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-   -   Show Your Light Set Up ( Please see details) (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/growing-under-lights/87530-light-set-please-details.html)

NYCorchidman 10-20-2015 06:40 PM

Show Your Light Set Up ( Please see details)
Ok, I have read through quite a few threads under this subject and learned a lot, but got tired of reading and reading and reading.

I would love to see some pictures of :

those of you who grow exclusively under light year around using T5 or T8. Also please specify if the bulbs are high output or normal output.

How often you change the bulbs,

How long you leave the light one throughout the year,

and those of you who have grown plants under such set up for at least one full growth/bloom cycle so that it shows that the plants have obviously grown well and flowered well.

If not apparent in the photos, please specify how many bulbs per shelf, if of course it is shelf that you are using.

Please photos and brief informations as asked above so we keep this nice and simple. No forever talking of theories and details (I think enough has been done already, hence I'm asking for this), but just facts and proofs on what you are doing and what works.

Many Thanks in advance! :bowing
Let's get it going! :waving

estación seca 10-20-2015 10:56 PM

Sounds like a job application LOL

snowflake311 10-27-2015 05:50 PM

I just set this up today. So I have no clue if it will work well.

Here is a photo of my set up. My collection is too big to fit near my best windows and I can no longer keep them outside. SO I moved the ones that are not in bloom to this indoor green house.

I have t5 lights 24watt x 2. This light is a light I used to use to grow aquarium plants. It was extra since I took down that tank. It fits perfect.

I also have a fan and a humidifier going Humidity is at 70% in the little grow space.

Theses lights also give off some heat I like that it helps with the temp drop. This little green house is next to a east facing window so they get sunlight too. I think the combo will work well. Fingers crossed.

In this photo it looks a lot brighter than it really is. this set up is just for winter. They will go back outside in the summer they do best outside.


wintergirl 10-27-2015 06:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Since I am growing on a North window, lights are important. On the orchid shelf that needs higher light I have 2-3 sets of T8, I do have one T12 thrown in there. These are just "grow" lights that are found cheaply at the stores. I have never changed a bulb yet. I have rebloomed catts, so I say the light is good. Since they get some sunlight, I turn my lights on about 10 AM and then off when it's dark outside. Here is my most recent picture.

Attachment 116460

katrina 10-29-2015 03:10 PM

Ok...I know I've shown my set up in other posts but I'm happy to do it again.

Be prepared for lots of pics!

I am using a mix of HO T5's (most of my set up) and a mix of 8 lamps, 6 lamps, 4 lamps and 2 lamps--depending the space and needed coverage. The ceiling lights over shelves are 4 lamps, the mount areas are 8 lamps, Ctsm table and cactus space upstairs (not in these pics) are 6 lamps, and the lower 2 shelves on most of these shelving units are 2 lamps.

T8's - mostly 4 lamp over the shelves where they are being used. And, I have a few mix and match LEDs and CFLs in some spots where I needed extra coverage.

The majority of my high light plants and mounts are under HO T5's, lower light plants under a mix of T8's and 2' HO T5's, and CFLs are being used in spots for some extra light, where needed. I am also playing w/a couple/few LEDs but I've not been 100% pleased w/the ones I've used so I might just discontinue that next year. For now though...they stay.

As you will see...I am mostly using the black wire shelving type units but I do have a couple of other odds and ends shelving units thrown in where needed. And, this year the plants decided to take over the top of the free standing pantry there. The big shelves are the 48" w x 72".

I have been tweaking at the space (read- expanding) for several years (adding shelves/nooks/etc) whenever needed but the overall HO T5's and combo of other lights has been working very well for me in these years. This is where the plants live from mid-late Sept until late May each year...then they are outside for the summer.

I am using timers on all of my lights and they run 10hrs the entire time they are inside. I have played w/the time for a few years and have found no difference in blooming from the 10 to the 12hr run time. I might even play w/backing that off to 9hrs this winter...still on the fence w/that one though.

As for bulb changes -
T8's and CFLs get changed every year.

