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peeweelovesbooks 08-21-2013 09:45 PM

Come on admit it...what have you bought recently... come share!
We all do it. We say "NO MORE." Then it turns into, "Well, NO MORE UNLESS . . ."

There's always "THAT PLANT" that gets to you, that makes you reassess your plans.

For me, it's Laelia anceps. I hoard them like a miser. They are always comprise the biggest number of orchids in my collection. Followed by Grammatophyllum (lately) and then what I call the "weird/beautiful and I want to try and grow it group."

So, I'm confessing. I just got 1 Laelia anceps compot from S. Christofferson and I got another compot as a gift. I also bought a baby Vandopsis lissochiloides that, if it survives me, will hopefully bloom before I retire. Oh, and a Dendrobium longicornu--just because it was white and yellow and looked awesome, and because I want to expand my Dendrobium cred.

You're next.


kindrag23 08-21-2013 09:59 PM

Dendrobium nobile, phal hybrids, cymbidium....

TOMMYMIAMI 08-21-2013 10:37 PM

HAHAHA this is GOOD one, I said NO MORE in last 6 weeks probably like 100 times. Meanwhile, this is my list since 1 July till now: 5x Dendrobium Nobile (different colors), Dendrobium Aggregatim, Grammatophyllum Scriptum Citrinum, Cymbidium Hawaii Gold, Dendrobium gatton Sunray, Masdevallia Red Wing and Copper Angel, Dendrobium Unicum, 2x Oncidium, Phaius Tankervillae and Phaius Flavus, Dendrobium Heterocarpum (VERY CLOSE TO :tombstone: R.I.P now:-(((), Dendrobium Parishii, Dracula Lotox, Vanda Miss Joaquim, Encyclia Tampensis, 3x Cattleya, Encyclia Cochleata, Monnierara Millenium Magix, Dendrophylax Funalis, Leptotes Pohlitinocoi, Dendrobium Kingianum, Renathera Akihito Emperor, 2x Aerides Houlletiana, Vascostylis Pine Rivers, Zygonosia Blue water Sailing, 2x Haraella Retrocalla, Dendrobium Penquanum, Dendrobium Eriaeflorum, 3x Lepanthopsis Astrophora, Bulbophyllum Mocranthum, BulbophyllumRufinum, Bulbophyllum Sheryl Kurizaki, Bulbophylllum Pardolotum, Bulbophyllum Rosary Beads, Bulbophyllum Ambrosia, Rhynchodenia, Porpax Gigantea, Chiloschista Ramifera, and last Schoenorchis Fragrans. OHH, and this weekend it is MY LAST THIS YEAR (yeah like we do believe that), Habenaria Medusae, waiting just for seller to confirm and ship. WOW, you think I did went over????:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

hcastil3 08-21-2013 10:49 PM

This is my recent list of things........ I know its a bit overwhelming but.. I am... thats what makes me happy hahaha

Aerangis punctata
Aerangis thomsonii
Aerangis distincta
Angraecum didieri
Angraecum longicalcar 'Mem. Fred Hillerman'
Angraecum elephantinum
Angraecum urschianum
Plectrelminthus caudatus
Paraphalaenopsis denevei
Dendrophylax lindenii
Dendrophylax fawcettii
Chiloschista segawai
Chiloschista lunifera
Ansellia africana
SLC's Wendy's Redstone
Paph. Hsinying Rubyweb "Spotter"
Paph. Van Ness "Sprite" HCC/AOS
Pot. Free Spirit
L Anceps species
Bllra. Big Shot Hilo Sparkle
Encyclia belizensis SSP parviflora (Enc. Alata)
Rodriguezia batemanni "Especiosa"
Brassidium "Dragon Wings"
Cattleya "David Blue"
Trichocentrum Memoria Pepita de Restripa
2 Tingabarinum
Scaphosepalum Breve x Sub
Mini phal.
Phal. mannii
Phal. Ipoh super Star
Gomesa crispa
Cattleya purpurata
Cattleya dowiana v. aurea
Cattleya gaskelliana v. semi-alba
Dendrobium spectabile
Oeceoclades maculata
Phalaenopsis mariae
Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica
Phalaenopsis amabilis
Epi. oerstedii
Den. kingianum
Prosthechea cochleata

