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Orchid Whisperer 08-14-2016 12:52 PM

Squirrels eating pseudobulbs? Control?
Although I have not caught them red-handed, I suspect squirrels (or possibly mice) are eating the pseudobulbs of some of my plants, especially Cymbidiums.

I already use Metaldehyde bait to control for snails and slugs. Whatever it is seems to have no interest in the leaves. For these reasons I don't suspect snails, slugs or caterpillars.

The culprit is eating an entire pseudobulb or two at a time, mostly the older ones so far. Cymbidiums have been the main target but I have seen damage to My Bletia, a Bulbophyllum, and a Cattleya.

Has anyone else experienced similar damage? How do you control squirrels? The plants are in the back yard, which is where my dogs spend part of the day, they are not deterred. Looking for a repellant.

Poison not an option. Neither are firearms.

Ray 08-14-2016 01:28 PM

Have you considered Hot Pepper Wax, or a homemade version?

Orchid Whisperer 08-14-2016 01:38 PM

Thanks Ray, I will give that a try.

katrina 08-14-2016 01:45 PM

Chipmunk will do the same thing. I've had it happen and the only way to stop it is to make sure they can't get access.

That and maybe feed them something they like better. I don't know if it's a coicidence or not but since we started putting out corn and peanuts for them I haven't seen as much damage to the plants. I still get a bit...but it's not as bad as it was a few years ago.

Orchid Whisperer 08-14-2016 02:13 PM

Thanks katrina, I may be able to do something with netting.

rbarata 08-14-2016 02:22 PM

I'm glad we don't have them here.:hmm

estación seca 08-14-2016 03:03 PM

Netting won't work. It has to be wire hardware cloth or window screening. They fit through amazingly small holes and they chew through netting and shade cloth easily to get at the tasty treats inside.

I use a live trap baited with an apple slice to catch them. My friends in the herpetological society take it from there.

PaphMadMan 08-14-2016 04:32 PM

There are rodent repellent products made with fox (or other predator) urine. The squirrelzillas in my neighborhood just laughed and continued to trash anything on my balcony. I gave up.

Pattywack 08-14-2016 05:06 PM

Do you have a dog crate your not using or know of anyone with a spare? If I were to put my plants outside I would try using one I happen to have. You could find used crates on Craig's list. Might have to modify it with wire mesh depending on the spaces between the wire.

Leafmite 08-14-2016 06:13 PM

Can you get creative with Steel wool? I use it to deter the little critters from digging in my flower beds (where I don't have rue, tansy, wormwood or some other unsavory herb). Squirrels, mice and chipmunks will not chew through it and it hurts their little paws, too. One should use gloves when handling it. :)

By steel wool, I mean the fine stuff that you buy at the hardware store. It works very well.

The most bitter of herbs is rue and I have never seen anything nibble on it. The wormwood plant has an aroma and it seems to help deter the mammals, too, as well as insects.

Good luck!

AnonYMouse 08-14-2016 08:08 PM

I don't know what pepper wax is but Cayenne seasoned soil did not deter the a$$holes (ours are that obnoxious), they like spicy foods. Maybe Habaneros would work. I have chicken wire covering my pots that are outside; covering across the top and having the plants grow between the wires or in the spaces between the plant and the wall of the pots.

Subrosa 08-14-2016 08:30 PM

Get a dog. It doesn't even have to be a real dog if it's motivated enough, but if it has a bark like a 12 gauge it won't have to work as hard.

Orchid Whisperer 08-14-2016 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Subrosa (Post 812685)
Get a dog. It doesn't even have to be a real dog if it's motivated enough, but if it has a bark like a 12 gauge it won't have to work as hard.

We have 3 dogs already. As I said in the original post, the orchids & dogs share the same part of the yard. Two dogs are older but still bark a lot. The third one is a young terrier - dachshund mix with a bark that will split atoms; he was born rabid and has kept the attitude going for a year and a half. Unfortunately the squirrels are active at times when the dogs are indoors (early morning). Keeping dogs outdoors full time is not an option.

mexicowpants 08-15-2016 02:57 AM

A .22 air rifle should do the trick nicely.

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Orchid Whisperer 08-15-2016 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by mexicowpants (Post 812711)
Air rifle?


Orchid Whisperer 08-16-2016 06:15 AM

Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

I tried the pepper spray (a commercial one). They loved it, left a note asking for the recipe. Moving on to try other suggestions.

Cymbidium seem to be the main target. I have temporarily moved them indoors.

Subrosa 08-16-2016 07:11 AM

Given your parameters, I'd scour your local Craigslist, classifieds and yard sales for used bird cages. They provide protection and if you have baskets or mounted plants they're perfect for hanging them.

