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Optimist 05-14-2018 09:49 AM

Losing my shadehouse! (dog rescue)
So I know this is the pet forum, but this is somewhat pet related. The tenants (we have a rental) are babysitting for this ultra cute pit bull puppy who is 100% totally white, and very cute. She is about full sized at the moment, and for some reason, she knows how to jump a fence (this whould have been discouraged long ago). So the renter put her on a chain (the chain attached to the doghouse) inside the 5 foot cinder-block fence that goes around the rental property.

Last night I was writing a paper and heard a crying dog. It got my attention, but I did nothing. I then heard it again, and again, and it was getting more urgent, more "scared" sounding, and also seemed very close.

I went out (gradually) opened our gate, looked around for the sound, and found the little white pitbull hanging from her neck with the chain totally wedged in the gate of the 5-foot fence! She was strangling, and I felt awful because I did not come right away. (Her owners were somewhere else).

I struggled to get her off because the leash was badly wedged. I had never met the dog so I was a bit concerned she might bite me, but I was more worried about her welfare. So I finally got her un-hung, brought her into my yard, gave her some water, and calmed her down (I did not want her to jump again).

Finally, the tenant came back and I explained what had happened. He then put her on a shorter leash so she had very little ability to move.

So now I am taking apart my kennel (which is my shade house) to bring over for the dog to use.

So now my orchids are going to be on a table under the tree.

Dollythehun 05-14-2018 10:21 AM

You are a gem, Optimist. I think your story raises a few questions for me, though. To start, why is the dog outside? Isn't it super hot where you are? Just askin'...

Optimist 05-14-2018 03:46 PM

She was an indoor dog. They put it outside because they just moved in and did not want the dog to scratch the finish of the floor with her nails. She was very scared and lonely. Anyway, today we found they had lied about "dogsitting" and it is theirs, but they are "giving it away." Sheesh. In this town that means it will end up in the pound somehow.

The dog house is under a giant tree. The dog is in the house today because we brought a piece of plywood over so they can keep it in the kitchen.

Sadly, as pretty and cute as she is, I am not taking her, and we already have a dog (and a cat) left by a past tenant.

Dollythehun 05-14-2018 04:21 PM

Well, I can relate to part of this, the floor part. Booties? Nail covers? Why did they rent a place that wasn't a good fit for that member of the family? Apparently, she's expendable. I wonder what else they've lied about? Maybe they can post her on social media? This is all wrong on several levels. You've gone the extra mile for sure! Stories, Optimist, I have stories...

Optimist 05-14-2018 06:26 PM

Oh yeah, the average rent is about 700$ but we rent it for 300$ and the time before last time we had a guy who "invited" a bunch of homeless people to live there, and with them came a parking lot full of cars coming and going at all times of the day or night, (buying crack) then last time, it was a lady whose female dog constantly got knocked up by a pit bull who jumped the fence so she always had puppies around (I kind of like one of them too!), and you know-- I am sticking to my guns. No more dogs! Why don't people around here get them fixed? They also invited a huge extended family to live in the house (this is a little tiny 400-500 SF house). I love the whole idea of family, but really, this is ridiculous, and it is also breaking the lease (I actually finally got him to use a contract! after the "crack-house" thing.)

I know they have probably lied about other things. I'm sorry to say that this is a town where lying is par for the course. And to get a 300$ separate house with a landlord who is so easy going is really worth a lot.

Dollythehun 05-14-2018 06:37 PM

We often say that people move to the county to have a place to out their junk and let their dogs run loose. Our neighbor, who triple cuts his lawn, has 3 beagles who are apparently untrained. Stepping out in the deck, 400' away sets off the baying. And on and on it goes...

Mountaineer370 05-14-2018 08:41 PM

Optimist, you are an angel for saving that poor dog from hanging and trying your best to help her situation now. I think the orchids will understand.

So the owners want to "give her away." Is there any chance you can talk them into surrendering her to a reputable rescue group? I have no idea what part of New Mexico you are in, but there must be dog rescue organizations in your area, some of them perhaps dedicated to the pittie breeds. Just a quick Google search turned up this one in Albuquerque:


It's terrible for any dog to have to live their life chained up outside. Dogs are social creatures that need to feel like they are part of a family. My hope is that this dog's fate is not yet sealed and that she still has a chance to find a loving home.

Dollythehun 05-14-2018 08:47 PM

She's an angel of a land lord, too.

