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-   -   Ok, admit it.....what have you bought lately 2015 edition!! (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/orchid-lounge/82520-ok-admit-bought-lately-2015-edition.html)

sbrofio 01-19-2015 07:54 AM

Ok, admit it.....what have you bought lately 2015 edition!!
Hi guys, here's the new thread for 2015 brand new 'chids!
Ok, let's start the list :)

I bought:

Angraecum aloifolium
Angraecum leonis
Coelogyne schilleriana
Cymbidium erythraeum
Cymbidium erythrostylum
Cymbidium iridiodes
Cymbidium lancifolium
Cymbidium qiubeiense
Cymbidium tracyanum
Dendrobium anosmum*
Dendrobium lituiflorum
Dendrobium findlayanum
Dendrobium parishii*
Vandopsis lissochiloides

Curious to read yours :biggrin:

AussieVanda 01-19-2015 08:00 AM

A nice steady start to the year...
Aeranthes grandiflora
Angellea (Angcm. leonis x Jum. major)
Renanopsis Lion's Splendor

sbrofio 01-19-2015 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by AussieVanda (Post 728014)
A nice steady start to the year...
Aeranthes grandiflora
Angellea (Angcm. leonis x Jum. major)
Renanopsis Lion's Splendor

Yes, looking forward to the internation show /and sell) near Rome at midlle April.

I can't find a pic of the flower of the Angellea, can you post me a link if you have it?

Pattywack 01-19-2015 08:26 AM

I have added three new ones so far and have another being shipped tomorrow. Even with the cold temps, Andy's did a wonderful job of shipping to me and all orchids are beautiful.

Stelis hirtzii, in spike and bloom
Platystele consobrina, beautiful plant
Trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes, so awesome!
Drockrillia lichenastrum to be shipped tomorrow

Atalah 01-19-2015 09:51 AM

Oh well, why not..::blushing:

Dendrobium Nobile
Neostylis Lou Snearly
Doritis pulcherrima
Oncidium Twinkle Chian Tzy Delight
Aerides vandarum (papilionanthe)
Oncidium Sharry Baby `Sweet Fragrance`

RandomGemini 01-19-2015 11:29 AM

I bought a second T5 light fixture for my orchid shelf! Does that count? LOL!

I am waiting for the orchid society's show in March to make any purchases, but I may make my way over to Seattle Orchid to see what they have that's miniature and cute.

ninja_phal 01-19-2015 02:49 PM

Dendrobium oligophyllum
Tolumnia genting orange

Gravelsack 01-19-2015 03:14 PM

Well, so far I've bought:

Bulbophyllum macranthum semi alba
Cattleya luteola

But the year is young.

ula 01-19-2015 03:42 PM

Nothing yet, not the right season here, but I'm gearing up :banana: for liftoff come March !
Update (so far):
Cycnd. Taiwan Gold 'ORCHIS' FCC/WOC
Cycnd. Taiwan Gold 'Taiwan Orange'
Neo. falcata
Neo. falcata 'Shutennou'
Masd. filaria
Den. trigonopus
Den. forbesii
Den. antennatum
Euchile mariae
Enc. cordigera var alba
Rhyncholaelia glauca
Oxystophyllum atropurpureum.

AussieVanda 01-19-2015 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by sbrofio (Post 728018)
Yes, looking forward to the internation show /and sell) near Rome at midlle April.

I can't find a pic of the flower of the Angellea, can you post me a link if you have it

Angellea (Angraecum leonis x Jumellea major) | Orchids Online

Only one I can find

dendro king 01-19-2015 04:36 PM

Yesterday from work I bought a big den. Lasianthera!
Dendrobium johannis
Rhynchostylis coelestis blue x pink
Rhynchorides black magic
Vanda onomea x san denna x patou ,flask
Aerides houlettiana, flask
Slc elusive heartbeat X , flask
Den. Biggibum pink x alba, flask
Den. Johannis x biggibum var compactum, flask
Rhy. Gigantia x retusa, flask
Dockrillia linguifolium, flask

That will do me for a while.... All that in 20 days 0.o

Ordphien 01-19-2015 05:04 PM

This thread always has me searching orchid pictures.
I got a platystele stenostachya, and aerangis punctata.

Bud 01-19-2015 06:04 PM

I started my year being given by a friend:

Schoenorchis gemmate (Asian hanging orchid)
Chiloschista yunnanensis (leafless cousin to the ghost orchid)

DeafOrchidLover 01-19-2015 07:12 PM

I got Kelpmax, recently. . Orchid, I like phalaenopsis, paph, cattleya(still new to me)... It's early to say.... Pretty cool what ya all got. I do have dendrobium anosmum, lit plant.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

My Green Pets 01-19-2015 09:37 PM

A friend bought me a noid yellow Vanda and a noid yellow Phal for Christmas. Then he called yesterday with two more noid discount Phals he had found.

"They looked so sad," he said.

I didn't want to be ungrateful but I went over to his house, fixed up the Phals as best I could, and ask him to keep them.

