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lotis146 04-23-2014 04:30 PM

New Hausermann's Splurge
10 Attachment(s)
Well, I did it, I went to Hausermann's almost two weeks ago. Wow! What an incredible place with an enormous number of Orchids. I'd have to say I encourage any other newbies who haven't yet to visit their local Orchid greenhouse (& Hausermann's if you're in that area).

While it was impressive it was also intimidating and eye-opening. This "adventure" gave me the chance to see whole plants, both in and out of flower. This way I got to experience what the plants would look like when their blooms were gone. In this way I was able to learn a bit more about the aesthetic I am going for. When buying plants online you see the flowers and sometimes the actual plant, maybe even with an object for scale, but it still isn't always the accurate representation you need when you're first starting out with Orchids (IMHO).

It can also be dangerous though if you have poor self-control & a bit extra to spend... Nonetheless, I got a bunch of plants, which are:

(Phal Minho Princess x Phal Lightning)

Attachment 98301
Attachment 98302

Phal. Taida Golden Lawrence #3

Attachment 98303
Attachment 98304

Dtps. Chia-Shing Focus '181'

Attachment 98305
Attachment 98306

Dtps. Chingruey's Goldstaff

Attachment 98307
Attachment 98308

Slc. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters' AM/AOS

Attachment 98299
Attachment 98300


lotis146 04-23-2014 04:42 PM

More from Hausermann's...
10 Attachment(s)
Dtps. Fusheng Sweet Paradise 'Golden Leopard'

Attachment 98309
Attachment 98310

Dtps. Jungo City

Attachment 98311
Attachment 98312

Dtps. Lianher Cranberry 'Red Bean'

Attachment 98313
Attachment 98314

Milt. Lennart Karl Gottling 'Hula Skirt'

Attachment 98315
Attachment 98316

Onc. Heaven Scent 'Redolence' (yummy sweet fragrance)

Attachment 98317
Attachment 98318


Leafmite 04-23-2014 04:46 PM

Wow! What lovely orchids you have found for yourself!
Congratulations on all the pretty blooms!

Fuzzy 04-23-2014 04:49 PM

These are gorgeous!! I'm jealous :)

VMStearns 04-23-2014 05:13 PM

Lovely, lovely, lovely.....I found the next "wish list" orchid. I especially adore the Slc. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters' AM/AOS.

It will take time, but I'm certain it will be added to my collection some day!

judith_arquette 04-23-2014 07:14 PM

Stunning! Congrats on the new additions :)

Bribri 04-23-2014 07:24 PM

Very pretty! I have an onc. heaven scent redolence in the mail, so I'm excited about that! This makes me want to go shopping again!

reliablefool 04-23-2014 07:25 PM

I keep looking at their Slc. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters' AM/AOS but haven't bitten the bullet yet. I've spent sooo much on orchids this year and I'm running out of room. >_<

Daethen 04-23-2014 08:56 PM

Very awesome group.

annabanana1987 04-23-2014 09:08 PM

The phaleasnopsis Taida Golden Lawernce#3 wow I need one of those in my life &hearts;¿
Also the Oncidium Heaven Sent ! Good luck growing and cant wait to see reblooms on your new babes !!

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

lexusnexus 04-24-2014 07:36 AM

Congrats on the haul! Gorgeous plants and blooms. I bought a few from them online and am very satisfied with them. I have to agree that going there in person would be the best. The pictures of the blooms on their site doesn't do justice the real plants and blooms.

No-Pro-mwa 04-27-2014 05:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)
You really did get some nice ones.

I have the Jewel Box Orange, I had a hard time deciding if I wanted the Dark Waters or orange. These blooms lasted a long time. I may just get the Dark Waters some time.

How big is your Dtps. Chingruey's Goldstaff? Did they say it was peloric? I saw this one on there and there picture if I remember looks just like the ones I gave my sister and mother. The one you have looks just like mine.

Mine is a noID I got as a just add ice orchid at Albersons. Here it is. I still haven't gotten a new picture but the second spike has 5 blooms open now.

lotis146 04-27-2014 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa (Post 674743)
You really did get some nice ones.

