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-   -   Buying bulbophyllum- any favorite? (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/bulbophyllum-alliance/86505-buying-bulbophyllum-favorite.html)

Helene 08-07-2015 01:01 PM

Buying bulbophyllum- any favorite?
My orchid society (I really recommend joining your local society if you have any) are importing plants. And the bulbophyllum are:

- Bulbophyllum careyanum mounted

-Bulbophyllum carnuculatum 13cm

-Bulbophyllum carunculatum x sulawesii 13cm

-Bulbophyllum dentiferum mounted

-Bulbophyllum echinolabum 13cm

-Bulbophyllum Elisabeth Ann Buckleberry FCC mounted

-Bulbophyllum Elisabeth Ann Buckleberry FCC 14cm

-Bulbophyllum graveolens 13cm

-Bulbophyllum mastersianum gelb mounted -

-Bulbophyllum nymphopolitanum 11cm

-Bulbophyllum retusiusculum mounted

-Bulbophyllum sikkimense mounted

-Bulbophyllum taiwanense mounted

-Bulbophyllum brevistylidium mounted

-Bulbophyllum dentiferum.

-Bulbophyllum helenae

-Bulbophyllum spec. (sehr klein)

-Bulbuphyllum lobbii- ceramic watertube

Any favorite?

(The Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis I'm gonna buy next year in Denmark. Didnt see it on the list anyway)
Pot size in cm, when not mounted. Flowering size.

What would you buy?
(Price range from 10 euros- 32,5 euros. Most 12,5 and 17,5 )

I really want some, but hard to decide- they have more than 400 on the list- of course some are the same, just mounted/pot- but still- its a lot of plants. I'm overwhelmed😜😎

JDT 08-07-2015 02:23 PM

One of each...

If I could I would buy every Bulbophyllum I could find, my wallet is thankful that there are some that will not live in my South Florida climate.

If I had to choose only a few on this list they would be;
Bulbophyllum carnuculatum 13cm
Bulbophyllum echinolabum 13cm
-Bulbophyllum Elisabeth Ann Buckleberry FCC mounted
Bulbophyllum carunculatum x sulawesii 13cm
Bulbuphyllum lobbii- ceramic watertube

Make sure you let us know which one you purchase!

disalover 08-07-2015 02:57 PM

I love mastersianum. Had one but killed it :(

Helene 08-07-2015 04:03 PM



I kinda like these as well:
But it seems to be a bit unsure what you really get?

This is awesome, but can't decide if its to pretty or not. I like it, but not sure- I like the orchids because of leaves and bulbs and roots- the flowers are just bonuses 😎

Kinda goofy and cute- I like this one. Lol, and it reminds me of the star-thingy in squarepants spongebob😂 (yeah, I have kids😎)

Preeeeetty💕 And kinda cool😎

Oh and this one:

Who am I kidding, I love them all- its mission impossible to make a decision😆

I'm kinda like this:

Oh and this one:
Not a bulbo, but sooo many cute orchids, and havent decided how many to buy yet...

(I'm sooo gonna be broke next month😂)

Mandy2705 08-07-2015 07:17 PM

OMG I would go with the Elizabeth Anna Buckley. It's beautiful. Have you seen the medusae or the facinator? Those are pretty cool too. I can't wait to see which one you end up getting. The ones you mentioned are all beautiful and great choices. I only have one bulb. It's cupreum, a cutting I received from another forum and it's finally growing a new growth :)

estación seca 08-08-2015 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Helene (Post 766842)
zillions of photos

Is this supposed to be like chumming when you go fishing?

Brooke 08-08-2015 03:21 PM

Helene the picture of the Bulb. Elizabeth Ann 'Buckleberry' FCC/AOS is my picture. Did the sellers use it to sell their plants?

https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2606/...e8e_z.jpg?zz=1Bulb Elizabeth Ann 'Buckleberry' FCC-AOS LUR_4604 by Jim Lurton, on Flickr

If you like leaves, pbulbs and roots I highly recommend this plant. Warning - it does get quite large when mature.

The leaves and pbulbs are not overly large but stay around for years. The pbulbs also grow fairly close to each other and do not ramble like some Bulbos. The fragrance on Elizabeth Ann is not "stinky".

The Bulb. echinolabium is a nice flower but it does "stink". Rotten fish and seaweed is what I smell.


Helene 08-08-2015 04:51 PM

Nooo- there was no picture- I posted a picture of what my google suggested. And then I was like- everyone can google, so then its a public picture.

I am sooo sorry- I can remove pic if you want? I just put it here if anyone else wanted to see how they look.

Thank you very much for the detailed information :)
Beautiful plant you have :)

Brooke 08-08-2015 05:00 PM

I'm not worried that you found the picture but I would be upset if a company was making money off of it.

I hope you end up with the Elizabeth Ann because it is a beautiful plant and an easy grower.

Good luck with whatever you decide.


Kevinator 08-09-2015 12:08 AM

Seeing how you are the type to like cute/fluffy things, I'd say you would like Elizabeth Ann and lobbii. I'm not too sure about the lobbii as there are hundreds of different forms but all can bloom from the rhizomes multiple times a year. Their scent isn't too bad either. My malacca form smells of barbecued meat. Taiwanense would also be a good choice due to its super small size and showy flowers but would like brighter light than the others. Personally, I would go for echinolabium even if I couldn't get the others due to its large sequential flowers but the smell may repulse you. I think it borders more on interesting than disgusting for some varieties.

Helene 08-09-2015 05:25 AM

I've never had bulbos before, but I really dont care about bad smell. Lol, that might change after smelling one😜😂

Pretty/fluffy- I like the long "threads" on the Elizabeth, same goes for medusa (but thats not on the list).