HO T5's - because I am growing outside part of the year and because I don't run my lights any longer than I do, I have been rotating out half my lights every other year. Meaning, I replace a bulb every 2nd season. This works for me but if I ran my lights longer and/or I didn't have that time outside I know I wouldn't be able to get away w/it. I used to replace them all every year and it was very expensive so I got to talking w/my hydro guy and he felt that given my run time on the lamps that I could run them 2 seasons. I've been doing it this way for 3yrs now and I've not seen any negative effects.

My grow space is an "L" shape and it's what normal people would call their living room and dining area. This the space that people see when they first enter my house so a major requirement was that it be neat, tidy and look pulled together. Well, as pulled together as a plant crazy person can make it. :blushing:

W/out further ado...this is from the front door area
and it's what people see when they first enter our house. Watch out for that den on the left...he likes to grab people when they come in. :lol:


Walking over to the left and looking down the length of the "L" ...more shelves plus you can see my mounted plant hanging racks.

Next is looking back from the far end of that mount area. The shelves in the far right corner there are the lower light plants = T8's and 2' HO T5's. Directly in front of you is the Ctsm stand/space - 6 bulb unit of the HO T5s there. Above that is for the dormant guys and a few babies - also T5. On each side of the space are all T5s w/high light plants.

Then, back toward the front door/closet area at the entrance. That nook has more ctsm plus lycaste - again T5s there and a couple of LEDs for extra coverage.

Now back toward the N corner of the space ...it's a straight on shot of the corner from the 2nd pic. Phal and lower light plants in the corner there and you can see the ctsm table there. The window faces due East and there is good deal of natural morning light that hits part of that space each morning.

Lastly is a side shot of that corner that has the mount station area. The shelving unit in front of you has super high light/dry winter catts on the top and the 2 lower shelves are lower light areas w/T8's. The space also gets a good deal of direct sun (that window on the right is facing S and the window directly in front is E facing) so they all get decent natural light for some of the day.

And even though you didn't ask...I'll show you how I water.

First most of the shelves have these boot trays that my husband rigged so I can water in place. The trays have those light eggcrate things in them so the pots don't sit in the bottom. He drilled holes and installed drains that that allow me to attach hoses and the excess water drains into buckets that I empty. It's the closest I will ever get to watering in place w/out having a g/h.

The first year we did this we ordered black pre-cut plexiglass and my husband made the trays out of that but every year I would have to reseal w/silicon caulk and it got very old, very fast. He made these in '14 and they are so much better.

And, the mount station watering basins...also drain into buckets for easy watering in place.
These pics are older - ignore the flooring, that was before we re-did the redo but the pic gives you the gist of how it works.

Ok...I think that's it. Holp it helps to give you some ideas.

katrina 10-29-2015 05:28 PM

I should add...the lower light/phal corner is not entirely low light. One of the tops shelves is a 4 lamp HO T5 unit and that has my rupics, some walkerianas and vio babies and a few other higher light catts. Oh, and a den canaliculatum.

Leafmite 10-29-2015 06:25 PM

Every single time you show your set up, Katrina, I am impressed. It looks fantastic. :)

wintergirl 10-29-2015 09:18 PM

Really nice set up Katrina, something to strive for. My orchids are in my laundry room :)

katrina 10-30-2015 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 778056)
Every single time you show your set up, Katrina, I am impressed. It looks fantastic. :)


Originally Posted by wintergirl (Post 778079)
Really nice set up Katrina, something to strive for. My orchids are in my laundry room :)

Thanks, ladies. It took several years and quite a few "make-overs" to get it to where it is now and I have to say that I'm really happy with how it looks and functions. The only thing that would make it better would be if I could grab a hose and spray like I do when the plants are outside. Other than that though...I'm very happy with it. Glad you like it.

silken 10-30-2015 11:28 AM

Nice set up everyone. Wow, Katrina, care to tell us how many plants you have?? very neat and well thought out and efficient. Where does company sit?? I know some homes have living room and family room, so that might be the case for you too.

katrina 10-30-2015 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by silken (Post 778143)
Nice set up everyone. Wow, Katrina, care to tell us how many plants you have?? very neat and well thought out and efficient. Where does company sit?? I know some homes have living room and family room, so that might be the case for you too.

Thanks, Silken! Yep, we have a family room too. Our house is a 3-level, front to back split and the grow space is basically the middle level. The kitchen is on this level. The family room is on the lower level and it's much bigger anyway so it's a better space for hanging out and having friends and family visit.

