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-   -   Sophronitis cernua (Project 14 - Spring 2012) (http://www.orchidboard.com/community/member-projects/59304-sophronitis-cernua-project-14-spring-2012-a.html)

camille1585 04-27-2012 03:22 PM

Sophronitis cernua (Project 14 - Spring 2012)
Now that we have a winner, post your plants and their progress here. :)

As to where to get them, I've sent you all a PM, but here it is again:
J&L (30+ available)
Ebayer cshaz (24- posted on OB about it, with pics, see post #165 on this thread I don't know what else he sells.)
Botanica Ltd (has very few, some NBS, some blooming size divisions)

Correction about J&L, I should have gone back to double check my emails before posting/PMing, they have at least 30 plants!

Another US grower:

Originally Posted by zxyqu (Post 491534)
For some Phal growers, Al's site (: Home & FB Feed) says he has some for sale as well. $22.00 isn't bad, and he's always got some nifty stuff as well.

Hawaiian Botanicals: 4 left of Soph cernua, 5 of Soph cernua var mineira. Please do not buy both, there will not be enough for all if people do that.

Elsner, Akerne, Orchids&More

Have fun!!!!! :biggrin:

Zoi2 04-27-2012 03:28 PM

Thank you Camille, I'll order my little plant and maybe a TC or two:rofl:.

camille1585 04-27-2012 03:30 PM

I'm trying to decide where to buy mine, it all depends who has the best TCs!!

orchidsarefun 04-27-2012 03:34 PM

Well I have mine and I took it out of its aircone pot and mounted it on cork. It would be good to eventually get everyone's point of view on whether or not to mount - but I have noticed that it requires a daily watering/misting.

( and no I didn't pay for instant delivery, its a plant I got a while back as I thought it was cool and wanted it irrespective of it winning or not )

also meant to add a big thanks to Camille for all the hard work, it seems that everyone agrees as they made Monday the Orchid Queen Day !!:bowing

orchideya 04-27-2012 03:34 PM

Thanks Camille for all the work you did!
Too bad bulbo didn't make it, even worse - Hawaiian Botanicals don't sell it, otherwise it would be a perfect TC :).

camille1585 04-27-2012 03:57 PM

I think I'll get mine from Elnser. But now I have another problem; limiting the number of TCs! They have 10 orchids that I really want to get. I don't know how I'll pick!

Daenerys 04-27-2012 03:59 PM

ok, can someone tell me what "TC" stand for? I can't figure it out, and it's driving me nuts! ;-)

camille1585 04-27-2012 04:01 PM

Travel Companion!!! :)

orchidsarefun 04-27-2012 04:03 PM

travelling companion

Lana 04-27-2012 04:03 PM

So our orchids won't feel lonely during the trip :)

Daenerys 04-27-2012 04:04 PM

ahh got it. When you buy 1 orchid, and then add 6 more because of 'shipping' ?

Lana 04-27-2012 04:05 PM

Ok, ordered mine from Botanita LTD. Alone with Aerangis biloba (wanted this one for a while), Guairanthe aurantiaca "Marisa", and Promenea rollisonii "Grace". Yay!

camille1585 04-27-2012 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Daenerys (Post 491467)
ahh got it. When you buy 1 orchid, and then add 6 more because of 'shipping' ?

Exactly! You caught on quickly. :biggrin:

Daenerys 04-27-2012 04:33 PM

Ordered mine from J&L, resisting the urge to add any extra plants to that shipment. ::excited!::

pasojanice 04-27-2012 04:46 PM

Hi, I ordered mine and a TC which was number 2 in the poll. I wanted to make sure that our winner was not lonely! I can't wait to receive mine, make sure it feels at home here and get busy recording the progress (hopefully) with one and all!

