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Helene 02-17-2016 03:32 AM

Flask-seedlings, my first project
Well, I decided to try flask seedlings, and started reading.

Here they are.
Well, lets say some of them were a bit like scrambled eggs.

Shaken, but not stirred😜
Some worse than others, but I kinda figured that might happen.

Okey, then we have the mix. I decided to test something- so I made small containers myself. I will be growing half of them in pure perlite, and half in seedling mix I made myself.
For the seedling mix I made these, with about 100 holes in each😂 Its gonna be airy enough…😎 They are pretty tiny cups (will measure later)

For the perlite I made some that are a bit taller, with bigger holes in the bottom and side, and only small holes on the sides. Taller because they are gonna stand in water, and I want the part where the plant is to be moist, but not really wet.
Difference in size (still not moss in the mix)

I decided to use two small greenhouse, one with water in, and one with leca in. Everything has been sterilized- the mix and the pots and the greenhouses.

The mix: 1 part small bark, 1 part perlite and 1 part moss.

I usually work with dry media, but decided to wet it. Seedlings doesnt need much fertilizer, and I was going forth and back deciding to use or not to use. I ended up with 1/40 of recommended dose. I took 1 dl with 1/4 of recommended dose, then put it in 1 liter of rainwater. I used bio nutrition for water, without the bad nitrogen in it- urea (?). That means the mix got a tiny tiny bit of nutrition that is plant based- and will not harm it.

Temperature 25C/77F and humidity 90-100% for the first days. Will lower the humidity in a week or two, the poor plants need to acclimatize first.

Well, then I got everything ready and started to deflask. I will post that in next post, this is gonna be a long one😎😂 And I need a cup of coffee before I continue.

Yeah, its gonna be a lot of picture. But when I was reading I was so happy for pictures and when people explained what they did. Could never be enough pictures and reading, so I will not apologize for all the pics😜 If you think I'm talking too much- move on to the next thread😎

Helene 02-17-2016 04:39 AM

Flask-seedlings, my first project
I never used fungicied, only washed the agar of.

Number 1, Angraecum Didieri
This is a small one, and it was really shaken up.
Not sure if was only 3-4 seedling before shipping, guess not, now it was like this:
The biggest, and the rest was pretty small

Half in mix, and half in perlite, decided to put some moss on top of the mix, since this was so tiny.

Number 2, Paphiopedlium Senne Calle
Big seedlings, and roots growing on the stem. Nice and hairy roots

Pretty big

Same for this, half in each

Number 3, Acineta Superba
One of the packs looked kinda yellowish compared to the other. That pack went into 3.3.
The other pack:
Some big and some smaller
Five containers in total (two packs of this, got one extra)

Number 4, Lycaste Macrophylla
These were really big and so adorable, but the leaves have some bad coloring, either because of the agar all over the place or maybe its been cold. (Guessing agar, cause it gets worse in number 5 and number 6, I should have taken them all out, it did take some time for me to do one pack, and it seem to get worse for each pack. Even though I took the badly shaken first.)
I cut the broken leaves with most damaged, left the others, will pay attention if I need to cut more.

Two in mix- those with clean roots, and one in perlite- the one that was a clump, hard to clean out all the agar, so decided that could go in perlite. (Somehow number 4.3 never happened, I wrote 4.4 but here is only three containers)

Hopefully they will survive, not sure because of leaf damage, but the roots looks really healthy.

Number 5, Bulbophyllum Carunculatum
Nice and pretty big. Again I noticed this leaf damage. And some leaves broke while drying and had to be cut. Looks like cold damage, but not sure if its because of the agar. They looked okay but got worse when sitting in the box.
Nice roots
Look at that cute little bulb☺️ But the leaves are not very happy

Well, now it gotta show its a survivor and make some new leaves fast, before dying. You can do it😎 (lol, I'm telling them to please grow nicely, and I will make up for the bad treatment in the mail😜😂)

Number 6, Phalaenopsis Hymen
Oh man, this was so big and have beautiful big roots. But the leaves are damaged. Badly. Well, again- I'm telling it to use its good roots and grow some new leaves for me. Not sure how long it will survive, but I'm not gonna give it up before it wilts.