No-Pro-mwa 08-17-2016 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Orchid Whisperer (Post 812832)
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

I tried the pepper spray (a commercial one). They loved it, left a note asking for the recipe. Moving on to try other suggestions.

Cymbidium seem to be the main target. I have temporarily moved them indoors.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh this is funny. Nothing like the orchid board to give me a good laugh in the morning. I'm going to have to go with you will have to do the fencing thing to keep the little buggers away. Luckily I don't have squirrels but I have to fence the garden from the rabbits. Little shits were even eating things they have never bothered before this year. I do sometimes threaten there lives but :roll: we think there cute and feed them, so well, I can't really kill them. I've had pets before, there so cute.

estación seca 08-17-2016 12:23 PM

I have dogs that munch any vegetable plants within reach. I tried sprinkling crushed red pepper flakes all over them. Now I have dogs that want to eat everything I cook with cayenne powder, habañero sauce, chile powder. And they're big enough to knock any pot off the stove, or reach anything on the counter. The plus is now I can't walk away from the kitchen and get distracted while cooking, so I stopped burning pots full of food.

rbarata 08-17-2016 01:03 PM


I do sometimes threaten there lives but we think there cute and feed them, so well, I can't really kill them.
Here we eat them (the rabbits) in various ways...I can give you a few recipes.:biggrin:
In fact that's one of my favorite meats.

Orchid Whisperer 08-17-2016 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 812967)
I have dogs that munch any vegetable plants within reach. I tried sprinkling crushed red pepper flakes all over them. Now I have dogs that want to eat everything I cook with cayenne powder, habañero sauce, chile powder. And they're big enough to knock any pot off the stove, or reach anything on the counter. The plus is now I can't walk away from the kitchen and get distracted while cooking, so I stopped burning pots full of food.

For just a second, I wasn't sure if you were sprinkling red pepper flakes on the vegetable plants or the dogs. :biggrin:

The whole experience is making me feel a bit like Bill Murray in Caddyshack.

wintergirl 08-17-2016 08:55 PM

I found I had a weasel in my barn, took care of all my chipmunks and piney squirrels. Since I don't have chickens, let the weasels do what they do.

estación seca 08-17-2016 11:13 PM

Here the only weasels are on the City Council. Oops, off topic.

No-Pro-mwa 08-18-2016 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by rbarata (Post 812972)
Here we eat them (the rabbits) in various ways...I can give you a few recipes.:biggrin:
In fact that's one of my favorite meats.

:shock: but, but, there my pets :biggrin:

pipsxlch 08-18-2016 05:05 PM

Kind of funny the different opinions we can all have. To me, a squirrel is nothing but a rat with a hairy tail and deserves the same treatment when it becomes troublesome. I won't say how I dealt with my problem, though it was effective.

Rbarata, funny all our food preferences too. You don't see rabbit for sale or offered around here but rarely, mostly at higher end shops with more exotic meats. Around here we offer gator. :D And some of the country folks outside of town hunt and eat squirrel.

I've heard of using predator urine/feces as a deterrent in gardens- might not be worth the smell to you, but maybe it would work? Maybe they sell fox or something urine odor in a sporting goods store. Not if you're bringing stuff indoors soon though.

kindrag23 08-19-2016 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by pipsxlch (Post 813063)
Kind of funny the different opinions we can all have. To me, a squirrel is nothing but a rat with a hairy tail and deserves the same treatment when it becomes troublesome. I won't say how I dealt with my problem, though it was effective.

Rbarata, funny all our food preferences too. You don't see rabbit for sale or offered around here but rarely, mostly at higher end shops with more exotic meats. Around here we offer gator. :D And some of the country folks outside of town hunt and eat squirrel.


Wow....in Texas I step outside and see 10 rabbits and 40 squirrels. Thankfully the dogs keep them away. Unfortunately it also brings....rattlesnakes to eat said rabbits and squirrels...:( I got a spray at home depot that smells horrendous for a few hours but kept the squirrels and armadillos from digging in my flowerbeds beds and pot plants. Good luck orchid Whisperer!

katrina 08-19-2016 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by kindrag23 (Post 813158)
.... digging in my flowerbeds beds and pot plants. Good luck orchid Whisperer!

For a fraction of a second, I thought you had "rasta-critters" LOL!

kindrag23 08-19-2016 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by katrina (Post 813161)
For a fraction of a second, I thought you had "rasta-critters" LOL!

