arpaschoaleto |
06-10-2019 04:51 PM |
Originally Posted by rbarata
(Post 897243)
Which ones do you have?
I have a milleri and a vasconcelosiana.
I've been trying to collect information about the vasconcelosiana care, especially light intensity and minimum temperature. Both haven't bloomed yet under my care.
I have a Laelia crispata flava (though it seems it has been moved to Hofffmannseggella crispata, not too sure about the genus now, and this one is recovering fine from a recent snail infestation), and three Hoffmannseggella: alvarenguensis, macrobulbosa and rupestris, recently bought (about three weeks). I’m growing them in the same conditions as a C. walkeriana and they’re doing fine – though I saw at orchidspecies that macrobulbosa need more luminosity, so I’ll move it later.
How do you grow yours? I saw that milleri needs more luminosity, and vasconceliana demands more shade... About the temperature, my guess is that it shouldn't be too much under 12°C... I hope I could be of any help...
Found some info of it as Cattleya vasconcelosiana, though it seems I can't put links here yet... So, for the milleri, take a look at the cncflora and for the vasconcelosiana, look for the floresbella post and the orquideasfloresperfeitas one.