As you can see, I'm being optimistic. The leaves just laying there😜 I'm like: thats okay, you can just rest there, just make some new leaves- pretty pretty please. Oh, you only have one leaf left- poor thing, but you know- just make some new ones.

Group-shot of them

They survived their first night. I assume some will die in short time since they have some damage, but for now they are alive.

The small ones who I took out first actually looks best.

Well, I mist them in the morning, and maybe in the evening. Other than that I'm just gonna let them be left there, no need for watering when humidity is so high.

Gonna update in a week. Gonna be interesting to see how many survives, and to see if the perlite or the mix will have best survival rate.

Now I'm gonna have some more coffe😎

estación seca 02-17-2016 01:34 PM

What a lot of careful work!

The first thing I thought of with the Phals is that their roots also photosynthesize. You buried the roots; perhaps there are not enough living leaves left to produce food. What if you just set them on the surface of moist moss in the terrarium so they stay moist, the roots get light so they can still make food, and they may then grow new leaves?

Helene 02-17-2016 02:53 PM

Flask-seedlings, my first project
Thanks- that I didnt think of :)

That might help- its easy to dig out the roots- maybe just let most of them be on top, they sure could use some help surviving.
If they survive I will be very surprised, the leaves doesnt look very well. They are not very entusiastic- they are kinda really laid-back… 😜
They are coming to my country at an orchid show again in the fall- planning on buying some plants and seedlings then😎

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that not all of them die. (The phals I dont have very high hopes for, but the other plants)

estación seca 02-17-2016 03:01 PM

If the central meristem is fine, the roots will photosynthesize and provide food until the plant grows more leaves.

PaphLover 02-17-2016 09:47 PM

Great thread. Love all the pictures. The fuzzy paph roots are adorable! And, oh my goodness! I'd have a hard time not giving that tiny bulbo a hug and kiss. It's precious. (Is it weird that I just wrote that? :blushing:) The phal roots are quite luscious too!

Looking forward to the updates.

Helene 02-18-2016 04:51 AM

Flask-seedlings, my first project
Not weird at all- I want to hug those myself, telling them to hold on, forget about the aweful journey here and just embrace my love for them😂

Helene 02-18-2016 12:33 PM

Okay, somehow the greenhouses didnt feel okay- and I started to worry what if one gets sick and they all share the same air and water. And well, being 90-100% made the boxes wet in the mix, I want the humidity on the leaf and airy mix.

Sooo, I left the phalaenopsis with roots on top of mix in the greenhouses and made small greenhouse for the others. Humidity between 76-85 ish- maybe more in some.
The perlite ones got their own small water tanks.

So now its like this:
These are doing fine

These have damage, some just a little and others have more.

The poor phalaenopsis, they are all like this.

Small containers for each- hoping this will give them air and humidity.

I have not done anything with them, only took the pots out and put a pot on top of each. Leaving them alone, try not to fuss with them. The mix seems moist but not wet, and the humidity are high so havent misted them either. Will mist the mix when its needed. Lol- if my bench get wet then its too moist😉😎

Yeah, update in a week… Well, I guess that after the first weeks there will be updates only monthly.
And yeah, I dont touch them or anything, but have to admit I have spent a bit of time just looking at them😜😂

Helene 02-24-2016 05:12 AM

Flask-seedlings, my first project
So, how are my seedlings doing- 8 days after deflasking? Well, two days after deflasking I could see the damage from agar/cold (not sure what it is). I looked at the picture from deflasking, and you can see the transparent/discoloring on the leaves. It just got more clear/showed more two days after deflasking.

And well, an unhealthy orchid can be cared for and bounce back, but can unhealthy seedlings bounce back? I think some will, and the past five/six days some actually are doing okay.