The Mutant 04-27-2012 04:51 PM

I ordered mine from Orchids&More since it seems as if the Phal. stuartiana I really wanted as a TC is sold out at Elsner. :( It's there on their online shop, but according to the price list it's sold out. And it was sold out at the Swedish vendor I thought I could buy it from as well. Geez, someone don't want me to have a Phal. stuartiana apparently. :((

If you hear something that sound like a nuclear bomb going off from the direction of Sweden, you'll know that the stuartiana is sold out at Orchids&More too, so it's nothing to worry about. ;)

But let me say; yaay for the fact that the project will finally start! :dance:

Thanks Camille for pulling it off! :bowing

camille1585 04-27-2012 04:57 PM

I just checked the Elsner price list (pdf) and the there is a stuartiana listed as available, for 16€! It's the 12€ and 18€ ones that are sold out. Unless you meant the var nobilis?

I sent an email to Schwerter about the Soph, they have a ton of stuff off catalogue.

The Mutant 04-27-2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by camille1585 (Post 491492)
I just checked the Elsner price list (pdf) and the there is a stuartiana listed as available, for 16€! It's the 12€ and 18€ ones that are sold out. Unless you meant the var nobilis?

I sent an email to Schwerter about the Soph, they have a ton of stuff off catalogue.

Excuse me while I do this:


If I had used my eyes as they were meant to be used, I could have seen that they had P. stuartiana left, instead of buying from yet another vendor. I've received my Elsner order, and I'm very satisfied with the plants I got from them. Darn! And they had a Paph I wanted too. Oh, well, I'll come back to them again when I've managed to kill off some of my chids so that I have room for more. ;)

camille1585 04-27-2012 05:12 PM

LOL, seems like you are doomed to continue ordering!

pasojanice 04-27-2012 05:24 PM

:rofl: Gee, what a way to be doomed! Love it! ;)

nenella 04-27-2012 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by camille1585 (Post 491492)
I just checked the Elsner price list (pdf) and the there is a stuartiana listed as available, for 16€! It's the 12€ and 18€ ones that are sold out. Unless you meant the var nobilis?

I sent an email to Schwerter about the Soph, they have a ton of stuff off catalogue.

Camille I would be very interested in what Sch. have off catalogue if possible? merci d'avance

camille1585 04-27-2012 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by nenella (Post 491505)
Camille I would be very interested in what Sch. have off catalogue if possible? merci d'avance

Sure, I'll let you know! They have a huge amount of orchids that aren't listed online, so I wouldn't be surprised if they have the Soph. Hopefully they will reply tomorrow. But I'll still order from Elsner, they have 2 TCs I really want (Phal stuartiana, which Schwerter is sold out of, and Den Aussie Chip). For the Soph, if both have it then it depends which is cheaper.

kavanaru 04-27-2012 05:36 PM

Well, as mentioned earlier in the final poll thread, my S. cernua is coming from MSB orchids, and leaving Germany next monday :)
TCs (ok, these were actually pre-ordered and S. cernua is the true TC!):
C. aclandiae (very nice cross)
C. elongata alba & semi-alba :-)
Encyclia bractescens tipo & alba
and tomorrow or saturday, I will know whether Sopronitis alagoensis (very similar to cernua, but a warm grower and smaller as well) will jump in the box as well :-)

pasojanice 04-27-2012 05:39 PM

I must say that I really admire the rationale that is used when making purchases. I have to pay more attention to your thinking processes! Ah, I have so much to learn. LOL

bballr4567 04-27-2012 05:43 PM

J&L is closed already!!! Ugh. Oh well, I will order tomorrow morning.

camille1585 04-27-2012 05:59 PM

Since getting home I've been so busy looking at different growers websites and chatting on OB that I forgot to eat dinner.... Midnight now, guess I can have my midnight snack!

bballr4567 04-27-2012 06:02 PM


Im not getting a TC for the Soph though. I just cant find anything that jumps out at me from J&L.

Getting three other new orchids though so I'll be happy.