Optimist 05-14-2018 10:42 PM

we put up the kennel. The little dog did not jump over it or climb it (waiting for the other shoe to drop).

You know? it is worse than you think-- as far as the dog being banished to the outside-- I think she is deaf. She can't hear a thing. And no these people spend no time with her, and I wonder what they were thinking.

no, there are no rescues here. This is a small town of 30K. You also cannot give a dog to a rescue unless you are the owner, or if you are a rescue yourself. The so-called shelter kills them. If they are turned in they are killed that day. If they are found on the street they have 3 days to live. Their bail is 500 dollars and no one can pay that, so most people just let them euthanize the dog and then get another puppy.

Hate it here-- moving soon.

estación seca 05-15-2018 02:24 AM

White pit bulls are all deaf.

Dollythehun 05-15-2018 06:42 AM

As are most white cats. I am so sorry, optimist. You've done what you can. What about posting on social media? As Cheri said, our pets need our love, not chains.

Optimist 05-15-2018 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Dollythehun (Post 875650)
As are most white cats. I am so sorry, optimist. You've done what you can. What about posting on social media? As Cheri said, our pets need our love, not chains.

Because, in a sense, it is not my business. I do not believe in interfering with other people's decisions. They are adults (a married couple) and need to learn to do things for themselves. I know they are very immature people because of the dog thing, and honestly, they have not even thanked us (entitled millinials) but really, I am not going to be their mother.

Dollythehun 05-15-2018 01:27 PM

I understand.

greenpassion 05-17-2018 02:41 PM

This was heartbreaking to read this. I can't fathom animal abuse of any kind. If I were there I'd take her, come back to Vermont and give her to a rescue. I know of a dog currently that is being abused on a daily basis, and I want to somehow steal it away to safety...

Optimist 05-17-2018 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by greenpassion (Post 875841)
This was heartbreaking to read this. I can't fathom animal abuse of any kind. If I were there I'd take her, come back to Vermont and give her to a rescue. I know of a dog currently that is being abused on a daily basis, and I want to somehow steal it away to safety...

I totally understand. I am at the end of my pet-owning days. In 2 years I will be 60. I do not want any more animals. I really do not want any. And, legally, if they are the legal owners, they need to do something. As far As I can see, the dog has good housing (thanks to me,) water, and well, not a lot of human love, but legally animals are property and you need to give them shelter and food and some legal vetting that is it. It is a puppy and whines a lot, but most puppies do when they are left outside.

greenpassion 05-17-2018 08:13 PM

I will be 60 tomorrow. And I hear you about no more animals, although I have two dogs, which are both rescues. I say no more animals now but I have a feeling when Obie and Loki pass I will feel the need to have another dog...

Optimist 05-18-2018 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by greenpassion (Post 875856)
I will be 60 tomorrow. And I hear you about no more animals, although I have two dogs, which are both rescues. I say no more animals now but I have a feeling when Obie and Loki pass I will feel the need to have another dog...

I am trying to become more able to leave the house on trips of over a few days without having to A, take dogs with me or B, get a pet-sitter. I do not feel particularly guilty about leaving a cat alone for a week (with plenty of food, water and litter box of course), but not a dog.

My 1st dog died this month, and although I loved him, I have this "one down, one to go" type thought going through my head. No, no more dogs.

Oh, I was a cat person all my life. When I was 46 or 47 I agreed to take a chihuahua puppy who was being "gotten rid of" (they did not care, just as long is it was out of their lives). That was my first dog. The next dog, I got to "keep him company" because I was really not a dog person, and thought a dog would be a better companion for him (that is my second dog). So all in all, I was kind of roped into the first one because I felt sorry for him. I think they have lived a good life, but I really have less emotional attachment to them than you might think. I like cats on the other hand-- but not too many cats. One is fine. I guess I am not a "pet" person. I tried and tried, but I can never be one of these people who has 5 dogs, 8 cats, 3 hamsters 11 chickens, 4 goats, 2 donkeys and an emu etcetera. I know many people do, and I like petting zoos, but not in my house.

Johndick 09-16-2018 09:02 PM

I need some advice regarding dog cage, what kind of dog cage will I need for my 5-year -old St. Bernard? I need to put him outside the house because there is no more space inside. I'm looking for other options like having this large dog cage which has a size of 54" L x 35" W x 45" H. What do you think of this cage?