When we first moved into this house (many years ago) this space was my main aquarium room and plant room so it's never really functioned at it was intended. I used to have more fresh water tanks than any normal person would want to own/care for and most of them were in this area. Also, I can't remember a time when my family wasn't questioning my sanity due to the sheer number of plants I had in any of my places. LOL! So, yea, from the moment we moved in...it's never been a conventional use of the space.

Speaking of those tanks, the Ctsm table is actually an old tank stand. That thing held a 75 gal tank for a lot of years. After the fish were gone the tank was used to house some smaller/minature orchids that needed more humidity but i got tired of the mess in the bottom so I cleaned it up and free-cycled it to family that was looking for a new tank for their kid. My husband then installed a solid top on it and viola...awesome orchid stand. Bonus...extra storage for orchid gear that can be tucked away behind closed doors.

As for how many plants I have...let's see...at last tally I had 301 or 302 orchids and then w/my most recent gifting away of some of the "other" plants I'm now down to around 20/25 non-orchids. W/the exception of a few of the hanging "others", most of those non-orchids spend the winter under lights in a room upstairs. I'm really most comfortable (time limits and spacial constraints) at 250 orchids and I do manage (most years) to get the number back down to 250 over the course of the fall/winter but then it magically climbs again before the orchids come back inside in the fall. Gee, I'm not sure how that happens. XD

I'm glad you like and I appreciate the kind words. If it helps spawn ideas for others...then my work here is done. ;)

NYCorchidman 10-30-2015 06:25 PM

Thanks, everyone!

Katrina- Big thank you for many photos and detailed explanation of how you do this. I don't think I've ever come upon yours before.

I love photos.
I think I see some nicely grown plants of catasetum family in one of them?
Also, great idea for draining the water! How come I never thought of that?!
High Output bulbs can really extend the distance between the light and the plant, wow!

Thank you again! :)

nikkik 10-30-2015 07:41 PM

Katrina, I have seen pictures of your setup before, but I am always amazed by what a wonderful grow space you have created. No matter how many times you post, I will be in awe. I do think it is wonderful that you post pictures more than a few times so members who missed it or new members can benefit from your pictures and explanation.

AnonYMouse 10-30-2015 07:57 PM

Katrina, your set up would be the envy of any pot grower!

I've seen it before but not this extensively. I love it! I covet it! (Of course in my hands, it wouldn't be so nicely organized).

Cntry 10-30-2015 09:54 PM

Katina, you should start your self a little Orchid Room Set Up business... YOU would have plenty of customers after seeing your display... We all love it.

gngrhill 10-31-2015 12:26 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I know I can't compete with Katrina, but this, on a much smaller scale, works for me. Two units of T-5s, 4 HO bulbs 4 feet long about 2 feet above the plants. Some are on risers to get them closer to the light. I follow the daylight time wise, they come on at 6:30AM and off at 5 PM. They get late afternoon sun, so that extends or shortens their day according to season. I do have quite a few in bloom and /or in spike, so I call it a win for me :biggrin:
I do put my few cool growers out on the deck during above freezing weather (Only about 8 plants out of my 90 or so )

Tschimm 10-31-2015 06:17 AM


My little grow room in the basement....
On the right is a single 4foot sunblaster t5ho 865
On the left a single 3foot LED stripe (forgot the specs but it's pretty bright)

I move all the plants in the garden from May to October.
This is my second season growing under lights.
Most of the plants are growing better in the basement than outside actually 😀
Must be because of the higher and more constant humidity (outside 40-100%, basement 70-80%)
Lights are on for 14 hours now, going down to 12 hours in December and then up again to 14 in April.
Temps are around 75 in the day and 65 in the night (I have a little fan blowing air in from outside connected to a thermostat)

katrina 10-31-2015 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by NYCorchidman (Post 778204)
Thanks, everyone!

Katrina- Big thank you for many photos and detailed explanation of how you do this. I don't think I've ever come upon yours before.

I love photos.
I think I see some nicely grown plants of catasetum family in one of them?
Also, great idea for draining the water! How come I never thought of that?!
High Output bulbs can really extend the distance between the light and the plant, wow!

