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-   -   Spring 2015 plant project: FIRST VOTE! (PARTICIPANTS ONLY) (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/member-projects/84440-spring-2015-plant-project-vote-participants.html)

camille1585 04-15-2015 05:06 PM

Spring 2015 plant project: FIRST VOTE! (PARTICIPANTS ONLY)
I've finally finished going through all the suggestions, and thanks to your hard work (especially Melissa!) we now have a list of plants that meet criteria and are available in the US and EU, and in some cases other participating countries (though we didn't really look those up, not knowing the vendors there...)

Please vote for your top 5 favorites, and only if you have signed up to take part in the project! If you can't remember, the list is here:http://www.orchidboard.com/community...up-thread.html The poll will be open until sunday night.

Here are the plants. Because the IOSPE links often have pretty bad photos of them, I also included a link to photos of it.

Aerangis citrata IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Aerangis luteo-alba (var. rhodosticta) IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Amesiella monticola IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Cattleya intermedia IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Cattleya walkeriana IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Dendrobium aberrans IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Dendrobium cucumerinum IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Dendrobium laevifolium IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Dendrobium moniliforme IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Hadrolaelia group (Laelia dayana, jongheana, praestans, pulima, sincorana) : Hadrolaelia group photo overview

Leptotes bicolor IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Leptotes pohlitinocoi IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Oeoniella polystachys IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Podangis dactyloceras IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

Tolumnia (any) Google images

Cattleya aclandiae IOSPE PHOTOS Google images

shadytrake 04-15-2015 05:19 PM


C. aclandiae didn't make the list?

camille1585 04-15-2015 05:28 PM

I really don't know the 2 EU growers you listed and can't find much information about them. And I can't find it (larger than a seedling) anywhere else. I hesitated a long time to remove it or not. Too late now, I can't modify the poll...

---------- Post added at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 PM ----------

Actually now it's possible to edit polls! So I've added it back in :) You helped me so much with the research that you deserve to have a favorite included ;)

RandomGemini 04-15-2015 05:40 PM

I was really torn between Aerangis Citrata and Amesiella Monticola. Wow... what a tough call!

hiimisis 04-15-2015 06:03 PM

It's so hard to choose! I would be happy trying to grow any of these!

Mandy2705 04-15-2015 07:13 PM

1. Cattleya aclamdiae
2. Aerangis luteo-alba (var. rhodosticta)
3. Aerangis citrata
4. Oeniella polystachys
5. Cattleya Walkeriana
....oh that was tough, phew! Really these are all great orchids so I am excited for anyone of these to be chosen :)

shadytrake 04-15-2015 08:21 PM

Thanks, Camille!!!

dendro king 04-15-2015 08:22 PM

Leptotes bicolour and tulumnia.

I also don't see either of my plants?

shadytrake 04-15-2015 08:44 PM

It is a tough decision!!!

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 PM ----------


Woot!!! Voted!

Skycat 04-15-2015 08:45 PM

So far, Podangis dactyloceras seems fairly popular. I have quite a liking for a couple of the other ones, really, but also it would be interesting to get a genus I've never heard of before.

shadytrake 04-15-2015 09:20 PM

I am just so glad we were able to find enough plants to have a decent list of choices. Cost and availability can always be a challenge when you are doing a worldwide project.

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:08 PM ----------


Originally Posted by dendro king (Post 746089)
Leptotes bicolour and tulumnia.

I also don't see either of my plants?

Hi Jack,

Unfortunately the Grammatophyllum martae grows extremely large so it fell outside the size parameters of the project.

The Dendrobium amethystoglossum we were not able to find enough vendors in the USA who carried it in blooming size within the price parameters for the project. Sorry :(

RandomGemini 04-15-2015 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by dendro king (Post 746089)
Leptotes bicolour and tulumnia.

I also don't see either of my plants?

The grammatophyllum was ruled out due to the size of the plant. The rules for suggesting plants were limited to miniature/compact sized plants. The dendrobium amethystoglossum is just not possible to find for sale in the US, at least, not that I can tell. I looked myself because I figured I would order one and no one seems to have them.

dendro king 04-15-2015 10:06 PM

No that's okay I don't mind lol, some very nice orchids anyway! Id actually be happy to buy quite a few of the suggestions :D

disalover 04-16-2015 01:15 AM

south africa only has 5 good vendors and if the plant is not on one of them i doupt i wil ever find the plant. But most are for sale at the vendors

AussieVanda 04-16-2015 03:09 AM

Theres about 70 votes from 17 persons?