I really want a stinky one, just to smell one.

If they're not cute and fluffy- then I like the weirdos as well😎

Actually- cattleye are lovely flower, but somehow they look to elegant, to cute. Not sure why, but they just arent my cup of tea. (Never seen one in real life though)

I have enough space. Lol, I've just occupied a new room in the house for orchids- and next year I'm building a greenhouse.

Have 250w light- just in case. Got it from our farm- its growlight- but not led, so needs to be ventilated to keep the heat down.
For now all my orchids are inside in regular light from windows.

theloyalplum 08-09-2015 06:32 AM

My two cents, if I had a chance to grab all of them for a reasonable price, I'd do it. Forget the choosing and grab the lot. It's expensive enough, the shipping. Plus, quality bulbos are hard to come by, so even if it costs a pretty penny, just make spam fried rice for a week and forgo Starbucks for a bit, and it will pay off! :)

Helene 08-09-2015 06:40 AM

Lol- well, yeah, I can hear ya😎

But: I just bought 13 orchids to take home from vacation. And I am planning a new trip to the place I bought them- gonna buy a Bulbophyllum Phalaenopsis- and thats kinda Starbucks money for the next year😂😜

I wasnt planning on buying any- but I really want some spanish moss (dont have that in my country) and then I have to buy a couple more.

Meh, why did this arrive so shortly after me buying lots of orchids😑

But then again- its kinda like a early christmas present for myself? Right?

I'm addicted. Badly. Already.
But they are soooo cute, can't help it.

Helene 08-09-2015 06:43 AM

Yeah, add the cost of the trip- and the prize for the bulbophyllum phalaenopsis gets well…nothing I want to think about😂😎

(But its gonna be a trip with my hubby, so its a vacation for lovers without the kids. I just happened to choose the city next to the orchid-garden I went to😜 Smartass? Huh?)

estación seca 08-09-2015 10:51 AM

You have to calculate space - where are you going to put them during the winter when there's no sun? The light will get hot. You don't want it near your children.

Jade 08-09-2015 10:05 PM

Buying bulbophyllum- any favorite?
It's good to hear that you're not worried about how bad some bulbos smell, because B. Phalenopsis has the most terrible smell in the all wide world (like rot meat). Anyway did you ever considered a B. Medusae or a B. Vaginatum? They're very nice!

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JDT 08-09-2015 10:22 PM

I have yet smelled any of my Bulbophyllum even the phalaenopsis when it was in bloom, but with my sinus problems the only time I really smell anything is when something is burning in my oven, lucky me I guess.

Helene 08-10-2015 04:42 AM

This vendor doesnt have the medusa on the list- the medusa is on my list, though "orchids I really want to buy"😎

I did see a bulb.phalaenopsis on my trip in July- had flowers, but seemes like they had been flowering awhile. Didnt smell anything very strong. But I did decide that I'm going back, and then I'm gonna get one to take home. They are amazing- doesnt look pretty, but it looks yeah- a bit rotten with all those big bulbs and yeah- I just liked it😎

But: beacuse of the new trip I'm planning, I'm not gonna buy many from this import- its better to buy them when I can actually see them. And if I spend all my money on this import, there will be less money to spend on the trip.

I know, its kind of a luxury problem. But I have been stuck with Ikea orchids, and finally got a chance to see how many beautiful orchids there really is, so I'm sooo happy😎😃

So far:
Spanish moss
Bulbophyllum Elizabeth

And the rest- still looking.
Yeah- I could buy them all, and only buy the big one on my trip- but somehow I like to see them, before buying.

Lol, never had a plant delivered with mail. Looks fun though, opening the box, finding treasures inside😊

Helene 08-10-2015 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 767127)
You have to calculate space - where are you going to put them during the winter when there's no sun? The light will get hot. You don't want it near your children.

I've heard that "once bitten, twice shy" so I guess the kids will learn not to touch the light😎
Just kidding- I know, but its not that hot, its possible to adjust. And my kids are not that young. But of course: I always consider risks, that goes for plants that are dangerous to eat as well.

I have a room with racks, and I can put them in there, but for now they are just in normal lights. The problem is if I buy some that requires light all year, then I need room for them during winter.

But yeah, I know- one day I'll have to calculate everything- even maybe if I have room for new orchids, or even worse- give some up for adoption to get new ones😳😂
(I have a friend that I have infected with this strange urge to buy orchids and love them like babies, so guess she will help me if thats a problem😎)

Jackie26085 08-13-2015 06:48 PM

I recently purchased four bulbo, ambrosia that's supposed to nice smelling for $5 (7 leads), Rothchildianum 7-10 leads for $10 (a parent of Ann buckleberry), fascinator, and lasiochilum that's supposed to smell like strawberries. I just want to brag about the price I got. That's all. :)

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Trollsvans 08-14-2015 01:59 AM

A bit of boring advice:
Get only a few at a time, don't overcollect.

Because it's less gutwrenching when the plants don't thrive and just wither away.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I'd say start out with three or four new plants, give it half a year or more, then get the next batch.

Try lobbii, sikkimense and one more for starters.

ThePinkCucumber 08-14-2015 03:28 AM

Can't really comment on the bulbos (we only have one, for now :)), but I definitely recommend M. schunkeana - such a wonderful little plant, happy grower, and those blooms!

SaraJean 08-23-2015 05:37 PM

My goodness! I am still a new grower but these pictures are making me salivate! That Elizabeth Ann is heavenly and might be my next purchase:crossfing

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