Thank you again! :)

You are more than welcome. And, yes, you do see some Ctsm family in those shots. I'm somewhere north of 31...not counting the 2 compots a friend gave me. :blushing: I had a few more but they found new homes this fall.


Originally Posted by nikkik (Post 778215)
Katrina, I have seen pictures of your setup before, but I am always amazed by what a wonderful grow space you have created. No matter how many times you post, I will be in awe. I do think it is wonderful that you post pictures more than a few times so members who missed it or new members can benefit from your pictures and explanation.

You are too kind, Nikki. Truth be told...I love being able to show the space off. It took several years and quite a few make-overs to get it here and most of our family and friends just think I'm nuts so its always fun to show it off to other orchid addicts. You guys get the crazy. ;)


Originally Posted by AnonYMouse (Post 778216)
Katrina, your set up would be the envy of any pot grower!

I've seen it before but not this extensively. I love it! I covet it! (Of course in my hands, it wouldn't be so nicely organized).

HA! At least then I could make money on it rather than just spending money to maintain it. LOL!

Glad you like it. My dad was a career Marine and he raised me w/the rule of "a place for everything and everything in it's place" and I do a good job of living that...just don't look in my laundry room. LOL!


Originally Posted by Cntry (Post 778237)
Katina, you should start your left a little Orchid Room Set Up business... YOU would have plenty of customers after seeing your display... We all love it.

I loved the process of setting this space up and if i could use someone else's money to do it again and make money at the same time...SCORE! :biggrin: If only there were more orchid growers around here! Thanks- glad you like it.

Motheroftwins 02-09-2016 11:55 AM

Do you find that you have to water more under T5s? My catts seem like they are drying out quicker than the ones in the south window.

Plodde 02-09-2016 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by katrina (Post 778025)
Ok...I know I've shown my set up in other posts but I'm happy to do it again.

Be prepared for lots of pics!

Okay you grow space is SIIIIICK!!!!!!! Cant wait to have one just like it one day!!!!!

katrina 02-09-2016 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Motheroftwins (Post 790858)
Do you find that you have to water more under T5s? My catts seem like they are drying out quicker than the ones in the south window.

Definitely! They dry things out much quicker than some of the other lights I use and way quicker than the few I have in windows.


Originally Posted by Plodde (Post 790860)
Okay you grow space is SIIIIICK!!!!!!! Cant wait to have one just like it one day!!!!!

That's so kind...thank you very much. :)

Motheroftwins 02-09-2016 03:29 PM

Thanks Katrina,
I was reluctant to overwater my catts, but they really did seem dry to me this morning so I went with pot weight and watered even though I had watered on Saturday.

Nexogen 02-09-2016 05:06 PM

9 Attachment(s)
I grow the plants in the terrarium, I have 3 terrariums; one with induction light and two with LED. I have also used LED BRIDGELUX decor and china. Below I have a few pictures.

Becky15349 02-09-2016 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by wintergirl (Post 777727)
Since I am growing on a North window, lights are important. On the orchid shelf that needs higher light I have 2-3 sets of T8, I do have one T12 thrown in there. These are just "grow" lights that are found cheaply at the stores. I have never changed a bulb yet. I have rebloomed catts, so I say the light is good. Since they get some sunlight, I turn my lights on about 10 AM and then off when it's dark outside. Here is my most recent picture.

Attachment 116460

Wintergirl, how would you say this set-up has effected your electricity bill? I as asking because I have 2 shoplights that hold 2 T8 bulbs each for a total of 4 bulbs on 10 hours a day, and I feel like my bill has skyrocketed :(

gngrhill 02-09-2016 06:46 PM

My winter electric bills are almost double my summer bills, however , in winter I had 2 stock tanks (horses) with heaters the heater in my grow space and two banks of 4 foot, 4 bulb T-5s, besides our regular house use. I feel the grow space has only raised my bill by about 10% over 2 years ago when I got my first lights. I don't think that's too bad to feed my passion :) According to Nation Grid I use about 30% more than average of my neighbors, Not bad considering 2 stock tank heaters plus my grow space.

wintergirl 02-09-2016 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Becky15349 (Post 790885)
Wintergirl, how would you say this set-up has effected your electricity bill? I as asking because I have 2 shoplights that hold 2 T8 bulbs each for a total of 4 bulbs on 10 hours a day, and I feel like my bill has skyrocketed :(