Here is picture from today-on the right side. And pictures from after deflasking on the left. (Sorry if the picture are big, not sure how this tapatalk works now, it changed)

Number 1. Angraecum didieri.
I think I can say that this one didnt like perlite.
On the left- pictures from two days after deflasking 18.02, on the right side pictures from today 24.02. This is hanging on, but I'm not sure it will make it. The ones in perlite is already half-dead.



Number 2, Paphiopedilum Senne Calle. These are all doing great, and you can see they had a healthy color from the start. I decided to pot them further down, after reading that could be done when they had elongated stems.
Pictures on the left from friday 19.02, and on the right from today 24.02. Only five days apart, and I can see the leaves are getting a nicer color and they have grown a bit.

They are really really cute😍


Nice color on leaves

Number 3, Acineta Superba.
Actually the ones looking worst in the start, smaller, more yellow- are doing really nice- number 3.3. The others showed the discoloration the day after deflasking. Can see it on the picture from deflasking- wet leaves.
But: it seems to be hardy, cause it has not spread, and they are actually growing some new leaves.

On the left 18.02, on the right 24.02




Number 4, Lycaste Macrophylla
Well, those thin leaf got damage. Not sure if it will recover. Doesnt seem to do much. Have to wait and see

Left 18.02, right 24.02



Number 5, Bulbophyllum Carunculatum
What to say? They had not a healthy color, and the discoloration really got worse. Some died, have some left. Not much hope for these. I'm guessing they will die in pretty short time.
Left 18.02, right 24.02



Number 6, phalaenopsis hymen. These are dead. The meristem was fine on two of them, a tiny leaf could be seen, but the bad leaves kinda killed the good ones.

Well, it seems that the seedlings not damaged during transport are doing fine. Damaged seedlings are not easy to grow, lol, its hard enough with healthy seedlings😜😎

But: I learn from this, and I think I will get some to survive so I am very happy with that. And I will buy more seedlings from Roellke when they are visiting my country in september ☺️

Thats it for this week- checking in next week👍🏻

No-Pro-mwa 02-24-2016 12:35 PM

Well your much braver than I. But it always sounds like it would be fun to try. I'm just not there yet. Good luck, they are so cute.

dangerouseddy 02-24-2016 03:49 PM

don't worry about the phals, the cold damage did them in.

I don't think they could have been saved.

its a bit of a lottery ordering stuff in the cold weather.

your other seedlings look like theyre doing well :)

Helene 03-01-2016 06:08 AM

Flask-seedlings, my first project
Not much happening- the phals are dead, the others are pretty much the same as last week- not grown much. The bulbos not doing very good- but I assumed that.

So this week I just wanna show one of the phapiopedilum- its kinda cool. Lol, its pretty much very natural, but still I think its cool.

This is during the last five days. I noticed something brownish in the perlite, and moved some of it (I moved it back after taking pictures).

Number 2.3 elongated stem, and I decided to bury the stem in perlite. This is what happens. Its cool😎

Thursday, looking okay- but noticed some strange color at the stem.

Turned it, and removed some perlite to have a look. Ah, a little swelling. The cute thing was making root, and I was surprised that it actually is made inside the stem, and not just poked out from the start.

Friday- the little hairy root is bursting out of the stem. How cool is that? 😎

Sunday- its finding its way out

Monday- digging down

The plant has grown in those five days aswell

And the leaves are starting to look more like a bigger plant.
It has that reflective look- almost like a thin layer on top of the leaf.

I have seen the same in my papiopedilum bellatulum, but never in any other orchids. Have seen it in some pictures of paphiopedilum, but not in all. (That might be because it doesnt show in picture, or because only some sort have leaves like that- I dont know)
Bellatulum and reflective leaves.