Leafmite 08-21-2013 10:49 PM

I haven't bought any all summer until ten days ago. I have eight new orchids: cattleya gaskelliana, angraecum didieri, amesiella monticola, phal stuartiana, phalaenopsis amabilis, phalaenopsis equestris, ludisia discolor and a tuberolabium woodii. :)

hcastil3 08-21-2013 10:50 PM

oh, not to mentions there are repeats there of a few, so .. it not just one of each....lol

Leafmite 08-21-2013 10:52 PM

Hcastil3, you've really picked up some great orchids! Love all the angraecums! :)

TOMMYMIAMI 08-21-2013 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by hcastil3 (Post 599519)
This is my recent list of things........ I know its a bit overwhelming but.. I am... thats what makes me happy hahaha

Aerangis punctata
Aerangis thomsonii
Aerangis distincta
Angraecum didieri
Angraecum longicalcar 'Mem. Fred Hillerman'
Angraecum elephantinum
Angraecum urschianum
Plectrelminthus caudatus
Paraphalaenopsis denevei
Dendrophylax lindenii
Dendrophylax fawcettii
Chiloschista segawai
Chiloschista lunifera
Ansellia africana
SLC's Wendy's Redstone
Paph. Hsinying Rubyweb "Spotter"
Paph. Van Ness "Sprite" HCC/AOS
Pot. Free Spirit
L Anceps species
Bllra. Big Shot Hilo Sparkle
Encyclia belizensis SSP parviflora (Enc. Alata)
Rodriguezia batemanni "Especiosa"
Brassidium "Dragon Wings"
Cattleya "David Blue"
Trichocentrum Memoria Pepita de Restripa
2 Tingabarinum
Scaphosepalum Breve x Sub
Mini phal.
Phal. mannii
Phal. Ipoh super Star
Gomesa crispa
Cattleya purpurata
Cattleya dowiana v. aurea
Cattleya gaskelliana v. semi-alba
Dendrobium spectabile
Oeceoclades maculata
Phalaenopsis mariae
Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica
Phalaenopsis amabilis
Epi. oerstedii
Den. kingianum
Prosthechea cochleata

Good One!

Silje 08-21-2013 11:28 PM

I only buy orchids (except NoID phals, but they don't really count - at least that's what I try to tell my hubby *cough cough*) 3-4 times per year. This is the list of my last purchase that I'll hopefully receive in a few days. In addition I also got some seeds and flasks.

I went on a phal shopping spree, and that's pretty unusual for me. I normally buy other orchids when I have the chance. But these have names! And are super cool! And was new stock, so I just had to. And I do well with phals so I thought I really should try some species and classic hybrids.

Cattleya aurantiaca 'Mishima Spot'
Paphiopedilum Night Shadow
Phalaenopsis amabilis var. aurea
Phalaenopsis Anna-larati Soekardii
Phalaenopsis Purple Martin
Phalaenopsis tetraspis "C1"
Phalaenopsis stuartiana var. nobilis
Phalaenopsis violacea var. coerulea
Phalenopsis cornu-cervi var. chattaladae
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Lobspis
Miltonia Guanabara
Neofinetia falcata
Hawkinsara Koolau Sunset 'Hawaii'
Laeliocattleya Sagarik Wax 'African Beauty'
Odontocidium Tiger Crow
Oncidumnia Kutoo
Brassavola nodosa

jeremyinsf 08-21-2013 11:41 PM

I *counted* today. I try not to do that too often. Either that, or add up the cost! But, today's count was 135. With two more, including a very, very large plant, ordered this morning. And another order pending somewhere else.