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

.......well now that i read it again you did ask to select 5. ......don't worry I'll slap myself :)

Skycat 04-16-2015 04:22 AM

When I was choosing what to vote for, I took into account what kinds of prices I could find for them. Google gave me no affordable results for Cattleya aclandiae, though, but since it was added on here, I guess some have been found?

camille1585 04-16-2015 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Skycat (Post 746180)
When I was choosing what to vote for, I took into account what kinds of prices I could find for them. Google gave me no affordable results for Cattleya aclandiae, though, but since it was added on here, I guess some have been found?

No need to research prices, we did all of that, and all the plants can be found for under $25 (usually under $20). Melissa (shadytrake) did the research on this one:


Originally Posted by shadytrake (Post 745925)
If I can add one more:

Cattleya aclandiae - I-W These can take a wide variant of temps, which makes them fun for projects. They are not big plants and bloom early.


Clown Alley: $20
Gold Country: $15
H&R: $25 (they have two types)
Exotic Orchids of Maui: $8-$35 (they have four types)
Orchids Limited: $50-$200 (they have some select types)
Orchid Shope: EUR27
Ecuagenera: $20 (they come to Redlands so you can preorder and pickup)
Orchid Species: GBP20
Marlow's: $39
Tropical Orchid Farm: $8
Olympic: $7
Seagrove: $20
Wilhelm Hennis: EUR12.50
Andy's: $25
Wichmann: EUR20
Tropic: EUR30
Woodland: $25
Claessen: EUR6.50 (seedling)

So indeed it can be found within the price limits in the US (there are EU growers mixed in there, but sadly for me most have seedling plants.... :( )

Skycat 04-16-2015 04:36 AM

Oh, awesome! Seems I had missed that post.

Google kept giving me results for some rare $50 cultivar. I was like "Nnnnnope!" :lol:

camille1585 04-16-2015 05:12 AM

I didn't have the energy to update the first post of that thread with all the new information Melissa posted...

shadytrake 04-16-2015 09:59 AM


Looks like a bit more than half have voted!


No-Pro-mwa 04-16-2015 12:09 PM

Gotter Done. Not an easy task.

Skycat 04-16-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by camille1585 (Post 746194)
I didn't have the energy to update the first post of that thread with all the new information Melissa posted...

Ah, no worries! You do have a lot of work already (and your dedication is very appreciated).

Bud 04-16-2015 04:46 PM

Here are my five choices:

Cattleya walkeriana
Dendrobium cucumerinum
Dendrobium moniliforme
Leptotes bicolor
Oeoniella polystachys

shadytrake 04-17-2015 10:13 AM

By my count, we have about 9 people left to vote.

LovePhals 04-17-2015 12:13 PM

astrid I see you voted, but I didn't see your name on sign up.. are you participating in the actual project?

My votes:
Dendrobium moniliforme
Dendrobium laevifolium
Cattleya intermedia
Cattleya aclandiae
Hadrolaelia group
All dens and catts! Was Den unicum hard to find for everyone participating?

No-Pro-mwa 04-17-2015 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 746542)
astrid I see you voted, but I didn't see your name on sign up.. are you participating in the actual project?

My votes:
Dendrobium moniliforme
Dendrobium laevifolium
Cattleya intermedia
Cattleya aclandiae
Hadrolaelia group
All dens and catts! Was Den unicum hard to find for everyone participating?

I don't know, I never heard. Oh well depending on what we finally pick perhaps we can get it as a traveling partner. :biggrin: I am really hoping that I will be able to at least get something else on my list of wants.

camille1585 04-17-2015 01:26 PM

I don't remember seeing Den unicum in the suggestions.

As to people voting who haven't signed up, unless they sign up in the meantime, I won't count the votes.

I'm happy and sad to see Catt aclandaie as the favorite. Happy because its beautiful but sad because if it wins in the final poll, I won't participate in the project. It's the only plant in the list which is not in Europe, except as a seedling.... :(

RandomGemini 04-17-2015 01:45 PM

Actually... how did that make it to the poll, camille? I am not seeing Cattleya aclandiae available for sale anywhere, except at Andy's and Andy's only has near blooming size plants. Not blooming size plants. Clown Alley also has them, but they are several years from blooming size. In fact, according to what I am seeing here, they are not available at blooming size in the US either...

camille1585 04-17-2015 01:55 PM

Check one of my posts earlier in this thread. Melissa did all the research on it and found several growers. I'm not familiar with many of them, but then again I'm not in the USA...