Well, thats it. Atleast its growing roots- and leaves☺️👍🏻

vjo 03-01-2016 06:51 AM

This whole thread has been soooo fun to follow!! Sorry you lost some but it is a good learning experience. You have had good luck with the ones that could have been saved. I am sure it was all cold damage and nothing you could do about that. Keep up the good work it is so rewarding!.....Jean

Helene 03-01-2016 06:56 AM

It is till very fun- and I learn a lot😎

The paph-seedlings are worth it- they are soooo cute- the rest I think some will survive, think some more will die- but hey- gotta learn something, and I like that😎

PaphLover 03-01-2016 10:54 PM

I agree with vjo! This is a fun thread to follow. Sorry about the phals. I thought you had a chance with their lovely roots. :(

gngrhill 03-02-2016 12:03 AM

This whole thread has been so cool. Makes me want to try. (Probably not any time soon :) )

Helene 03-02-2016 03:15 AM

Yeah, it might have been possible to save it, if you used different product- I have nothing but water (and fertilizer) to use. Nothing for fungus, nothing for bacteria.

The problem is that even though the roots made the plant strong enough to make a new leaf- a tiny one- it was hard for that leaf to grow. The reason for that was- it cant dry out, then its dead- so have to have some humidity. Well, the leaves left on the plant- bad ones, they started to stay moist and molded if it was too humid. I couldnt keep the "stem-zone" in a perfect environment while waiting for the leaf to grow.

Same issue with some bulbos- the damaged parts are so close to the good parts- tried to cut them, but some places it just is hard to make tiny new ones survive.

The ones I cut the damaged leaf are doing fine though- the acineta is growing new leaf. I assume that is because the damaged part just dried out, and didnt get all soft and wet. They can handle damage, but it depends on what kind of damage. And in the case of wet and discolored it might have helped with some fungustreatment.

The didieri though- that looked kinda fine- some brown roots, but I believe that is because of the agar. Not sure though- as one had green root in agar, and is the one doing best. Anyway- that didnt like the perlite, not sure why. The acineta and the phal likes the perlite (the acineta cant stay that way forever though, it grows spike down and not up when its adult).

But: the one thing I find the most interesting is the perlite vs my seedlingmix. I decided to use half with perlite s/h because its clean. I was thinking that would make the chances for mold and stuff less. Actually the seedlingmix have been great. Have had minimal mold in that. And it has been easy keeping it moist, but not wet. I have always been afraid of moss, but let me tell you something: the moss I got from the vendor is not like the moss we can buy here. Its both spaghnum, but the quality is different. This moss I got with the plants are lovely- it does what its supposed to, help the perfect balance of moist in the mix.
The moss we have here is just soggy and looks like shit😜
They dont need much water either, I have misted the mix once every day, and my bench have not been wet 😉 If its wet, then its too moist😜
(About 5 ml I guess, one day I used the thing I measure nutrition for my other plants with, and that was about 5ml of water to each container)

Healthy seedlings
Hybrid maybe, or an more hardy plant
Water carefully
Humidity, but not too much- I liked cups over each better than the mini greenhouse. Felt the greenhouse didnt have enough air.
Dont pamper them too much

I think its easier than what I imagined. That might sound strange, thinking I have lost some, and will lose some more. But: its easy to see what is wrong with them before they die, not like its a surprise. And then it will be easier next time😎 If you have healthy and pretty big seedlings I think you can make some survive even the first time. And its fun👍🏻

Have to wait for blooms for a very long time though, and they are seedlings for a long time, meaning there can be trouble showing before they grow. But I am a plant/root person, the flowers are just bonus, so thats okay.

The thing I like is that I believe you learn alot about orchids in general, air/water/humidity and how they react. Its not the same condition, but its about the same thing- reading your plants. The small ones is fast, so you have to read what signs they are giving you and act faster than with adult plants. Makes me believe that people who are experienced enough to read adult plants- and recover adult plants, will be able to grow seedlings. Newbies think watering phalaenopsis is hard, experienced growers mostly see what the plant needs. What seem hard, is suddenly easy when you get the hang of it.

Ps: I have seen picture from other people deflasking orchids from this vendor, and the color has been different. The green color has been more vibrant. So its not the vendor- I am very happy with them, they also have adult plants and they look really healthy.