My friends tell me this is an extremely healthy hobby and have seen me to do a lot worse, and I should stop giving myself a hard time about how much I spend on this stuff.

The reality is, I really enjoy it, so I try to just roll with it. I just don't want to get to the point I have to rent a greenhouse here in SF.

RosieC 08-22-2013 08:13 AM

I hadn't bought any for a long time, then splashed out a couple of weeks ago :)

Bulbophyllum Valley-Isle Quuen (large plant with two spikes)
Masdivallia coccinea (in flower)
Masdivallia Copper Angel
Restrepia purpurea 'Rayas Vino Tinto' (in flower)
Oncidium globuliferum #2 (young plant)
Paphiopedilum rothschildianum (young plant)
Phragmipedium schlimii (young plant)

That brought my count over the 100 mark for the first time, current count is 102 but there are a couple of new keikis/divisions that I've not counted in that.

RebeccaBC 08-22-2013 04:56 PM

This week I got a Coel. cristata, a Sedirea japonica 'Minmaru', and a Neo. falcata x V coerulescens. I blame the enablers in the "Neo pots are nice Part 2" thread for the last two.. :D

HighSeas 08-22-2013 07:50 PM

Oooooh gosh. :blushing: It's my turn. My name is Janet and I am an orchid-holic. :shock: I keep saying NO MORE too....but the voices in my head say, "DO IT"! :evil: I need help.
I've fallen off the wagon so many times that. Actually...I'm not sure I EVER made it ON the wagon. :rofl:

Here are the recents:

Bulb. Medussae
Bulb. Worayuth White Fang
Grammatophyllum Citrinum.....uh....x2:biggrin:
Dendrobium Aggregatum (in a bag at Lowes)
Oncidium Splendidum x Cavendishiannum
Pot. Buranas Beauty

I'm SO ashamed. :rofl::rofl::rofl::evil:

peeweelovesbooks 08-22-2013 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by HighSeas (Post 599739)
Oooooh gosh. :blushing: It's my turn. My name is Janet and I am an orchid-holic. :shock: I keep saying NO MORE too....but the voices in my head say, "DO IT"! :evil: I need help.
I've fallen off the wagon so many times that. Actually...I'm not sure I EVER made it ON the wagon. :rofl:

Here are the recents:

Bulb. Medussae
Bulb. Worayuth White Fang
Grammatophyllum Citrinum.....uh....x2:biggrin:
Dendrobium Aggregatum (in a bag at Lowes)
Oncidium Splendidum x Cavendishiannum
Pot. Buranas Beauty

I'm SO ashamed. :rofl::rofl::rofl::evil:

You'll get addicted to Grammatophyllums....just sayin'. Before you know it, you'll have justified a speciosum. I speaketh from experience!


TOMMYMIAMI 08-22-2013 09:21 PM

All my orchid orders from online are taking forever to receive - shipping cycles are killing me, especially when page does not state them - so today I went to my supplier to get only some cork slabs, pots, wires, and other stuff, and from there drove to Mickey's Orchids in Ft. Lauderdale, I was thinking quite some time about this baby, so I got it, since I have not received this week yet one order (there are 2 or 3 arriving tomorrow:-) this is Stellamizutaara Kelly Lea, I just love that color, and I grab also Bc. Anne Hamilton, so they can keep company to each other in the car:rofl::rofl::rofl:

kindrag23 08-22-2013 09:33 PM

Absolutely gorgeous. My order from carter and holmes has yet to ship. I called and they stated that due to their new catalog releasing they were slightly backlogged...

Leafmite 08-22-2013 09:36 PM

Always great fun when the box arrives!

TOMMYMIAMI 08-22-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 599789)
Always great fun when the box arrives!