Nope rattlesnakes last year's was 5 ft long.....ugh....😨

pipsxlch 08-19-2016 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by kindrag23 (Post 813158)
Wow....in Texas I step outside and see 10 rabbits and 40 squirrels. Thankfully the dogs keep them away. Unfortunately it also brings....rattlesnakes to eat said rabbits and squirrels...:( I got a spray at home depot that smells horrendous for a few hours but kept the squirrels and armadillos from digging in my flowerbeds beds and pot plants. Good luck orchid Whisperer!

Heh we get wild cottontails around, but in my yard they didn't do the damage squirrels do. Lot of big oaks around here that house whole nations of squirrels. We get LOTS of snakes too, I like the nonvenomous ones around because they eat the vermin. (idea- maybe drape the orchids with a shed snakeskin and/or feces if you know someone with a pet one?) And on the food topic, rattlesnake is good we get plenty around and will butcher them.

estación seca 08-19-2016 11:59 PM

The commonest rattlesnake in metro Phoenix is the Western Diamondback. I don't have any in my neighborhood, because we have a good population of California king snakes, which eat other reptiles. Outdoor cats seriously damage the king snake population; they aren't welcome here. The coyotes take care of the cats.

No-Pro-mwa 08-20-2016 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by pipsxlch (Post 813166)
Heh we get wild cottontails around, but in my yard they didn't do the damage squirrels do. Lot of big oaks around here that house whole nations of squirrels. We get LOTS of snakes too, I like the nonvenomous ones around because they eat the vermin. (idea- maybe drape the orchids with a shed snakeskin and/or feces if you know someone with a pet one?) And on the food topic, rattlesnake is good we get plenty around and will butcher them.

I like the nonvenomous ones also. We had bull snakes move in and they seem to keep the rattle snakes away. I'm not tryin rattle snake meat, no way no how.

Kindrag23, where you been girl?

kindrag23 08-20-2016 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 813226)
I like the nonvenomous ones also. We had bull snakes move in and they seem to keep the rattle snakes away. I'm not tryin rattle snake meat, no way no how.

Kindrag23, where you been girl?

Imy not getting close enough to just kill one I obliterate them with my shot gun. :rofl: there's nothing left after that :rofl:

Lost everything over winter season (even a 8+ yrs old hibiscus, bugs were bad this winter). just now starting up again since leaving high stress job for a better one.

estación seca 08-20-2016 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 813226)
I'm not tryin rattle snake meat, no way no how.

If you visit Phoenix, they serve it at The Rustler's Rooste at the Arizona Grand resort at South Mountain. I've been told it tastes like chicken.

No-Pro-mwa 08-21-2016 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by kindrag23 (Post 813251)
Imy not getting close enough to just kill one I obliterate them with my shot gun. :rofl: there's nothing left after that :rofl:

Lost everything over winter season (even a 8+ yrs old hibiscus, bugs were bad this winter). just now starting up again since leaving high stress job for a better one.

I'm so sorry you lost everything. But I'm glad your rebuilding. Also hope the new job is a better one and gives you more time to play with your orchids.

---------- Post added at 09:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 AM ----------


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 813271)
If you visit Phoenix, they serve it at The Rustler's Rooste at the Arizona Grand resort at South Mountain. I've been told it tastes like chicken.

It looks like a nice place and I would try the beef. :rofl:

estación seca 08-21-2016 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by mexicowpants (Post 812711)
A .22 air rifle should do the trick nicely.

They only show themselves when they're between me and the neighbor's windows.

wintergirl 08-23-2016 04:37 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Here is the picture of the weasel that lives at my house. He wandered into a live trap for piney squirrels. I noticed this summer has been very quiet, no chipmunks or squirrels incessantly chattering. YAY for weasels!

Attachment 122385

Attachment 122386

kindrag23 08-23-2016 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by wintergirl (Post 813568)
Here is the picture of the weasel that lives at my house. He wandered into a live trap for piney squirrels. I noticed this summer has been very quiet, no chipmunks or squirrels incessantly chattering. YAY for weasels!

Attachment 122382

Attachment 122383

He's cute. We have them here too but I have never seen them.

wintergirl 08-23-2016 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by kindrag23 (Post 813569)
He's cute. We have them here too but I have never seen them.

He is cute. I think he might be young. I might not have ever realized he was there until we caught him. He can stay as long as he wants.

No-Pro-mwa 08-25-2016 11:24 AM

Aw how cute. They are elusive creators.

No-Pro-mwa 09-10-2016 10:56 AM

I'm bringing this back up because I got an e-mail from Jerry Baker, you know the garden guy. It said that for some reason squirrels don't like the color red. so it said to use red furniture, red pots or red tape. Just thought I would let you know you might like to try it.

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