Paul Mc 04-27-2012 06:10 PM

ARGHHHHHH.... No one that I've called about having the Soph. has returned my calls yet. I'm dying here!!!! So many orchids to buy and so little time - and I've been dying to own an actual Dracula for years now!!! But which one to buy? I'm also looking at Masdie's, but I will only buy from the vendor who owns a Dracula that might do well for me in my environment and that I actually like - most I"m just not that into, but then again perhaps I just need to buy it and see for myself, LOL...

zxyqu 04-27-2012 06:18 PM

For some Phal growers, Al's site (: Home & FB Feed) says he has some for sale as well. $22.00 isn't bad, and he's always got some nifty stuff as well.

camille1585 04-27-2012 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by zxyqu (Post 491534)
For some Phal growers, Al's site (: Home & FB Feed) says he has some for sale as well. $22.00 isn't bad, and he's always got some nifty stuff as well.

Good to know, I'll add that to the initial post!

tcrane 04-27-2012 08:21 PM

Just ordered my from Al's, along with a Tacca chantrieri plant - I must be crazy for thinking I can grow this thing in my climate, but I've wanted one for quite some time. I'm also picking up divisions of the bulbos (because I'm smitten) from friends at the next SFOS meeting.

Camille, thank you once more for all of your hard work organizing this project! You did an incredible job and I'm looking forwarding to participating.


Daenerys 04-27-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by zxyqu (Post 491534)
For some Phal growers, Al's site (: Home & FB Feed) says he has some for sale as well. $22.00 isn't bad, and he's always got some nifty stuff as well.

Oh noes, you've unleashed a monster! I've been wanting a bunch of phals, but none of the vendors I've found so far have stocked many hybrids.... massive orchid attack incoming

Goods14 04-27-2012 11:28 PM

Camille, just a heads up. The link you posted about the Ebay post leads to the new private message page.

I'm assuming the Ebay post is in the project plant selections thread?

flhiker 04-27-2012 11:57 PM

Great Job Camille!! :clap:
I will be getting another one for the project but I have bought one from Andy's (he doesn't seem to have any left) about 4 years ago and it blooms every year for me. It's mounted on a piece of cedar. It does like to be watered 3 or 4 times a week minimum. I love the mini's and It's one of my favorites.

bballr4567 04-28-2012 12:13 AM

Will it do good on any type of wood? I'm thinking about getting a small piece of chollo wood for it.

flhiker 04-28-2012 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by bballr4567 (Post 491644)
Will it do good on any type of wood? I'm thinking about getting a small piece of chollo wood for it.

I don't see why not. If it is a hard wood you may need to water it more. Cedar is a soft wood and seem to absorbs water.

bballr4567 04-28-2012 01:09 AM

A local petstore always has polynesian driftwood but it's larger pieces so I don't want to use that for this plant.

s.kallima 04-28-2012 04:04 AM

I just realized, as I went thru all the posts about this spring project, that I never mentioned clearly that I wanted to be in! (sorry Camille!). I got involved in the plant suggestions initially and then was too busy to keep up with the discussion and the poll.
But today, as I was visiting Hawaiian Botanicals to look for rupicolous Laelia, I remembered that Sophronitis cernua was part of the spring project discussion... Thanks to the internet on the phone :evil:, I quickly checked how many fellow Canadians were in the project already, and how many plants were in the greenhouse...and the results were 6 members/9 plants... you see were I am going I suppose!

So I got a S. cernua var. mineira. I was hoping not all 6 members of the project were going to buy this variety, and if I was wrong, please let me know, I could go and exchange the plant!
I would love to be officially part of the project if you guys don't see any inconvenience with this :bowing
And of course as I went there first to look for rupicolous Laelias (Cattleyas nowadays), I also left with a cute little Laelia milleri :evil:

camille1585 04-28-2012 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Goods14 (Post 491634)
Camille, just a heads up. The link you posted about the Ebay post leads to the new private message page.

I'm assuming the Ebay post is in the project plant selections thread?

Very weird, I will change it! It's in the first poll thread.

Paul Mc 04-28-2012 08:53 AM

Yeah, I called Andy's a bit late yesterday and haven't heard back yet. I've got my order ready at J&L just in case! Can't wait!!!!

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