Isn't it! for last 8 weeks I had at least one (but mostly multiple) boxes every single week, except this week. I ordered from one website and missed shipping cycle day by one day, my order made on 31st July, the end of cycle 30th July, so I have to wait till end of August for these to arrive, last week I did order from other page, looked for shipping cycle, did not see any, it was Friday, and when asking this week, they said I again missed it last week and won' be shipped till next, oh well, at least few boxes arrives tomorrow for the weekend, yeeeeaa

Leafmite 08-22-2013 10:23 PM


jeremyinsf 08-22-2013 11:19 PM

kindrag23, how long have you been waiting for your order?

Ordphien 08-23-2013 05:45 AM

I've been really good lately.
Last month three NOIDS followed me home, a zygo, a mini cattleya, and a paph...
I got a den nobile Christina Princess... and Lc. Sagarika wax 'African Beauty' jumped in my cart a few days ago...
I'm fairly certain I'm off to buy two more orchids tomorrow.
But other than that I'm sort of lying in wait.
I have to get my bedroom in order first.

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kindrag23 08-23-2013 09:49 AM

About 10 days. It says on their their website during peak times during the year that they may be slower getting them out. I was surprised because I originally found them through amazon and I got my order in about 3 business days

awest 08-23-2013 10:34 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Lucky for for me the plants I'm after don't show up so often, but when I saw a Lycaste macrophylla on ebay (at a great price) I gave in. Then a Maxillaria schunkeana, Maxillaria uncata, and I would have had a Koellensteinia graminea. I was racing my computer battery and it died at 4:17 left in the auction.:shock:

I had never heard of Koellensteinia before, but now I will hunt that plant for the rest of my days.

Joyorchid 08-23-2013 11:11 AM

I really fell off the wagon this week. Got a sedirea japonica Fusamaru, then turned around and purchased a sedirea minmaru shima and chabo. My only species orchids and Most expensive to date. Sigh...

jeremyinsf 08-23-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by kindrag23 (Post 599891)
About 10 days. It says on their their website during peak times during the year that they may be slower getting them out. I was surprised because I originally found them through amazon and I got my order in about 3 business days

Good to know. I just placed my first order (ever) with them for four plants a few hours before you posted about waiting.

I guess other orders will arrive beforehand haha.

LizB88 08-23-2013 04:30 PM

4 Attachment(s)
what follow me home yesterday, when out to lunch, a Darwinara Charm "Blue Star" with a very sweet scent, and a Darwinara X Neofinetia "Rainbow". I lost the battle and off the wagon:rofl:

Oh! Wait, have to be honest with my self and others on Wednesday i got a Phal, P. Chiang Xen Sweet Valentine.

Joyorchid 08-23-2013 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by LizB88 (Post 599958)
what follow me home yesterday, when out to lunch, a Darwinara Charm "Blue Star" with a very sweet scent, and a Darwinara X Neofinetia "Rainbow". I lost the battle and off the wagon:rofl:

Oh! Wait, have to be honest with my self and others on Wednesday i got a Phal, P. Chiang Xen Sweet Valentine.

Oooooo.... I like that Blue star. :D

kindrag23 08-23-2013 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by jeremyinsf (Post 599910)
Good to know. I just placed my first order (ever) with them for four plants a few hours before you posted about waiting.

I guess other orders will arrive beforehand haha.

I ordered my phals from them and tthey all had to be repotted they were ready. The media was not my liking either. But they were in wonderful wonderful condition.

jeremyinsf 08-23-2013 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by kindrag23 (Post 599972)
I ordered my phals from them and tthey all had to be repotted they were ready. The media was not my liking either. But they were in wonderful wonderful condition.

