Fender
Diaca Chantilly Lace 'Twinkle'
C luteola
Cymbidiella rhodochila
Lc Mini Purple
Six - Blc Hawaiian Passion 'Carmela'
Six - Pot Miya's Radiance 'Red Beauty'
All the Paphs have new fans growing
Neo falcata - 4 new fans
Mtssa Dark Star 'Darth Vader'

cb977 04-11-2008 08:56 AM


Where is everybody else's report? I'm sure there's lots of stuff happening all over the OB world!

Ross 04-11-2008 11:48 AM

In spike/bud

Dendrobium senile
Encyclia tampensis
Miltonidium Issaku Nagata 'Volcanoe Queen'
Paph. Goulterianum 'France' x Alma Gavaert 'Hager'
Paph. sukhakulii
Paph. venustum album
Phalenopsis Mini Mark Holmes
Tolumnia Sniffen (Irene Gleason x Golden Sunset)
Bulbophyllum psychoon
Dyakia hendersonianium
Haraella odorata

In flower

Cischweinfia horichii
Dendrobium aberrans
Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter 'Morning Joy'
Epidendrum ellipticum
Epidendrum quitensium
Tolumnia Jairak Rainbow 'Pink'
NOID Phalenopsis (white/rose)

cb977 04-11-2008 11:58 AM

Cool, Ross!
You've got some great stuff happening there! :banana:

shakkai 04-11-2008 12:47 PM

Ross, I've got a seedling of Paph. venustum v. album - a couple of years away from flowering. I'll be looking forward to photos of your's when it flowers!!!

quiltergal 04-12-2008 12:26 AM

Here's what's happening at my house. I think I may have finally broken the Cattleya curse! I love spring. :)

In Bloom:

Epi. Pacific Girl x Pacific Embers - almost all flowers open.
Den. Frosty Dawn –11 flowers open.
P. NOID White Magenta Lip – 6 blooms, last opened 4/10
P. NOID Birthday White – 2 flowers open, loads more to go.
Paph. lemianum purchased in Feb. at WOS . First bud opened 3/18, second starting to open.
Den. NOID nobile – 3 flowers
Phrag. Sedenii One bud open, one to go

In Spike:

P. bellina – growing another new leaf.
Dtps. Malibu Merlot – growing a single new spike. Also first new spike for me.
C. Summer Spot ‘Carmela’ – single bud nicely developed, should open any day
Milt. NOID – Sending up a small spike with 2 buds. First rebloom for me.
Blc. Haw Yuan Beauty ‘Spice Girl’ – 2 buds on recently matured new growth, sending up another new growth.
Phal. equestris - growing a Keiki, and is now sending up a new spike
Den. jenkinsii – first spike for me
Colmanara Wildcat ‘Carmela’ – 1 spike from new growth 1st rebloom for me
Pot. Hawaiian Prominence ‘Carmela’ – 2 buds. Have had this for 4 years, 1st rebloom for me

Actively Growing:
Odcm. Mayfair ‘Golden Gate’ – sending up two new growths
C. Chocolate Drop ‘Volcano Queen’ - growing a new growth. Repotted 4/6/08
Slc. Lakeland – the nearly dead s/h experiment plant, moved back to coco 4/6/08.
Dtps. Kenneth Schubert ‘Purple Martin’ – growing another new leaf & new
roots. Repotted 4/6/08 in coco. Got those weird leaf blisters on newest leaf right after repotting.
P. Bright Peacock ‘Maple Bridge’ – growing new leaf.
P. SIO’s Night Leopard – I'd say this plant has fully recovered from it's s/h trauma. Growing 2 new roots.
Bllra. Marfitch ‘Howard’s Dream’ – New growths mature, no sign of spikes. Scale is looking better.
Sederia japonica – growing a new leaf. Seems to have responded well to increased light levels.
Epi. NOID – small keiki growing a new growth and 2 new roots
Vuyl. Ensan Fantasy– rescued 12/29/07. Growing a new growth. Moved to s/h 4/6/08
Blc. Chia Lin ‘New City’ AM/AOS – Christmas gift. Growing a new growth. Repotted 4/6/08 in coco. Had a fair amount of old root rot, but also lots of new roots.
B. nodosa growing a new growth. Repotted 4/6/08 in coco.
Aerangis luteo-alba rhodostica growing another new leaf. Repotted into a slat basket with coco 4/6/08.
Den. fimbriatum oculatum – is sending up a tiny new growth.
L. Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’ HCC/AOS growing 7 new growths
Den. Paskel Kuning ‘Hawaii’ – sending up a new growth, also looks like it’s going to Keiki off last year’s cane.
Mtssa. Dark Star ‘Darth Vader’ Purchased Feb. at WOS. Tiny division sending up 2 new growths.


Blc. Mem. Vida Lee ‘Limelight’
Paph. Pink Sky Purchased in Feb. at WOS.
Paph. delenatii
P. Flower Child ‘Carmela’

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