I don't want to start a noid hospital over here! But got to give him credit for trying to give them a good home!

NYCorchidman 01-19-2015 10:21 PM

Peace Lily, mid-sized one (I read it's great for cleaning indoor air)

English Ivy (the yellow variegated variety, so cute! also good for air cleaning I read)

Brassavola nodosa (2)
Phalaenopsis philippinensis

Paphiopedilum Doll Goldi
Paphiopedilum Fumi's Delight
Paphiopedilum charlesworthii seedings (2)
Paphiopedilum wenshanense (2)
Paphiopedilum bellatulum (2)
Paphiopedilum hangianum hybrids of various kinds.
Paphiopeilum complex hybrids (3)
Paphiopedilum Ma Belle in bud, yay!!!

Suri85 01-20-2015 02:30 AM

Dang! It's only January 20th and you guys already bought so many new plants!

The last thing I bought is a Broughtonia sanguinea aurea but I bought it on December 31st so technically it's a last year's purchase right?

Skycat 01-20-2015 04:01 PM

Got this beauty last week at the OS meeting. Was labeled Odcdm. catatante 'Orange Delight' (which, according to Google, doesn't seem to be a known thing; it just gives me results for 'Pacific Sunspots', but the guy I got it from, who was the speaker at the meeting, said that he likes to make his own hybrids instead of stuff that people can get anywhere else).

This is right after I brought it home


And this is today


Oh, and here's a Phal my mom brought home from Lowe's at the end of last year. It was going to be for my sister if she wanted it, but she didn't due to lack of space in her dorm room, so we kept it.


LovePhals 01-20-2015 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by NYCorchidman (Post 728174)
Peach Lily, mid-sized one (I read it's great for cleaning indoor air)

English Ivy (the yellow variegated variety, so cute! also good for air cleaning I read)

Brassavola nodosa (2)
Phalaenopsis philippinensis

Paphiopedilum Doll Goldi
Paphiopedilum Fumi's Delight
Paphiopedilum charlesworthii seedings (2)
Paphiopedilum wenshanense (2)
Paphiopedilum bellatulum (2)
Paphiopedilum hangianum hybrids of various kinds.
Paphiopeilum complex hybrids (3)
Paphiopedilum Ma Belle in bud, yay!!!

Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium are the best orchids for indoor air toxin removal but all plants helps with that!
As far as what I have bought this year.. I bought a Phal Noid at the grocery store but that is all so far. I have my eye on a few plants I am looking to get. I just bought a large rack for more orchids :evil:

FSUOrchids 01-22-2015 04:22 PM

Went to the Tamiami International Orchid Festival in Miami over the weekend (best show in the state), and bought:

-Lyonara Terrapoto (large division in bloom, 'schombocatt'
-Bl. Frill Seeker
-C. loddigesii x Mcp. bryciana (another 'schombocatt').

All are divisions.

Skycat 01-22-2015 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 728327)
Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium are the best orchids for indoor air toxin removal but all plants helps with that!

Well, now I feel even better about having 13 Phals in my room with my birds! :lol:

NYCorchidman 01-22-2015 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 728327)
Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium are the best orchids for indoor air toxin removal but all plants helps with that!
As far as what I have bought this year.. I bought a Phal Noid at the grocery store but that is all so far. I have my eye on a few plants I am looking to get. I just bought a large rack for more orchids :evil:

Really? I've never heard of that before.
You know, when you google air cleaning houseplants, the same article (but used by a number of different websites) comes up and explains how NASA did a study on it and made a list of TOP 15 or something.
None were orchids.

So, where did you read that phalaenopsis and dendrobiums are the best indoor air cleaning plants??

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------


Originally Posted by FSUOrchids (Post 728658)
Went to the Tamiami International Orchid Festival in Miami over the weekend (best show in the state), and bought:

-Lyonara Terrapoto (large division in bloom, 'schombocatt'
-Bl. Frill Seeker
-C. loddigesii x Mcp. bryciana (another 'schombocatt').

All are divisions.

I wish I was in South Floria this weekend for the show, but I am visiting a nursery hours down south and then there's Deepcut show in about two weeks. :biggrin:

Ordphien 01-22-2015 10:21 PM

Just got trichosalpinx chamaelepanthes, consantia cipoensis, and dendrobium parvulum blue.

Lorraine 01-22-2015 11:06 PM

New last week from the Tamiami Show:
Aranda Prapin Spot
Bro sanguinea var aurea x Bro sanguinea 'Star Splash'
Chysis bractescens
Ctna Capri Lea AM/AOS x Rth Fuchs Orange Nugget 'Robert' AM/AOS
Ctna Henry Wan 'Hamlyn' HCC/AOS

These three were trades for 3 of mine, met up with a friend at the show.
Eplc Don Herman
Lc. Mildred Rives 'Orchidglade' FCC/AOS
Blc Against The Wind

So far all are happy!

AussieVanda 01-23-2015 12:53 AM

Just ordered. ... .