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

I didn't check the sites for plant size, I assumed she had done that. NBS is also fine, but nothing smaller

RandomGemini 04-17-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by camille1585 (Post 746567)
Check one of my posts earlier in this thread. Melissa did all the research on it and found several growers. I'm not familiar with many of them, but then again I'm not in the USA...

---------- Post added at 07:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

I didn't check the sites for plant size, I assumed she had done that. NBS is also fine, but nothing smaller

Yeah... only 5 of the vendors she listed had plants at NBS. 2 of them charge prices above the parameters for the project and have limited quantities only. So that leaves 3 that might have enough for the project. One of them was Andy's, but when I double checked, the listing for this plant seems to have been pulled. Maybe they sold out.. :( This is a total bummer because I do love that cattleya. What a gorgeous flower.

Leafmite 04-17-2015 02:34 PM

I did not see Cattleya aclandiae listed today on Andy's site (it was definitely there last week). Maybe it would be best for someone to call them and check. I got my seedling from Oak Hill Gardens but they are no more.

shadytrake 04-17-2015 04:22 PM


Remember this is not the final vote. This is the poll to narrow down. We will call/email the vendors to verify actual availability in the next round.

According to all of the research I did, these can bloom in 2" sized pots. Therefore I considered them BS.

I thought we agreed that the cost had increased in the USA to at least $25. It is extremely difficult to get some of these plants at BS for under $20.

H&R has 2 types to choose from (one NBS and one BS) Both are $25
Gold Country has BS for $15
Exotic Orchids of Maui has several types from $8 to $35
Seagrove has BS for $20

It doesn't matter to me one way or the other if you want to strike it. I just thought it made a nice addition to the list. I bow to the majority. :bowing

RandomGemini 04-17-2015 04:28 PM

Spring 2015 plant project: FIRST VOTE! (PARTICIPANTS ONLY)
The two vendors that were outside the scope had the plants listed for 40$ and 50$. I'm fine with whatever. I love the plant. Just want to be sure everyone can get one.

I am also not intending to create drama or step on toes. I apologize if that's what I've ended up doing as it's not what I intended at all. I really do appreciate your hard work on this project Melissa.

shadytrake 04-17-2015 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by RandomGemini (Post 746592)
The two vendors that were outside the scope had the plants listed for 40$ and 50$. I'm fine with whatever. I love the plant. Just want to be sure everyone can get one.

I am also not intending to create drama or step on toes. I apologize if that's what I've ended up doing as it's not what I intended at all. I really do appreciate your hard work on this project Melissa.

No worries! We still may end up striking in the final. Sometimes that happens. We think things will be available and then it turns out they are not.

Leafmite 04-17-2015 06:36 PM

Cattlleya aclandiae is a really nice orchid. I wouldn't mind getting a second one. I don't think I will go for the $200 one, though, at Orchids Limited. :)

shadytrake 04-17-2015 08:21 PM

Harry at H&R emailed me and said they have MANY MANY more than our projected project participants.

So that is good news there.

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 746599)
Cattlleya aclandiae is a really nice orchid. I wouldn't mind getting a second one. I don't think I will go for the $200 one, though, at Orchids Limited. :)

It does look tempting, but I'm not going to go for it either...LOL Not even as a TC plant.

Paul Mc 04-18-2015 09:05 AM

My votes are as follows:

Aerangis citrata
Aerangis luteo-alba
Cattleya aclandiae
Dendrobium cucumerinum
Podangis dactyloceras

shadytrake 04-18-2015 10:13 AM


No-Pro-mwa 04-18-2015 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by camille1585 (Post 746560)
I don't remember seeing Den unicum in the suggestions.

As to people voting who haven't signed up, unless they sign up in the meantime, I won't count the votes.

I'm happy and sad to see Catt aclandaie as the favorite. Happy because its beautiful but sad because if it wins in the final poll, I won't participate in the project. It's the only plant in the list which is not in Europe, except as a seedling.... :(

camille it was my suggestion and I listed venders but I didn't do them right. I wasn't sure of how to put in the sight so you could just click on it. then I did figure it out but it fine we had allot to chose from any way.

I didn't vote for the Catt aclandaie because I remembered you saying you could not participate if it was picked. Like shadydrake say's we still have the finale vote yet. I think we will all take into consideration that it would make you not be able to partake. But people that really want it can look and see if they can get it with the one we do pick.

Come on people I'm dieing here. I want to get on with the BIG vote!!!!!!!

RandomGemini 04-18-2015 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 746704)
Come on people I'm dieing here. I want to get on with the BIG vote!!!!!!!

This!!! I have to know what the winner is!!! I have to know! The suspense is killing me!

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