Optimist 09-27-2018 04:26 PM

I think when you are at work or something he could be kept outside. After work, he should be with the family. Dogs are group animals (they run in packs). They are very family oriented. To kick one outside is to throw a 2-year-old child into a cage outside. They are very emotional, and yes, have the mental capacity of about a 2-year-old human. To keep one alone by itself because the family can no longer deal with it is cruel. Sorry to say that but your family is his family. It is like getting rid of your kid because you are tired of changing diapers.

Find a good trustworthy rescue and turn him over. There are "Big dog" and Breed specific rescues for dogs like St. Bernards all over the place. Please, Please, Please do not send him to the pound.

Do not be "that guy."

Dollythehun 09-27-2018 04:31 PM

Not that you asked me but I agree 100% with Optimist on this one. You are his tribe.

greenpassion 09-27-2018 10:11 PM

And I agree wholeheartedly. It is cruel to put your dog aside because it's inconvenient for you. And honestly ask yourself this:
How would YOU feel being put outside in a cage, away from any activity, or family?
Please take him to a no kill shelter-make sure it isn't one that only keeps them for a week or two then kills them!

Mountaineer370 09-28-2018 08:45 AM

I agree with the other posters here. Dogs are living, feeling creatures who have a strong need to socialize and belong to a family. Wild dogs have their packs, and our pet dogs consider their human families to be their pack.

Using cages, or crates as they are sometimes called, is a useful tool in the process of house-training a young dog, but they are not meant for a dog to live in or spend long hours all alone in, and leaving a dog in one outside all the time exposes them to the elements, to the heat and cold outside, and to insects and other pests.

Did you not know how big a St. Bernard would get? If this dog is too big for you, please, please, please, as already mentioned, give him up to a reputable dog rescue organization that will work to find him a family that can provide him a loving and happy home (not the local dog pound). Keeping him in a cage as you describe will cause him extreme mental distress and, most likely, physical or orthopedic damage from being confined in such a small space, being unable to move around for long periods. He may even cause serious injury to himself trying to escape.

If you are unwilling to rehome the dog and insist on keeping him in a cage outside, it needs to be much, much bigger. To be clear, I still believe it is cruel to sentence a dog to a life of confinement, but a good-sized pen that allows the dog to walk and trot around would be a tiny bit better than the small cage you linked -- and that is with the caveat that you still need to get the dog out of the pen frequently for exercise and human interaction.

I have worked with dog rescue for many years, and I have seen the effects of dogs kept in cages or chained up outside for most their lives. It causes mental distress and physical damage. I beg you to have compassion for this dog and do what's best to provide him the life he deserves.

greenpassion 09-28-2018 07:08 PM

Johndick, it worries me that you have not responded. Have you already sentence that poor dog outside to a cage? Deserves better. Would you do that to a child?

estación seca 09-28-2018 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Johndick (Post 883895)
I need some advice regarding dog cage, what kind of dog cage will I need for my 5-year -old St. Bernard? I need to put him outside the house because there is no more space inside. I'm looking for other options like having this large dog cage which has a size of 54" L x 35" W x 45" H. What do you think of this cage?

Any cage for a dog needs to be tall enough for the dog to stand up without touching the top, be long enough for the dog to stand with neither nose nor hindquarters touching the front and end walls, and wide enough for the dog to turn around without touching the walls.

How much time during the day do you plan to have the dog spend in the cage?

Orchid Whisperer 09-28-2018 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Johndick (Post 883895)
I need some advice regarding dog cage, what kind of dog cage will I need for my 5-year -old St. Bernard? I need to put him outside the house because there is no more space inside. I'm looking for other options like having this large dog cage which has a size of 54" L x 35" W x 45" H. What do you think of this cage?

Johndick, consider that your Saint Bernard, for which you have no more room, could be exactly what someone else is looking for. Giving the dog up to a no-kill shelter is a human act of kindness. Consigning a large dog to life outdoors in a cage is similar to keeping it in one of the "tiger cages" that some countries kept prisoners-of-war in; the depth of cruelty. If you can't provide a fenced backyard mixed with some life inside with humans, adoption out is the best answer.

The dog my family has now was given over to a no-kill shelter as a puppy when the owner decided he was "too much". He does have a strong personality, but we adopted him because (my wife especially) saw potential in him. After a lot of training, he has settled into being a great, intelligent, funny companion for our family. And sometimes, we actually howl like coyotes with him so he feels more connected to us, his "pack".