I'm hopeful based on other feedback from this board. It can be hit or miss what "blooming size" and "NBS" means to any individual grower. I ordered for paph's.

kindrag23 08-23-2013 05:26 PM

Im waiting on a cym. And a phal hybrid...hopefully they will arrive soon

tropterrarium 08-23-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by awest (Post 599894)
Lucky for for me the plants I'm after don't show up so often, but when I saw a Lycaste macrophylla on ebay (at a great price) I gave in. Then a Maxillaria schunkeana, Maxillaria uncata, and I would have had a Koellensteinia graminea. I was racing my computer battery and it died at 4:17 left in the auction.:shock:

I had never heard of Koellensteinia before, but now I will hunt that plant for the rest of my days.

I'm with you on this one. Specialize on something obscure is a good way to control spending (unless there is this ridiculously priced, must-have species; oh yes, been-there-done-that). But if you specialize, you have to have multiples of each species; I usually get five of any I can find.

Koellensteinia are fun little plants. I had three, killed two. I found some at Santa Barbara Orchid Estate and one of the Hawaiian species vendors. Not replacing those, though, as they are not my specialty.

kindrag23 08-24-2013 04:53 PM

Okay I was just surfing online and found this Cymbidium Orchid Mighty Remus Enos on ebay.....I could not resist it was calling to me......soooo I ordered it....

TOMMYMIAMI 08-24-2013 05:39 PM

LOVE YOUR COMMENT - "ridiculously priced, must-have species". Must say, I had no STOP power in the past 2 months, spending really like crazy, and getting everything I found interesting, cool, new, either by reading this forum, or magazines, or internet. Till last week, when someone posted video in my Florida Orchid Growing group on FB - Dimorphorchis lowii in bloom. Yet again, I FALL IN LOVE, like immediately, and I decided it is MUST HAVE. Than, I searched and read, and I think it was truly the first time in months there were 2 things stopping me - price and growing process. The blooming size I found was between $500 to $1200, near bloom size was $120. This baby takes between 10-15 years to bloom for the first time. After that discovery, I gladly passed on this one:-)

kindrag23 08-24-2013 05:53 PM

@TOMMYMIAMI!! Holy moly I am with you 500 is a lot of money for one plant let alone. 1200! Yep I love orchids but man I dont have that kind of cash flow.

Leafmite 08-24-2013 06:03 PM

I ran out of space...helps quite a bit. I must find homes for a few of my other orchids to make room for the new ones.

TOMMYMIAMI 08-24-2013 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by kindrag23 (Post 600383)
@TOMMYMIAMI!! Holy moly I am with you 500 is a lot of money for one plant let alone. 1200! Yep I love orchids but man I dont have that kind of cash flow.

It truly is, we did talk about this somewhere already with other members, I did nit spend more than $100 for any of my orchids, and someone said, WAIT till later. I did reply no way I would pay hundreds or thousands and here we go, few weeks later I do find this gorgeous plant. I am still considering myself as beginner, so till the time I will master my plants, I will pass on this one, however there may be one day I will go for that near blooming size one, and will try to be patient and bring it to bloom one day:-)

kindrag23 08-24-2013 06:19 PM

@LEAFMITE I am sure there are several of us on here that would be willing to help you with that

---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ----------

@TOMMYMIAMI actually after posting that I remembered this thread, I even remember someone asking about various prices on it. haha.

brn_thmbs 08-24-2013 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Leafmite (Post 600385)
I ran out of space...helps quite a bit. I must find homes for a few of my other orchids to make room for the new ones.

Didn't you see the thread on suction cup hangers? :p

kindrag23 08-24-2013 06:30 PM

I did not but I must look into this I have several fabulous windows that I could use something like that for.

hcastil3 08-24-2013 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by TOMMYMIAMI (Post 600388)
It truly is, we did talk about this somewhere already with other members, I did nit spend more than $100 for any of my orchids, and someone said, WAIT till later. I did reply no way I would pay hundreds or thousands and here we go, few weeks later I do find this gorgeous plant. I am still considering myself as beginner, so till the time I will master my plants, I will pass on this one, however there may be one day I will go for that near blooming size one, and will try to be patient and bring it to bloom one day:-)

hahahahahah see I told you!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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