I have the Jewel Box Orange, I had a hard time deciding if I wanted the Dark Waters or orange. These blooms lasted a long time. I may just get the Dark Waters some time.

How big is your Dtps. Chingruey's Goldstaff? Did they say it was peloric? I saw this one on there and there picture if I remember looks just like the ones I gave my sister and mother. The one you have looks just like mine.

Mine is a noID I got as a just add ice orchid at Albersons. Here it is. I still haven't gotten a new picture but the second spike has 5 blooms open now.

It's definitely hard to choose between the various colors. At first I thought I was going to go even crazier and get 'Dark Waters' and an orange one and another artsy kind of blended one. I pulled in my reins and stuck with 'Dark Waters' and am glad I did.

My Goldstaff I would call an intermediate in terms of what I have witnessed in Phals. All of the others except the mini are pretty big plants but Goldstaff is medium. I think mine is a little bit bigger than yours. I will say that I'm not so familiar with the term peloric but I thought that's what mine was. They didn't tell me it was mind you, rather they had a lot of these on display and a handful of them were peloric, like mine and yours. I almost got both, and again exercised some discipline and got this one because I liked that it was a bit more unique. THAT SAID...I didn't know before what a terminal spike is...uh huh...now I do. Don't think you can see it in the picture and my silly self was rather excited to have found a plant growing a third spike! Yeah...no...then I jumped on here one night and read someone else's post about their plant sending up a terminal and they were worried. I looked at their pics and said, "Hey wait a minute..." and went and checked mine. So yeah...super pretty though! :blushing:

GardenTheater 04-27-2014 07:51 PM

Wonderful collection! Enjoy all those blooms!

LovePhals 04-27-2014 08:17 PM

I have to have that Dpts Chia-Shing Focus!! Sooooo pretty!!!

lotis146 04-27-2014 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by lexusnexus (Post 674504)
Congrats on the haul! Gorgeous plants and blooms. I bought a few from them online and am very satisfied with them. I have to agree that going there in person would be the best. The pictures of the blooms on their site doesn't do justice the real plants and blooms.


Originally Posted by lexusnexus (Post 674504)
Congrats on the haul! Gorgeous plants and blooms. I bought a few from them online and am very satisfied with them. I have to agree that going there in person would be the best. The pictures of the blooms on their site doesn't do justice the real plants and blooms.

You're right about the pictures not doing them justice, not that they aren't beautiful pictures. For me what I loved about seeing all the plants was two things: that I got to see how many they really had AND I got to see the WHOLE plant not just the flowers. This is huge for me as I'm learning what plants I'm really into. I love the flowers of the Cattleyas to the nth degree but I'm not so in love with the whole plant. I'm sure I would feel differently if I were in a warmer climate and they could be grown outside or if I had a greenhouse. It's really a great experience, IMO, the whole process of becoming an Orchid collector given that there are thousands of different plants. I quickly went from unintentionally keeping a mini alive for over 5 years though it never flowered after I got it as a gift to now owning I think it's 26 (?).

On that note, when I went to Hausermann's I was set on buying plants other than Phals. like I said before. I think I thought I was bored with them, like yeah okay I've had Phals, what else is there. I really wanted to learn about the others and was dead set on my desire for the Oncidium alliance. When I got there my senses were overwhelmed. They have amazing Oncidiums and hybrids, some with huge sprays of flowers, just incredible. Then they had all these Phals & Dtps I just couldn't ignore them nor could I ignore the fact that Phals are what I'm the most familiar with. Suddenly I had this "if it ain't broke don't fix it feeling". And then to have found some really unique individuals among all the others - those being Jungo City & the Princess & Lightning cross - I was sold, I had to get some more Phals, especially since their flowers were so big!

Of course now too I'm another collector sold on Paphs. I love the mottled leaves on some of them, they're so unique and their flowers are beautiful and weird. (Oddly enough I didn't get any while there.) Of course too I couldn't help but pick up a Miltionopsis. I love the deep red of 'Hula skirt' but also I like the compact, thin, lighter green leaves, it feels like such an elegant sophisticated plant!