Please allow someone else to adopt him. It is the right thing to do.

greenpassion 09-28-2018 09:36 PM

I have to ask. Why on Earth do you want to keep this dog? Is it an ego thing? What is the point in keeping an animal who should live naturally on this Earth, in an enclosure where it is miserable, unable to live out its natural life, only to what feed your ego? Why are you doing this? Why would you even consider or anyone consider doing this. Honestly ask yourself the question why are you going to put an innocent animal Through Torture. A Life of Agony and loneliness. What does it do for you?

Dollythehun 09-28-2018 10:10 PM

I wonder if we all aren't misunderstanding this situation? We don't have all the facts, only our assumptions from what little was said. While I'm in agreement with everyone, perhaps the situation isn't quite as we assume. As someone who has felt "piled on," I can understand why the OP hasn't responded. Perhaps, Johndick, you could clarify your situation?

greenpassion 09-28-2018 10:22 PM

Dolly you are so sweet and such a wonderful negotiator. The therapist in you comes out in your posts. You are a wonderful asset to the Orchid board. Just saying...

Orchid Whisperer 09-29-2018 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by greenpassion (Post 884408)
Johndick, it worries me that you have not responded. Have you already sentence that poor dog outside to a cage? Deserves better. Would you do that to a child?

After reading Johndick's few brief posts, odd sentences, few replies back to OB, I'm left wondering if he's not exactly what he claims to be. Perhaps some kind of troll?

Dollythehun 09-29-2018 06:22 AM

And that's possible too, He wouldn't be the first we've had. So, then the payoff is our reaction. Let's let him clarify or not. The point has been made, hasn't it?

Mountaineer370 09-29-2018 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Dollythehun (Post 884437)
I wonder if we all aren't misunderstanding this situation? We don't have all the facts, only our assumptions from what little was said. While I'm in agreement with everyone, perhaps the situation isn't quite as we assume. As someone who has felt "piled on," I can understand why the OP hasn't responded. Perhaps, Johndick, you could clarify your situation?

I agree with Dolly. We don't have all the facts. He made his post back on 9-16-18 -- on an older, unrelated thread -- and nobody responded until 9-27-18, so maybe in those 11 days, he gave up on even checking this thread. I, too, would like more information from him, some clarification of just what kind of a life he is proposing for this dog, before saying anything else.

Orchid Whisperer 09-29-2018 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Dollythehun (Post 884440)
And that's possible too, He wouldn't be the first we've had. So, then the payoff is our reaction. Let's let him clarify or not. The point had been made, hasn't it?

When in doubt, I will treat him like a troll. I'm going to put him on "ignore" for a while until his behavior changes.

greenpassion 09-30-2018 02:33 PM

Has anyone tried to PM him?

Dollythehun 09-30-2018 03:26 PM

GP. If he posted in this thread, like us, he'd get notices of all our posts...

Mountaineer370 10-01-2018 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dollythehun (Post 884522)
GP. If he posted in this thread, like us, he'd get notices of all our posts...

Only if he is subscribed to receive notices. I don't remember what the default is, subscribed or not subscribed. I am not, but I don't remember if that's the way it always was or if I had gone in and changed it.

Anyway, my feeling is that he would not welcome anyone trying to contact him on this topic. This is from many years of experience on a couple of dog forums and as an active volunteer with dog rescue. He posted, we all expressed our feelings, he will reply if he has anything more to say.

Leafmite 10-01-2018 03:13 PM

The problem with both the Pitt Bull and the St. Bernard is that, when kept away from people in a pen, these powerful dogs can become aggressive. Dogs need consistent training, socialization, and affection to be good canine citizens. They need to know human behavior well enough that nothing will frighten, taunt, or alarm them, which could set them into attack mode. Bonding with humans, too, is very important, as well as giving them an outlet for all of that energy.

I do not think we should gang up on the person with the St. Bernard. I have known several people who have adopted or rescued St. Bernards only to be overwhelmed by the shear size of them and then had to go through the process of finding them a forever home. All of these people were really nice people and very sad about the experience. Most of them had owned dogs all of their lives but never a St. Bernard. What he should do is find another home for that dog and consider a much smaller breed that will fit into his lifestyle better.

I really like the Illustrated Guide to 140 Dog Breeds by Katharina von der Leyen as a guide to adopting a dog. Even if you are going to get a dog from a pound, humane society, or rescue, the book really is helpful to understand how to choose the right dog.

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