LittleBigOwl |
04-16-2019 11:03 PM |
Orchids leaves are not opening!
Hello Orchid Board! Not sure if i post it in the right place but anyway.
I have couple of orchids - two cattleyas in lava rocks and clay pots and grammatocymbydium in bark and plastic pot. All three started new growth almost at the same time. All were doing great until one day i noticed that one of two new cattleya leaves looks kinda weird. And i found out that leaf was kinda bent and was not open at all. So i had to do it by myself and it felt like both parts of it were glued together. Then it happened with another cattleya and now is happening with both new growths of Grammatocymbidium. Leaves feel like they are glued together and i have to help them by myself.
Roots are in perfect condition, other cattleyas and cymbidiums don`t have this issue. What could it be? Dehydration? Pests? Too much sun? I am lost. Thanks for any help in advance.