All in all I walked away with a lighter wallet, a heavy load of Orchids, a more beautiful life, and many lessons. Another thing I've failed to pay attention to lately though is that I have a ton of plants right now blooming, in bud, and in spike...what about later in the year...?

So this is a long reply, yes but I'll admit selfishly that I've been looking forward to expressing my feelings about this trip further. I'm the only one I know close to me who is into Orchids, let alone collects any kind of plant, lol.

Thanks for your interest.

---------- Post added at 10:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Bribri (Post 674415)
Very pretty! I have an onc. heaven scent redolence in the mail, so I'm excited about that! This makes me want to go shopping again!

Congrats to you as well! I think you're going to be so so happy. I am very happy with this purchase, I think mine is the perfect size and it smells awesome! The flowers are super cute and like I said there are two more spikes up!


Originally Posted by reliablefool (Post 674416)
I keep looking at their Slc. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters' AM/AOS but haven't bitten the bullet yet. I've spent sooo much on orchids this year and I'm running out of room. >_<

Well then, I'm hesitant to reply!!! I don't want to be a bad influence (as I said elsewhere, I already need an Orchids Anonymous sponsor myself and I think this spree is proof or the fact that I still look at new listings on ebay...). It is so pretty though, look at it this way, if you don't have any other vibrant red flowers in your collection then you might...


Originally Posted by annabanana1987 (Post 674433)
The phaleasnopsis Taida Golden Lawernce#3 wow I need one of those in my life &hearts;¿
Also the Oncidium Heaven Sent ! Good luck growing and cant wait to see reblooms on your new babes !!

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

I almost missed Golden Lawrence to be honest with you. It's such an unassuming flower but when I did notice it, it just POPPED! So simple and pure, it's lovely.

Thanks again everybody! I'm so excited like a new parent to share my finds! Oh yes and today another of my previous ebay purchases bloomed. I bought a Zygopetalum Rhein 'Moonlight', showed up in bud with tag reading Zygosepalum, seller said was a typo, but low and behold the truth is in the flower and it is a Zygosepalum Rhein Moonlight. But it is a REALLY nice flower, very pretty and unique.

Cheers everyone to you and yours!

shushu45 04-28-2014 12:04 AM

What a nice selection there.

jkrobins 04-28-2014 10:00 AM

Dark Waters
If this is your first experience with SLC "Jewell Box" Dark Waters I can tell you that you will love it. I was given one from Hauserman's more than 20 years ago and after many repottings and divisions I probably gave away 20 plants. When I moved away from my greenhouse I brought two of them with me and they are still going strong (20 -25 flowers each in 2013) growing in a sun room. I repotted after that and kept one in bark and the other in s/h. Neither bloomed this spring but they both have several new leads and look healthy.

RosieC 04-30-2014 06:18 AM

Gorgeous, thanks for sharing your pictures!

LovePhals 04-30-2014 10:02 PM

I called Hausermann to try and purchase the Dpts. Chia-Shing Focus and was super excited about purchasing it- but he told me they don't have anything that isn't listed on their website. Which I don't think is accurate since it's probably hard to list everything. That was a big let down :( there was a few other plants I wanted to get with that one.

lotis146 05-05-2014 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by LovePhals (Post 675639)
I called Hausermann to try and purchase the Dpts. Chia-Shing Focus and was super excited about purchasing it- but he told me they don't have anything that isn't listed on their website. Which I don't think is accurate since it's probably hard to list everything. That was a big let down :( there was a few other plants I wanted to get with that one.

Aw sorry to hear that. They definitely have a ton of plants both on their website and in the greenhouse. It seemed to me when I was there that they had a lot more in house than online but I also didn't see any other Chia-Shing Focus, that was half of what appealed to me. Hopefully you're able to find one somewhere. I guess you've got a new addition to your wishlist.

Good luck!

AKNicolle 05-05-2014 11:59 PM

I love Hausermann's. The huge selection can be a bit overwhelming, but you're guaranteed to come away with some great plants, and a lighter wallet ;) Nice haul, btw!

Carpe Diem 05-06-2014 12:22 AM

So you took a U-Haul to Hausermans? :lol: You sure picked up some beauties!

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