Jumellea stenoglossa syn. Jumellea facilorchis

Betting that this one won't be found in too many private collections! (Not yet anyway) I'm pretty excited. Facilorchis was 1st described and seeds collected in 2013, but later clarified as syn. of stenoglossa in 2014.

dendro king 01-23-2015 04:30 AM

Today my local grower ( also my boss ) gave me a huge LC fireball waxy red that won $500 at a show once for $20!! And it's in bloom, also got a den. Primulum 'yellow lip' and ascada sunset x arachnis ishmal

$20 well spent!

Pattywack 01-23-2015 05:06 PM

I had won a Drockrillia lichenastrum or Dendrobium lichenastrum on EBay and it arrived today. Yeah! So cute and tiny.

LovePhals 01-23-2015 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by NYCorchidman (Post 728730)
Really? I've never heard of that before.
You know, when you google air cleaning houseplants, the same article (but used by a number of different websites) comes up and explains how NASA did a study on it and made a list of TOP 15 or something.
None were orchids.

So, where did you read that phalaenopsis and dendrobiums are the best indoor air cleaning plants??

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

I wish I was in South Floria this weekend for the show, but I am visiting a nursery hours down south and then there's Deepcut show in about two weeks. :biggrin:

Type in 'Wikipedia orchids cleaning air' in your search engine and you will find the (full) NASA Clean Air study... not just the top 15. Near the end of the list you find Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis are listed for being great for cleaning xylene and toluene from the air.
They are not the best, but the best of the Orchid family...

NYCorchidman 01-23-2015 06:25 PM

I see, thank you! :)

LovePhals 01-23-2015 06:28 PM

You're welcome! After seeing some of NASA's study's I became interested in the topic.

NYCorchidman 01-23-2015 06:35 PM

I used to have quite a few large phals, but now they are all gone. I do have some minis and one mid sized phal, though along with many dendrobiums. :)

Let them clean~~

dangerouseddy 01-26-2015 01:15 PM

got a bit carried away, where will I fit em when they grow bigger :)

Phalaenopsis Bellina (seedling) Round leaf
Phalaenopsis Tetraspis (seedling) -clumsy me broke off a leaf
Phalaenopsis Ipoh Super Star
Phalaenopsis violacea x penang girl
Phalaenopsis Equestris

Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi
Phalaenopsis tetrapis x Phalaenopsis bellina

full grown :-
Phalaenopsis luddemannia var woodlawn
Phalaenopsis violecea red

both from easy orchids, pity he's selling off his stock and shutting down :(

RandomGemini 01-26-2015 06:30 PM

Bought my daughter an Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance' yesterday. We're calling it her broke up with her first boyfriend and moving on orchid. :) She's wanted one for a while. I wish mine would hurry up! The scent is amazing.

AussieVanda 01-26-2015 11:40 PM

Neobenthamia gracilis on the way.......this one will end up in the garden Right outside the kitchen window.

801229001 01-27-2015 12:09 AM


sorry i was just too excited! Its been bloomed before and the owner showed me some very nice pics of the flowers!! this is like my 5th hangianum but the rest are seedlings.:biggrin::blushing:

sbrofio 01-27-2015 08:38 AM

Just ordered (pick up at the Show):
Byrsella (Masdevallia) caesia
masdevallia erinacea
pleurothallis marthae
schlimmia jasminodora
mormodes variabilis

lotis146 01-28-2015 04:21 AM

At a recent show I impressed myself and behaved (only because I know I need to save space and money for more and more shows):

Paph. Venustum x Sib (in bud, one fan)
Phal. Stuartiana (in spike)
Vuyl. Melissa Brianne 'Dark' (bareroot with two newer growths, maybe I'll get spikes this summer?)
Zglm. Louisendorf (in bloom with two spikes, third short spike on its way)

The latter is actually a confusing plant in terms of its name and registration. It is basically the same plant I already have, Zglm. Rhein 'Moonlight', if you look them up on RHS they have the same parents. Dunno how they do this but it's been done. Anywho wasn't going to get this plant, changed my mind at the last minute. Mostly I did because the one I already have is peloric (I love it actually) and this one is not. It's what the flower is "supposed" to look like. That said the second spike is actually on a second plant that happens to share the pot. This plant is partially peloric (pseudo-peloric??). It smells so nice, like a rose really. Which is funny now that I think about it because my Rhein 'Moonlight' has a much sweeter smell though it doesn't last as long in the day. I'm going to have to pay closer attention...

AussieVanda 02-01-2015 07:41 PM

Went out for a haircut, came home with Angraecum Veitchii and Angraecum sesquipedale.

Both young plants which will get repotted tomorrow. $10 each so I'm not complaining. I did still get my hair cut!

AussieVanda 02-02-2015 07:39 PM

My angrecoid magnet must be working, just picked up an Angraecum crassum.

Seedling size, think I'll try mounting it.

AussieVanda 02-04-2015 06:07 PM

Just ordered

Rangaeris amaniensis
Angraecum leonis
Angraecum compactum x magdalenae

I feel like a naughty boy sneaking lollies out of the jar!!!

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