Soo- its really really fun, and interesting and fascinating😎 If it wasnt so hard getting all the supplies I would end up with a small lab in my house, growing orchids just because its so darn fascinating😎☺️

Lord, and I must say, I really talk alot😂😜 Well, you know, not many people irl I can discuss orchids with😆

Paph in seedlingmix

Angraecum in seedling mix, tiny root from the smallest☺️ (lol, not sure if it will survive though, these seem a bit picky and hard to please😜 I'm trying though)

PaphLover 03-02-2016 11:35 PM

Don't apologize…it's interesting! :)

No-Pro-mwa 03-03-2016 11:24 AM

Yes it is. I'm having fun with it as well, as I'm not brave enough to try it yet.

Mochaboy 03-03-2016 05:49 PM

I'm laughing my head off right now - I thought I was the only one that melted holes in those little plastic cups...I'll have to send you a photo of my grow chamber too...Great job on the post!

I might have missed it but what was the final verdict on the straight perlite mixes?

I use an identical spharklite mix with my little guys :D

Helene 03-04-2016 03:50 AM

I talk so much, so I add this first:

Perlite vs seedling mix:
Seedling mix is best.

The paphiopedilum seems to enjoy the perlite, and its easy to just pour water in the cups.

But I was surprised on how easy it was to maintain the bark/perlite/moss mix moist and not wet. I really like this moss, so I need to order more later. Who knew it was such a different in quality in moss, what we have in local shops are crappy. Lol, I assume most people know- I never tried good moss, so didnt know.

The verdict; I will not use perlite the next time.

(maybe on phalaenopsis and paphiopedilum- but its easy and looks good in the seedling mix.)
I still have some adult plants in perlite, and they like it- so its not the perlite I dont like, maybe its not for all plants.

I prefer seedling mix (I was convinced it was gonna be the perlite I prefered).

Lol- maybe because those small containers with lots of holes are über-awesome😎 Lots of air, and a nice mix. I am very happy with the mix, so I think I will stick to that next time.

Yeah, and I loved melting holes, so I am almost buying more pots just to melt more holes😂 If its not in leca or perlite: it got holes😂 I sat in the garage, poking all my pots- like a crazy plant-woman. They seem to love it, but yeah- need to water them more often, but thats okay.

Helene 03-08-2016 05:53 AM

Well, lets see how the survivors are doing😎

Perlite is not the best seedling mix, not in my environment. Adult plants likes it, but my seedlings not so much.

At the same time I can show how the app for iphone is- even though this is crop from the screen, its easy to see the progress on plants with this.

Plants struggling in perlite, had to take one out. Think one might live a while more.

Not liking it much, I still have them in perlite though.

Think some might make it. Growing, but slow.

Rescued one from perlite and put it in with these. Think it likes it in this mix.

The only Lycaste left. Its not doing anything, maybe starting to grow the leaf a tiny bit. Atleast it doesnt get worse. Hope this will make it.

Only survivors from the Angraecum didieri. Not sure what killed the others, but this is growing some tiny roots. Doesnt do much though. Almost like it is saying "watch it, I might change my mind about living her if you dont treat me correct". Lol, not sure why I feel it could be a hard one, the adult version looks so cute and nice.

And the easy one. Paphiopedilum Senne Calle. Likes both perlite and seedling mix. Grows a bit more than the others. Atleast two of them grows pretty good. I like it for that reason alone, doesnt take the courage away from a first time grower 😂😜. Well-behaved plant😎

I buried this, hopefullt its grown more under the mix than over the mix. Maybe making roots. Atleast it grows, a bit slow though.

Not growing much, but its improving what it has, maybe getting ready to grow more soon.

This grows nicely. Cute.

And this has grown roots- as shown last week, and even grows a new leaf. And doesnt seem to have problem with the perlite.

Have been giving them all a tiny amount of bio nutrition on friday. Seemed like that was okay.