I don't see much difference, but I do try to keep other lights off to make up for it. My bulbs are the shorter ones and most of them are the lower wattage. Also my bill gets spikes because I have horse tank heater in winter and a pool in summer. The pool is the worst energy user.

gngrhill 02-10-2016 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by wintergirl (Post 790903)
I don't see much difference, but I do try to keep other lights off to make up for it. My bulbs are the shorter ones and most of them are the lower wattage. Also my bill gets spikes because I have horse tank heater in winter and a pool in summer. The pool is the worst energy user.

Ah ha........another horse lover.

No-Pro-mwa 02-11-2016 01:16 PM

Wow, Katrina. I too have seen your set up before but not like that. I think my family would have me committed. I think they want to already.

katrina 02-12-2016 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 791083)
Wow, Katrina. I too have seen your set up before but not like that. I think my family would have me committed. I think they want to already.

Thankfully my husband has his own collections plus his woodworking hobby has taken over our garage to the point that we can't even park in there due to all the tools and large equipment. I need a g/h and he needs an official workshop. Ideally, his workshop being as far away from the house as possible because some of those power tools are quite loud.

As long as I don't try to take over his office or our family room, he's not only tolerant but he has actually encouraged my plant addiction. He's done a lot of the builds I needed both inside and out. Plus, he's a plant guy so he likes having them around...especially since he isn't expected to do any of the tending. He's so funny about it all...he's more likely to talk about all the orchids than I am and he even has pics on his phone so he can show people. He's also been known to invite people to come and see all the orchids. Seriously!...I have had people come to the house and I didn't even know they were coming. [doorbell rings] Unknown guests to me - "Wally said we could come see the orchids". Me- "Uh, ok". :_( I guess we're both a bit crazy. :blushing:

No-Pro-mwa 02-12-2016 01:18 PM

Well that helps. Mine does like the green as we don't have much of that here but he is not into them. He did however go to a great, great or something aunts 100th birthday and I guess he was telling them about my orchids so maybe he's getting more into them.

He also did build me a plant stand and I do love it. Not sure I will get him to build another as he is going to try and finish the house.

derv88 05-02-2016 01:44 PM

I just barely get the output required for Phals via T5H0. I barely get 1500-1800 fcs from 4x4 ballasts, even supplementing with LED and others. Yes I am changing my bulbs.

I am 100% reliant on artificial light since my orchids are in a cellar in my basement with no windows.

katrina 05-03-2016 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by derv88 (Post 802570)
I just barely get the output required for Phals via T5H0. I barely get 1500-1800 fcs from 4x4 ballasts, even supplementing with LED and others. Yes I am changing my bulbs.

I am 100% reliant on artificial light since my orchids are in a cellar in my basement with no windows.

Sounds like your bulbs are too old and/or you don't have HO level intensity. Are they the blue or red? My 4x4's give me over 3000fcs at the bulb...less the farther away I get from the bulbs, naturally. I grow phals under the 2' 22 watt HOT5s but I would be worried about burn under the 54 watts.

With all of that said...those bulbs being used for 12+hrs per day should still be sufficient for many medium light plants...even some of the lower light catts. They might not be enough for some of the very high light plants but many others should bloom under those if you're running them long enough. And, if the spectrum is correct for plants. Not all "grow bulbs" are actually "grow bulbs". You want a full spectrum or between 5000K and 6500K for best results. The cumulative effect of the bulbs being used over a period of time makes up for the less than adequate fcs. :Tup:

derv88 05-03-2016 10:21 AM

Yea, I get it. I did buy bulbs that were recommended by someone on this site who was far more educated on the science of artificial lights so I don't think that's the issue. I do get around 3k FCs at the bulbs too, but when you adjust and remeasure for distance at the plant or even at the leaf, the FC readings are significantly less, barely cracking 2k on my Catt shelf which, judging by the plants, is just barely enough to get them to bloom. The Phal shelf, where T5HOs that dont have reflectors reads much less around 1500FC if I'm lucky.

Even my phals all are a very dark green, sometimes purple. If I buy a new plant at the greenhouse and take it home, it's stunning how bright green they are in contrast to my near army-green plants on the shelf that have been there for years.

They all survive though, and just about all of them bloom. I can just tell that they aren't receiving ideal light amounts by looking at the plants. I have all other ecosystem factors in check - humidity, heat, fertilizer, hydration. I even test my water occasionally. So everything points back to the light quantities.

Ray 05-03-2016 12:03 PM

Be careful to not over-illuminate your plants.

For example, It is often documented that phalaenopsis should receive no more than 1500 foot candles. What is often NOT stated is that 1500 fc is the peak light level the plant should see at noon, and not what it should get for 12-14 hours continuously.

If you estimate the dawn-to-dusk intensity of sunlight as a triangle, the area under the curve is a roughly 1/2 X the peak intensity X the hours, so in order to match the "mass of photons" reaching the plant, your continuous light intensity should be roughly 50% of the peak recommendation.

estación seca 05-03-2016 12:17 PM

Katrina, you didn't mention the amperage rating on your circuit breakers on those electrical circuits. Most homes wouldn't be able to have that many lights on 1 or even 2 electrical circuits.

katrina 05-03-2016 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 802683)
Katrina, you didn't mention the amperage rating on your circuit breakers on those electrical circuits. Most homes wouldn't be able to have that many lights on 1 or even 2 electrical circuits.

I don't know or even understand all that electrical stuff but my neighbor is an electrician and he checked everything out and said I'm good. The lights aren't all on the same circuit so I guess that's why I don't have any trouble. Like I said...I don't get but he does so I know I'm ok.

At one point we did discuss the idea of running a separate box for the lights but the we would have to run new wiring and install sockets and everything and thinking about resale on the house...i dont believe that would be a good move. The next owners might actually want to use the space as it was intended.

We added a 2nd box for my husband's workshop so its always possible...just dont think i want to mess with it in the house.

estación seca 05-03-2016 02:13 PM

For others thinking of doing an electrical setup, first find out the amperage of the circuit breaker(s) that feed(s) the sockets you intend to use. Each fixture states somewhere how many amps it draws. Total those, and be sure this total amperage of your light fixtures does not exceed the maximum amperage rating of the circuit breaker(s). If you exceed the rating, the circuit breaker is supposed to trip, cutting off power to that circuit. If it doesn't trip your wires may overheat and cause a fire.

derv88 05-03-2016 11:40 PM

Thanks Ray, I do go back and forth on if it's too much or too little light. I read something from you, maybe in another thread, talking about light meters and the fact that the popular inexpensive meters are made for photography and the readings are unstable when you're continually adjusting for distance from plant to light, plant to light, and on.

The dark green leaf color is what is making me suspect too little light. I have a standard 6' x 4' wire rack with two light shelves - top shelf lit by 4 separate 48' t5h0's with attached reflectors, bottom shelf lit by 4 separate older t5h0's without reflectors (phal shelf). Recently added another rack @ 90 degree angle which has my 600w hps/mh setup, dialed down to 50%. Only warm growers under it, dens and a catasetum.

I really would like one of those expensive meters you mentioned that are more accurate for our application, but I also like being married. I am trying my best at having to use qualitative feedback when I really need quantitative feedback until I gain more experience with this hobby that is turning into a study.

The light meter jumps off the chart in the 5 digit range 4" under the hps light, so I have my dens right at the the outside edges of the light projection boundaries where my best measurements are coming in around 2500fcs to 3000fcs, which from what I'm reading on culture sheets, is in their light range.

I really don't know what I am doing though, and I'm totally fine admitting that. There is a lot to learn.

Ray 05-04-2016 09:39 AM

Show Your Light Set Up ( Please see details)
Distance from the lamps is your controlling factor. A 48" T5 on a 4' X 6' should can give you a high light zone in the middle, directly under the lamp, and low light toward the perimeter.

It wasn't me making the lite meter comments, but even without one there are alternatives.

Do you own a camera with manually adjustable aperture and exposure settings? If so, you can use that to measure the light level (check the free info at firstrays.com).

Nexogen 05-05-2016 06:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I think before you buy a specific product, you need to study a little what and how.
Perhaps use dedicated light for human consumption does not meet the needs of the plant.

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