Its spring again. Maybe not outside, but atleast inside- longer days with daylight. Plants are all growing.
Look at this keiki- growing roots and leaf since january. Decided to try mounting- but in a vase, I'm afraid mounted plants will die in my dry environment the normal way. Posing with tomatoes in the last pic- now its in a window- shaded but bright daylight.

Well, thats it for this week😎
Lol- I have a blog, not about orchids, but maybe I should have a blog about my plants aswell😂😜

I have this place, so I guess I'm good for now.

Happy growing all😃👍🏻

Mochaboy 03-08-2016 09:06 AM

Yay. Great update! May i ask what iphone app you're using?

Helene 03-08-2016 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mochaboy (Post 794942)
Yay. Great update! May i ask what iphone app you're using?

Testing an app for Orion, you can read about it here :)


PaphLover 03-20-2016 12:54 PM

How're the babies doing? :D

Helene 03-20-2016 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by PaphLover (Post 796846)
How're the babies doing? :D

They are doing fine👍🏻 Lol, but well, they grow slower than tomatoes, so not much to report.

Oh, yeah- I did take the acineta from perlite and in compot with the others instead.

Lol, and they have been a nice company in the kitchen😂😜 I am just letting them adjusted, and well- I have to much free-time atm😜

Yeah, that's goatmilk-cheese, brown cheese😎



estación seca 03-20-2016 04:56 PM

We can't get the wonderful European cheeses here in the US. Our agriculture department refuses to let in cheeses made from milk that isn't pasteurized. Doesn't matter that Europe has understood cheese for over 5,000 years.

Helene 03-20-2016 05:20 PM

(This one is pasteurized, I think.)

I am not really into smelly cheese, and all those fancy cheese thats really strong flavored. Havent tasted many though, so maybe I like them:p

This I like. I can imagine people tasting this for the first time either finds it okay, or thinks its awful. Its sweet taste, but kinda funny how it melts and feel when you eat it. Caramel flavor to it, not much, but some.

Restrictions. I both understand them, and dislike them. Or- some just dont make sense. Some do.

PaphLover 03-20-2016 06:52 PM

The plants look happy and that cheese looks delicious! :)

gngrhill 03-20-2016 11:34 PM

The babies all look good . They have perked right up.

Rothrock42 05-16-2016 05:36 PM

Thanks for all the info. I'm working up my nerve to get a flask and will have to get prepared.

lotis146 07-28-2016 10:48 AM

How are they doing now? :)

gngrhill 07-28-2016 11:00 PM

I, too, am curious as to how they are all doing.

Helene 07-30-2016 05:48 AM

Oh, they are growing so slowly😜

Well, only three paph are alive and one of the others- so four left, all doing okay, but really really slow growing.

Will post picture later :)

The ones that are left are treated pretty much like my other orchids, so no special treatment anymore.

What killed the others were rot, if you have really healthy seedlings its pretty easy, but if they catch anything bad its really hard getting them back on track. (I dont have any chemicals or other stuff- maybe dragonblood could have saved some)

Vendor is coming here in the fall, so I might try again, maybe with some phalaenopsis.

Its fun though, and I think I have learnt something about orchids- mistakes are a great way of learning😎😜

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Helene 07-30-2016 05:54 AM



3 x Paphiopedilum and 1 x Acineta superba

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

gngrhill 07-30-2016 11:25 PM

They look very happy.

lotis146 07-31-2016 10:44 PM

Nice! Good job so far hanging in there. Rot is a sh*tty thing to deal with. Thanks for sharing your progress and good luck. :D

ninad 12-27-2016 01:25 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Please keep sharing the progress, I just deflask my cattleya first time

dounoharm 12-29-2016 12:38 PM

both you guys please post more on your progress! I am going to take the leap soon!

ninad 12-29-2016 02:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Able to create small greenhouse with heat mat, PC FAN, all spectrum LED ( Temp- 62-81F, humidy 71-99%, 12hrs of LED)

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